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Economic and psychological studies have determined the tendency to improve cooperation in initial interactions in which people are required to contribute in public good games. The current study examined the behavioural changes of individuals during finite interaction times. Participants were invited to make decisions twice in a step‐level public good game, and their belief in achieving the collective interest was measured. Participants were divided into three groups based on their first decisions. Results showed that high contributors demonstrated high levels of contribution in their subsequent interactions, whereas low and equal contributors increased their levels of contribution after the initial interaction. Additionally, the cooperative level of low contributors increased along with their cooperative belief. The theoretical and practical implications of changes of behaviour and belief in repeated social dilemmas were identified.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to examine the role of the stimulus material for the prediction of later IQ by early learning measures in the Visual Expectation Paradigm (VExP). The VExP was assessed at 9 months using two types of stimuli, Greebles and human faces. Greebles were assumed to be associated with a higher load on working memory in comparison to human faces. IQ was assessed at 3 years and 4 months of age. Sixty‐four children participated at both assessments in this longitudinal study. The results show a moderation of the stimulus material on the prediction of IQ. With Greebles as stimulus material, a significant relationship between infants' learning and IQ was found. There was no relation when infants' learned in the VExP using human faces. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
刘耀中  窦凯 《心理科学》2015,(3):643-650
社会困境中的合作行为是通过抑制个体利益最大化的诱惑从而满足集体利益最大化的过程。研究采用囚徒困境游戏范式考察个体的合作行为,通过设置决策顺序操控人际控制感的高低,利用ERPs技术探讨了人际控制感影响合作行为的神经机制。行为结果发现:高人际控制感条件下个体做出合作行为的频率显著高于低人际控制感。ERPs结果发现:个体在高人际控制感条件下博弈时顶枕区所诱发的P2波幅更小,且右侧额区所诱发的N2波幅也更小。这表明被试在高人际控制感条件下感知到的不确定性更小,冲突控制水平更高,从而更能抑制利己诱惑,表现出更多的合作行为。  相似文献   
作为中国特色的农民医疗保障制度,中国农村合作医疗70年制度变迁,是适应中国宏观体制机制变迁的结果,是城乡二元经济社会政治体制向一元化体制机制战略转型的“活化石”。合作医疗的参保主体、基金筹集、管理经办和待遇支付等微观要素机制,分别与经济、社会和政治体制的变革耦合与适应,从要素制度的“渐进性”变革起始,牵一发而动全身,带动合作医疗实现整体性制度创新和变迁,构成了合作医疗制度演进和变迁的微观图景,并依此形成了中国农村合作医疗制度变迁的特色逻辑,为解决当下新农合与城居保制度“整而不合”的实践难题提供借鉴路径。  相似文献   
The recent declining rate in the discovery of new drugs has made natural product (NP) research—the traditional method of using living organisms to acquire drug candidates—regain its importance, despite the fact that it was once regarded as an obsolete method in the face of the exalted expectations about emerging new approaches since the 1990s. The concept of ‘resilience’ in scientific research provides a clue for understanding the dynamism of this rebound in research. Four elements may be highlighted in the context of microbial NP research in Japan: first, ‘institutional precondition’ is essential in the sense that the research must be rooted in an institutional complex involving academia, drug companies, and national policies. Second, the dual nature of the ‘attack from rival innovations’ including semiotic labeling and technical advances is examined. Third, four approaches to NP research are observed as responses to such challenges: (1) reevaluating the naturalness of NPs; (2) adopting various technical elements from their rivals; (3) shifting the emphasis from the practical pursuit of drug candidates to biological research using bioprobes; and (4) examining the uneven degree of resilience between academia and industry. Fourth and finally, NPs are viewed as an icon of cultural practice. This view may eventually open the door to questions about the meaning of ‘tradition’ in the context of general contemporary scientific research.  相似文献   
Sense of agency (SoA) refers to the feeling that we are in control of our own actions and, through them, events in the outside world. SoA depends partly on retrospectively matching outcomes to expectations, and partly on prospective processes occurring prior to action, notably action selection.To assess the relative contribution of these processes, we factorially varied subliminal priming of action selection and expectation of action outcomes. Both factors affected SoA, and there was also a significant interaction. Compatible action primes increased SoA more strongly for unexpected than expected outcomes. Outcome expectation had strong effects on SoA following incompatible action priming, but only weak effects following compatible action priming. Prospective and retrospective SoA may have distinct and complementary functions.  相似文献   
张为威  黄建平  宛小昂 《心理学报》2019,51(11):1219-1228
人们通过整合自身运动信息进行的空间巡航称为路径整合。本研究采用头盔式虚拟现实和分段式虚拟迷宫, 探究个体的预期如何影响其路径整合的准确性。任务要求被试从包含4个或8个路段的外出路径的起点出发, 行经所有路段后到达外出路径的终点, 再从终点直接返回起点。三组被试在实验前接受不同的指导语, 并因此对正确返航距离产生不同的预期。实验结果表明, 个体返回起点的行为反应受到外出路径特点的影响, 而且反应的准确性在实际情形违背预期时比符合预期时更低。这样的研究结果表明, 预期作为一种非感知觉因素而影响人们进行路径整合, 体现了人类路径整合的高度适应性和策略性。  相似文献   
企业员工知识分享行为的结构与测量   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
杨玉浩  龙君伟 《心理学报》2008,40(3):350-357
通过对52名员工访谈和217名员工的开放式问卷调查,经专家讨论,编制了适合中国文化背景的员工知识分享行为问卷。对407份有效问卷的探索性分析表明:员工知识分享行为是三因素结构,即分享质量、协同精神和躬行表现。为了进一步验证员工知识分享行为问卷的信度和效度,对428份有效数据的验证性因素分析证实了三维结构模型的合理性,说明基于中国文化背景下编制的员工知识分享行为问卷具有较好的信度和效度  相似文献   
农民合作组织介入下的新型农村合作医疗发展机制探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农民合作组织是一种自治性的民间社团组织。在新型农村合作医疗体系中,农民处于弱势地位,可以借助农民卫生合作组织来提升农民在新型合作医疗中自我服务、筹资和监督的能力。政府要加强调研,引导农民成立科学的农民卫生合作组织,保障农民健康权益和社会利益实现,促进新型农村合作医疗的可持续发展。  相似文献   
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