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This study presents a demonstration of successful behavioral case consultation combined with case study methodology in the treatment of a 13-year-old female who presented with a brief history of psychogenic cough. Psychogenic cough is diagnosed when there is no organic or physiologic basis for the repeated, harsh coughing. We first present a brief review of treatments for psychogenic cough and then describe how we used differential reinforcement of low rate responding (DRL) and differential reinforcement of zero responding (DRO) within an A-B-C design. The DRL schedule produced significant decreases in coughing but plateaued at about one-third the baseline rate. Thereafter, a DRO schedule was employed which resulted in complete and lasting elimination of coughing. Discussion focuses on the limitations of case study methodology as well as its usefulness for conducting service related research in the schools, implications of some of the findings for practitioners, and other issues related to treatment.  相似文献   
A quasi-experimental replication of an intervention for promoting tobacco control policies in Northwest Indian tribes is described and the process of intervention including issues of collaboration among research institutions and Indian organizations is discussed. The policy intervention was evaluated using a pretest-posttest design wherein 20 tribes that had served as wait-list controls now received the intervention. The intervention comprised a tribal representative attending a kickoff orientation; follow-up visits to the tribes; distribution of tobacco policy workbooks; and phone call consultations. Policy status and stringency were assessed by means of telephone interviews with two key contacts per tribe, and by a count of enacted policies. There were significant pre-post changes in the primary outcome measure, a composite summary score of tobacco policy stringency, and changes were also reflected in enacted policies. The intervention effects observed were similar to those found in the prior randomized trial and suggest a robust, disseminable intervention. Much of the success achieved was attributed to the role of an Indian organization in planning the project and implementing the intervention and evaluation protocols.  相似文献   
This paper emphasizes working with the social component of the biopsychosocial model. A dual approach for renarrating dysfunctional community narratives and for changing the social process is described. This approach was applied to two cases of epidemics allegedly cased by mysterious environmental agents that occured on kibbutzim. The collective adoption of irrational beliefs is analyzed by using concepts from sociology and crowd psychology. The suggestive effects of the emotional contagion and of the preoccupation with a persistent belief are examined by applying the concept of monoideism. The epidemics were resolved by working in collaboration with the community. The intervention programs mobilized inner resources by helping the kibbutzim to adopt a more unified approach to their presenting problems, and by challenged them to face previously avoided more fundamental dilemmas.  相似文献   
对于限制/无行为能力患者的医疗决策采取代理决策模式,该模式奠基于社会习俗与习惯法。通常情况下,亲属能够更加准确地评判患者的个人价值取向和医疗决定偏好。但是,基于利益判断的主观性,代理决策中的道德冲突难以避免,其合理性辩护基于代理身份的合法性、“善意”与“患者利益”的标签、制度缺失,对于其批评在于代理者德性基础上的一致性不足。按照解决问题的逻辑进程,规避代理决策中利益冲突的方式有寻求共识的可能、临床伦理咨询与司法介入,其中伦理咨询与司法介入需要依托国家制度设计。  相似文献   
Psychoanalysts’ written reports on initial consultations are a window into the complexities of a crucial aspect of psychoanalytic work. However, systematic research in this area has largely focused on patients’ demographic factors or standardized measures. The present study looked at reports of all the consultations taking place at the London Clinic of Psychoanalysis over one calendar year (N = 100). The aim was to explore psychoanalysts’ different explicit styles of working and reporting as well as further understanding implicit processes used in thinking and writing about each particular consultation experience. A thematic analysis revealed a set of themes that related to a style of working and thinking about the consultation process as a dyadic experience, where the interaction, affective reactions and contact made between the two are the focus when thinking of making a recommendation for psychoanalysis. The majority of the reports had an open, exploratory quality. The writing of reports appears to give the analyst an opportunity to process the consultation experience and arrive at a more triangular position. Writing reports is a more valuable part of the consultation process than has formally been recognized and acknowledged. The limitations of this study as well as the relevance of these findings for future research are discussed.  相似文献   
Integrating scientific methods into school psychological practice is an essential tenet of effective service. In this article, we present two related examples that demonstrate methods by which to conduct high-quality intervention and consultation case studies with integrity. The present case studies utilized home note and consultation-based interventions to improve task completion and accuracy in mathematics for primary grade students who had demonstrated performance difficulties despite adequate intellectual ability and academic skills. Two sets of case studies were conducted. One involved the use of a home-school note implemented by parents and teachers in conjunction with a self-instruction manual. The second set of case studies used the home note and manual instituted in the context of behavioral consultation with parents and teachers. Both interventions (home-note-only and home note with consultation) increased math completion and accuracy in underachievers. Levels of performance were stable and differences between baseline and treatment conditions were statistically significant for consultation students only. Treatment integrity, maintenance of treatment gains, and consumer acceptability were also stronger in the consultation case studies. The implications for practitioners and future research are explored.  相似文献   
After expressing gratitude to each contributor, and briefly commenting on each, I probe several main themes of my work, addressing the question of the apparent difference between my earlier philosophical and later clinical writings. Central to both is the reflexivity of the human agent, and that each exhibits a form of practice regardless of the specific aims embedded in each. I then address the theme of narrative writing as my work has developed over the past several decades – at the heart of which are questions of self and integrity.  相似文献   
Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics - Living organ donation will soon become the source of the majority of organs donations for transplant. Should mentally handicapped people be allowed to donate,...  相似文献   
Organizational consulting offers opportunities to diversify one’s practice and increase one’s income, all the while reducing the frustrations associated with working with insurance and managed care companies. This paper describes one REBT therapist’s conception of the “personality” of any organization, a list of potential services to offer businesses, and a few practical suggestions to successfully transfer from the clinical office into the organizational world.  相似文献   
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