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by Robert Larmer 《Zygon》2009,44(3):543-557
Many contemporary thinkers seeking to integrate theistic belief and scientific thought reject what they regard as two extremes. They disavow deism in which God is understood simply to uphold the existence of the physical universe, and they exclude any view of divine influence that suggests the performance of physical work through an immaterial cause. Deism is viewed as theologically inadequate, and acceptance of direct immaterial causation of physical events is viewed as scientifically illegitimate. This desire to avoid both deism and any positing of God as directly intervening in the physical order has led to models of divine agency that seek to defend the reality of divine causal power yet affirm the causal closure of the physical. I argue, negatively, that such models are unsuccessful in their attempts to affirm both the reality of divine causal power acting in the created world and the causal closure of the physical and, positively, that the assumption that underlies these models, namely that any genuine integration of theistic and scientific belief must posit the causal closure of the physical on pain of violating well-established conservation principles, is mistaken.  相似文献   
The study sought to motivate college students to reduce the number of miles they drove each day and thus save gasoline. Students in two psychology classes were divided by class into two groups. The experimental group was offered various combinations of prizes such as cash, a tour of a mental-health facility, car servicing, and a university parking sticker for reducing driving. The value of the prize received was scaled in terms of per cent reduction in driving. The contrast group received no inducements. The condition in which the experimental group's mileage reduction was reinforced was counterbalanced by two baseline conditions. Several special recording procedures were used to reduce and detect the possibility of subjects altering their odometers, the source of the driving data. Experimental subjects reduced their average daily mileage by 20% relative to the initial baseline; the contrast group did not change. During the one-month reinforcement condition, the 12 experimental subjects saved some 170 gallons (worth $102) of gasoline.  相似文献   
The effect of fines for failure to conserve water during the California drought of 1976 to 1978 was evaluated in a retrospectively arranged multiple-baseline design across three San Francisco Bay area cities. The data indicated that, on a community level, significant savings of water occurred regardless of whether fines were introduced or not. However, on an individual level, fines appeared to have an effect on private, as opposed to commercial or industrial, consumers who had received at least one fine. The limitations imposed on these conclusions by the quasi-experimental nature of the design were highlighted. Possible reasons for water conservation in the absence of fines were discussed within the framework of stimulus control. It was suggested that an area for future research should be the delineation of stimulus parameters involved in producing behavior change in entire communities.  相似文献   
Suda C  Call J 《Animal cognition》2005,8(4):220-235
This study investigated whether physical discreteness helps apes to understand the concept of Piagetian conservation (i.e. the invariance of quantities). Subjects were four bonobos, three chimpanzees, and five orangutans. Apes were tested on their ability to conserve discrete/continuous quantities in an over-conservation procedure in which two unequal quantities of edible rewards underwent various transformations in front of subjects. Subjects were examined to determine whether they could track the larger quantity of reward after the transformation. Comparison between the two types of conservation revealed that tests with bonobos supported the discreteness hypothesis. Bonobos, but neither chimpanzees nor orangutans, performed significantly better with discrete quantities than with continuous ones. The results suggest that at least bonobos could benefit from the discreteness of stimuli in their acquisition of conservation skills.  相似文献   
Effects of television modeling on residential energy conservation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A combination of social marketing, communications, social learning (particularly modeling), and behavior analysis may provide an effective framework for behavior change via films and television. We used this approach in developing special television programs about residential energy conservation. The programs were tailored and directed to preselected middle-class homeowners (N = 150), and delivered over a public access channel of a cable TV system. The results indicated that after one program exposure (about 20 minutes), viewers adopted simple strategies modeled in the programs which led to savings of approximately 10% on their home energy use for a substantial part of the cooling and heating season. Although the potential benefits to costs of large-scale media efforts seemed great, institutional barriers for such programs were identified. Less expensive, more local programs seem more viable.  相似文献   
The ancient Maya city of Mirador, located in the northeastern corner of Guatemala's Maya Biosphere Reserve, is at the heart of a raging scientific and political controversy. On the surface, the conflict centers around the geological definition of a ‘basin’ surrounding the magnificent site. One side uses the existence of a basin—backed up by satellite images and analyses—to push for redrawing the boundaries of the reserve, arguing that the feature naturally delineates key archaeological and ecological sites and that current reserve management is failing the forests. The other side insists that there is no geological basin—a contention also backed by satellite images and analyses—and that redrawing the lines would undermine more than 20 years of conservation efforts. On both sides of the fight, rumors abound about secret agendas, manipulated data, backroom political deals, and other shady business. These conspiracy stories reveal how paranoid thought is simultaneously a powerful epistemology and a practical political strategy, both of which shape the production and interpretation of scientific facts. Rather than contrasting irrational political rumor with logical scientific fact, or considering the former as simply context for the latter, the case of Mirador demonstrates how the two are deeply entangled ways of acting on and making sense of a complex landscape.  相似文献   
李晓东  徐雯  李娜燕 《心理科学》2012,35(2):358-363
本研究的目的是检验完成潜逻辑运算类皮亚杰守恒任务是否需要认知抑制的参与。被试为两组11岁的儿童,全部通过了标准皮亚杰重量及液体守恒任务。实验一发现儿童在解决类皮亚杰重量守恒任务时出现了负启动效应,负启动量为138.06ms。实验二发现儿童在完成类皮亚杰液体守恒任务时仍然存在负启动效应,负启动量为67.4ms。实验结果表明要成功完成潜逻辑运算领域类皮亚杰守恒任务,也需要认知抑制过程的参与。  相似文献   
Charley D. Hardwick 《Zygon》2003,38(1):111-116
Three questions are addressed. First, concerning the definition of naturalism, I accept the characterization by Rem Edwards (1972) but insist on a materialist or physicalist interpretation of these features. Second, the distinctive characteristic of my religious naturalism is an argument that although a theological position based on a physicalist ontology is constrained by physicalism, the ontology itself does not dictate theological content. Theological content can break free of ontology if this content is valuational rather than ontological. Such a valuational theism becomes possible when Rudolf Bultmann's and Fritz Buri's method of existentialist interpretation is wedded to Henry Nelson Wieman's naturalist conception of God. The knowledge of God in events of grace, therefore, is rooted in moments of creative transformation that are themselves always transformative. This approach makes possible a better approach to the problem of objectivity than Bultmann could achieve. Third, concerning the chief issues facing religious naturalism today, I argue that religious naturalists should more forthrightly confront the issue of ontological materialism and that the most pressing issue concerns thinking out more fully the religious or theological content to be ascribed to such a position after the nature of naturalism is resolved.  相似文献   
为了比较分析保乳术和根治术的治疗成本和对乳腺癌患者预后的影响,从2002年1月~2005年6月湘雅医院乳腺科的乳腺癌资料库中,随机抽取64例I~II期乳腺癌分为保乳治疗组(A组,32例)和根治术组(B组,32例),并随访。结果显示,A、B两组全部药品费用分别平均为32474.11±16126.00元、35107.30±19352.71元,总费用平均为53959.64±22033.28元、53382.10±24042.87元。两组药品费和总费用均无统计学差异(P=0.556、0.921)。中位随访时间30个月,两组病例均无局部复发。A、B组远处转移率分别为6.25%、9.38%,两组无明显差异(P=0.641);Kaplan-Meier生存分析表明A、B组生存率分别为96.88%、93.75%,两组无显著性差异(P=0.4566)。保乳术患者对残乳的满意率为90.61%,认为保留了乳房后其对家庭和社会生活仍充满自信的分别占75%和87.5%;相反,根治术者仅占28.13%和40.63%;A、B两组有显著性差异(P=0.000、0.000)。由此得出结论,保乳术和根治/改良根治术两种治疗方法对I~II期乳腺癌患者的预后无差异,成本亦无明显区别,而保乳术明显提高了患者的家庭、社会生活质量。  相似文献   
在移动互联网和大数据时代, 通过定制化信息推动家庭能源消费行为变革是一个亟待解决的前沿科学课题。本研究通过对固定样本组被试进行长期的行为观察、深度访谈、焦点小组、个案研究和单被试设计, 基于扎根理论技术考察定制化信息的即期和远期作用, 探索定制化信息影响节能行为决策过程的路径和机制。整合横断设计和纵向设计两者特点, 本研究拟采用聚合交叉设计对6个实验组被试进行18个月的追踪实验, 运用方差分析检验同一实验组被试不同时期的节能心理和行为决策差异, 比较不同实验组被试在特定时点截面的横向(静态)差异; 运用多层线性模型检验不同实验组节能行为及其决策过程变动趋势之间的(动态)差异, 分析特定维度定制化信息框架的边际效应。在此基础上, 设计并论证定制化信息的优化路径、实施策略和组合应用构想。本研究拟构建定制化信息对节能行为决策过程作用机制的理论模型(信息呈现−心理机制−节能行为决策模型), 为探究定制化信息影响节能行为决策过程的作用机制黑箱提供理论支持和实验证据。  相似文献   
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