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This study aimed at testing a structural model of athlete flow in a sample of South African students. A quantitative, cross-sectional research design was implemented. Participants completed self-report measures at pre-arranged times that were in close proximity to the completion of athletic activity. Student athletes (n = 235) participating in South Africa's two major sports, football and rugby, were surveyed. The instruments utilised in this study included the Short Flow State Scale-2, the Questionnaire on Experience and Assessment of Work, and the Generalised Self-Efficacy Scale. The results indicated positive relationships between the variables and established predictor paths. Teammate relationships and self-efficacy were established to as the best predictors of flow experiences of athletes.  相似文献   
Research indicates that when confronted with a health threat, individuals high in both dispositional and comparative optimism employ a more avoidant style of coping than individuals high in dispositional but low in comparative optimism. We examined the hypothesis that threat distance moderates this interactive optimism association. In two studies, participants were randomly assigned to a looming or distant threat condition. Study 1 revealed that in the looming threat condition, participants high in both forms of optimism were more likely to minimise the threat and less inclined to seek additional health information relative to participants high in dispositional but low in comparative optimism. In Study 2, the same interaction pattern emerged on a measure of psychological abstraction suggesting these variables combine to alter broad information processing strategies. Implications for considering multiple forms of optimism when delivering health status information are discussed.  相似文献   
Abstract : Emotion regulation (ER) and coping strategies were compared in 242 pedagogical students from the Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, with different attachment styles: secure (51.3%), fearful (31.9%), preoccupied (14.2%), and dismissive (2.7%). The students’ ages ranged from 18 to 24 years ( M = 19.02; SD = .92), and the majority were female (95.0%). They completed three questionnaires assessing their attachment styles and their use of ER and coping strategies. It was determined that the students used the majority of ER and coping strategies sometimes. Somewhat different patterns in the use of ER and coping strategies were, however, present in each attachment‐based group. Significant differences between these groups appeared in their use of the ER strategies of social support, suppression, and comfort eating, and in the coping strategies of seeking social support and escaping or avoiding stressful situations.  相似文献   
采用感知教师支持、学习投入、学业自我效能感和成就目标定向问卷对498名高中生进行问卷调查,探讨感知教师支持对学习投入的影响,以及学业自我效能感和成就目标定向的链式中介效应。结果显示:(1)感知教师支持能通过学业自我效能感间接预测高中生学习投入,感知教师支持可以通过掌握趋近、表现趋近、表现回避间接预测高中生学习投入;(2)学业自我效能感→掌握趋近、学业自我效能感→表现趋近、学业自我效能感→表现回避三者分别在感知教师支持与学习投入之间起链式中介作用,学业自我效能感→掌握回避的中介效应则不显著。上述结果表明,感知教师支持不仅能分别通过学业自我效能感、掌握趋近、表现趋近、表现回避预测高中生学习投入,还能通过学业自我效能感和成就目标定向的链式中介作用间接预测高中生学习投入。  相似文献   
In Men and Their Religion: Honor, Hope, and Humor (2002), I proposed that men have two primary ways of being religious—the religion of honor and the religion of hope. I also proposed that because these two religions do not always have their desired outcomes, men have developed a third way of being religious, the religion of humor. In A Time To Laugh (2005) I have expanded on my claim in Men and Their Religion that if men have three religions—honor, hope, and humor—the greatest of these is humor. In the course of doing the necessary research for a book on humor, I acquired and read a few books and a host of articles that explored the psychological benefits of humor. While I did not report on these studies in the book, I believe they are relevant to the assumption that a religion will have psychological benefits for those who embrace it. This article therefore provides a review of empirical studies of the psychological benefits of humor in order to answer the question whether a religion of humor is likely to have psychological benefits and, if so, what these might be.  相似文献   
考试焦虑影响考试成绩的基本模式   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
田宝  郭德俊 《心理科学》2004,27(6):1360-1364
以整合的思路、建构包括九个中介变量的考试焦虑影响考试成绩的结构方程模型。用AM和MG两种路径分析方式相结合的方法.发现考试焦虑对中介变量的影响甚于中介变量对考试成绩的影响。考试自我效能感、成绩-接近目标、认知干扰是受考试焦虑影响和影响考试成绩程度比较一致的中介变量(简称为“一致性”的中介变量),成绩-回避目标定向、担忧、学习和考试技能变量屑于“非一致性”的中介变量。掌握目标定向、情绪性和应付反应作为中介变量不具有实际意义。  相似文献   
严瑜  赵颖 《心理科学进展》2020,28(5):844-854
随着辱虐管理产生破坏性影响的作用机制不断得到丰富和完善, 受辱虐下属选择特定应对方式的原因以及有效性成为未来辱虐管理的研究方向。基于人际拒绝的多动力模型, 梳理了在不同质量LMX的关系情境中受辱虐下属的应对方式, 并提出特定应对方式可能引起辱虐管理的恶性循环的假设模型。建议未来研究通过丰富下属的应对行为变量、增加人格和环境的调节机制以完善受辱虐下属的应对模型, 并以此为基础探究辱虐管理的消极互动机制, 为打破辱虐管理恶性循环提供理论支持。  相似文献   
研究目的在于验证班主任教师的班级管理效能感对学生学习态度等方面有正向预测作用及其对学生学业效能和学习态度间的关系具有调节作用的假设。通过对109个班级的班主任教师和3066名三到六年级的小学生进行问卷调查,多层线性模型(HLM)分析结果表明:(1)在控制学生性别影响时,学生的学习态度、学习方法和学习技术存在显著的班级水平差异;学生学业效能对学生学习态度、学习方法和学习技术有显著的预测作用,且这一影响强度存在显著的班级水平差异。(2)在控制教师所教年级的影响下,班主任教师班级管理效能的高低对学生学习态度、学习方法和学习技术的班级差异具有显著的预测作用,班主任教师班级管理效能感高的班级,学生学习态度越积极;(3)班主任教师班级管理效能感对学生学业效能与学生学习态度和学习方法之间的关系具有显著的调节作用,班主任教师班级管理效能感越高,学生学业效能对学习态度和学习方法的影响越弱,反之班主任教师管理效能感低的班级,学生学业效能感对学习态度的影响较大。  相似文献   
This study explores the effects of stress, trauma, coping and growth orientation on subjective well-being. Based on cognitive stress theory, it was hypothesized that adversity may contribute to increased or decreased well-being, depending on the subsequent meaning these experiences are given. Survey data from Norwegian UN/NATO veterans (N= 142) showed that stress and well-being were negatively associated (r=-0.20, p < 0.05) at the level of zero-order correlations. However, a full structural equation model revealed that the effect of stress on well-being was mediated positively through a problem-focused coping process combined with a growth component. Stress was negatively mediated through an avoidant-focused coping process and a distress component. The effect from stress was fully mediated in the model. The hypothesis that stress can produce both increased and decreased subjective well-being was confirmed.  相似文献   
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