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为医学"会诊”-当代医学的主要缺憾   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
现代医学发展迅速,方兴未艾,由于技术主义抬头,认识局限与医学发展水平的制约。出现某些缺憾性倾向。主要有:破足的医学、分裂的医学。被动的医学、治标的医学、人性淡漠的医学、不公正的医学等。在对上述进行分析与评论的基础上,对医疗服务变革真挚进行了预测与展望。  相似文献   
"以德配天"的天人论思想以及"明德慎罚"的主张,是西周时期实施道德教化的理论前提和宗旨。从内容上看,这一时期的道德教化主要包括政德教化、王室教化和民众教化,其教化内容、方式与体制也各具特色,这对我国儒家德教思想、传统治国方略和蒙养教育等优良传统的形成和家训演进都产生了广泛而深远的影响。  相似文献   
In his writings on individuation Jung often references Eastern religions and philosophies such as Buddhism, Taoism, and Hinduism. This essay discusses differences and similarities between analytical psychology's concept of individuation, especially in its advanced stages, and enlightenment as expressed in such texts as Zen (Chan) Buddhism's Ten Ox‐Herding Pictures. I advance the argument that important common features can be found while cultural differences must also be respected. There is here a convergence between West and East that can foster dialogue and mutuality.  相似文献   
The aim of this article is partly to analyze and discuss the ritual traditions in the Norwegian context, called disaster services, which consists in ritualizing as a response to accidents and disasters. Furthermore, we find it relevant to understand these traditions in relation to two aspects of recovery: personal and social recovery. From a practical theological perspective, the new traditions are interesting for the understanding of how the churches work in situations where people have stressful experiences, and for developing an understanding of contemporary religion.  相似文献   
从诺贝尔医学奖获取教益   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对诺贝尔医学奖100余年获奖项目和获奖者的分析研究,发现创造性成果获奖多,基础研究成果获奖多,获奖者大多具有多学科的知识结构,获奖者大多出自一流的学术环境和获奖者都具有崇高的精神品质等特点.并且指出,我国要向诺贝尔医学奖迈进,就必须重视创造性、基础性成果的研究,必须重视和加强医学工作者和医学生创造性和综合素质的培养,必须营造有国际级科学大师引领的世界一流的学术环境.  相似文献   
本文结合裘法祖的相关论述,对裘法祖的误诊误治思想进行梳理勾连。认为裘法祖这一重要医学思想内涵是要勇于总结医学当中的误诊误治、老专家要“真心帮助青年人”,要学习国外经验,但也不能枉自菲薄,这一思想在当代医学医德教育当中有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   
新加坡医疗保障体系的特点及对我国的启示   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
新加坡的卫生状况在国际上处于较高水平,得到了世界卫生组织的较好评价,本文主要介绍了新加坡医疗保障体系在医疗费用的分担、体系的完善、资金的筹集方式和报销制度等方面的特点,并结合我国的具体国情和医疗保障体系的现状,总结了其对我国医疗保障体系建立和完善的几点启示。  相似文献   
贾林祥 《心理学探新》2007,27(2):16-18,43
潘菽对心理学的研究对象、心理学的学科性质、心理学的研究方法、心理学的理论研究与应用研究的关系等问题进行了系统、深刻的分析,为人们正确地进行心理学研究提供了重要的理论启示;他对心理学未来发展的预测,揭示了心理学与社会发展之间的关系,对心理学研究者也是一种莫大的鼓励。文章对这些问题进行了较为详细的分析。  相似文献   
There were two prevailing sentiments in Europe after the Reformation: One opposing papal authority and one advocating individual freedom. This paper analyzes these two sentiments and finds that the concept of conscience is crucial in understanding them. The issue of conscience is about judging truth and good, and in initiating the Reformation, Martin Luther heavily appealed to his conscience while countering Catholic attacks. With the wide dispersal of the Reformation, Luther’s notion of conscience was well received among his supporters throughout Europe. Descartes later transformed Luther’s conscience into an epistemological being (the cogito), and argued that its existence was the only valid thing that survived his thorough skepticism — and as such is the foundation of human knowledge. Rousseau continued this line of thinking, which we call subjectivism, and re-employed the term conscience as a replacement for cogito, holding that conscience is the final authority in judging good and bad; that, as the starting point of human existence, it cannot be withheld from any human being; and that it therefore constitutes an inalienable human right. This paper argues that the Enlightenment was a subjectivist movement propelled by this conscience-cogito-conscience conceptualization, and that it sought to enlighten this inalienable conscience. __________ Translated from Qiushi xuekan 求是学刊 (Seeking Truth), 2008, (1): 47–54  相似文献   
人工语法范式下内隐学习的脑机制及其教育启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人工语法范式是研究内隐学习实验的重要范式。利用脑成像技术的研究发现:人工语法范式下内隐学习发生时,额叶、枕叶、顶叶以及基底神经节与内隐学习有密切关系。该结果对当前教育教学产生一定启示,即教师要多给学生创造知识迁移的机会;培养学生的动手实践活动;重视学习过程中内隐学习与外显学习的先后顺序和有序结合。  相似文献   
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