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Six rhesus monkeys were trained to self-administer orally delivered phencyclidine (0.25 mg/mL) and saccharin (0.03% wt/vol) under concurrent fixed-ratio 16 schedules. In Condition 1 the fixed-ratio requirement for phencyclidine was changed from 16 to 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 and 16 while the fixed-ratio requirement for saccharin deliveries remained constant at 16. In Condition 2 the fixed-ratio value for saccharin was systematically altered while the fixed-ratio requirement for phencyclidine remained at 16, and in Condition 3 the fixed-ratio requirements for both phencyclidine and saccharin were altered simultaneously. Water was then substituted for saccharin, and the series of fixed-ratio manipulations was replicated. The phencyclidine concentration was reduced to 0.125 mg/mL and Conditions 1 and 3 were repeated. When the fixed-ratio requirement for phencyclidine was increased and the fixed-ratio requirement for saccharin or water remained fixed at 16, phencyclidine deliveries decreased when saccharin (vs. water) was concurrently available. The magnitude of the decrease ranged from 20% to 90% (of the concurrent water condition) as the fixed-ratio requirement for phencyclidine increased from 4 to 128. When the fixed-ratio requirement for phencyclidine remained at 16 and the fixed-ratio requirements for concurrent saccharin or water varied between 4 and 128, phencyclidine deliveries decreased by 30% to 40% due to the concurrent availability of saccharin (vs. water). This decrease occurred only at the three lowest fixed-ratio values when saccharin intake was relatively high. When the fixed-ratio requirements for both phencyclidine and concurrent saccharin or water were varied simultaneously, phencyclidine deliveries were reduced from 20% to 45% when saccharin (vs. water) was concurrently present. There was little effect of reducing the phencyclidine concentration when the data were analyzed in terms of unit price (responses per milligram). Thus, changes in the fixed-ratio requirement or drug concentration were functionally similar, and unit price of phencyclidine was the variable that was influenced by the presence of concurrent saccharin. These data indicate that drug-reinforced behavior is substantially reduced when the environment is enriched with an alternative nondrug reinforcer. The economic context in which these substances are presented is an important determinant of drug-reinforced behavior.  相似文献   
Rats were trained on concurrent schedules in which pressing one lever postponed shock and pressing the other lever produced periods of signaled timeout from avoidance on variable-ratio schedules. These procedures generated high rates of timeout-reinforced responding and provided a baseline for studying the effects of drugs on behavior maintained by different types of negative reinforcement (shock postponement vs. timeout). Morphine (2.5 to 10.0 mg/kg) reduced behavior maintained by timeout at doses that increased or had no effect on avoidance responding. In contrast, d-amphetamine (0.125 to 2.0 mg/kg) produced large increases in timeout responding at doses that had minimal effect on avoidance in rats trained on variable-interval and variable-ratio schedules. Thus, the event-dependent effects of morphine, observed in previous studies in which timeout responding was maintained at low rates by interval schedules, were replicated with high timeout rates maintained by variable-ratio schedules. The effects of d-amphetamine could also be described as "event dependent" because timeout responding was stimulated more than avoidance regardless of the maintenance schedule or baseline rate.  相似文献   
Second-order schedules: discrimination of components   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Pigeons were exposed to a series of second-order schedules in which the completion of a fixed number of fixed-interval components produced food. In Experiment 1, brief (2 sec) stimulus presentations occurred as each fixed-interval component was completed. During the brief-stimulus presentation terminating the last fixed-interval component, a response was required on a second key, the brief-stimulus key, to produce food. Responses on the brief-stimulus key before the last brief-stimulus presentation had no scheduled consequences, but served as a measure of the extent to which the final component was discriminated from preceding components. Whether there were one, two, four, or eight fixed-interval components, responses on the brief-stimulus key occurred during virtually every brief-stimulus presentation. In Experiment 2, an attempt was made to punish unnecessary responses on the brief-stimulus key, i.e., responses on the brief-stimulus key that occurred before the last component. None of the pigeons learned to withhold these responses, even though they produced a 15-sec timeout and loss of primary reinforcement. In Experiment 3, different key colors were associated with each component of a second-order schedule (a chain schedule). In contrast to Experiment 1, brief-stimulus key responses were confined to the last component. It was concluded that pigeons do not discriminate well between components of second-order schedules unless a unique exteroceptive cue is provided for each component. The relative discriminability of the components may account for the observed differences in initial-component response rates between comparable brief-stimulus, tandem, and chain schedules.  相似文献   
Titration of schedule parameters by pigeons   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Pigeons were tested in a computer-controlled two-key chamber. A standard (nonchanging) schedule of reinforcement was in force on one key, and an adjusting schedule on the other. The schedules were available concurrently after each reinforcement, but after the first peck on either key (the choice peck), the schedule on the other key was made inoperative. The parameter of the adjusting schedule was decreased when the standard schedule was chosen and increased when the adjusting schedule was chosen. The standard schedule was changed only between sessions. Fixed intervals and fixed ratios were used as standard schedules, and intervals and ratios were used as adjusting schedules. When standard and adjusting schedules were of the same type, median parameters on the adjusting key equalled those of the standard schedules, at four values of each standard schedule. For four of five birds, and for the group median, similar curves could be plotted through the indifference points obtained from a standard ratio with an adjusting interval, and from a standard interval with an adjusting ratio. These points showed consistent individual differences, but they could be predicted by assuming that the median time from the choice peck to reinforcement should be the same on both keys. This is equivalent to treating the schedule as a concurrent chain and assuming that Herrnstein's quantitative law of effect applies.  相似文献   
Four crows were trained to key peck for food. Then, they were exposed to a positive response contingency that required them to peck the key when it was illuminated briefly (the trial) in order to receive food. This procedure resulted in consistent within-trial pecking. When the contingency changed so that food was presented at the end of a trial when no response occurred, but the trial terminated immediately and food was omitted when a response occurred (negative response contingency), responding decreased markedly. Eight pigeons were studied under the same change in contingencies. These birds varied in their response histories from naive to having several years' experience. The previously naive pigeons also showed rapid declines in responding under the negative contingency; the responding of the birds with extended training histories declined much more slowly. Eventually, however, six of the eight pigeons showed little or no responding under the negative contingency, while they responded consistently when re-exposed to the positive contingency. These findings question the power and the generality of the negative automaintenance phenomenon.  相似文献   
Yoked variable-ratio and variable-interval responding in pigeons   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Pigeons' key pecks were maintained by variable-ratio or variable-interval schedules of food reinforcement. For pairs of pigeons in one group, variable-ratio reinforcement was arranged for one pigeon's pecks; for the second pigeon, reinforcement was arranged according to a variable-interval schedule yoked to the interreinforcement times produced by the first pigeon. For pairs of pigeons in another group, variable-interval reinforcement was arranged for one pigeon's pecks; for the second pigeon, reinforcement was arranged according to a variable-ratio schedule yoked to the interreinforcement responses produced by the first pigeon. For each pair, the yoking procedure was maintained for four or five consecutive sessions of 50 reinforcements each. In more than three-quarters of the pairs, variable-ratio response rates were higher than variable-interval rates within two sessions; in all cases, the rate difference developed within four sessions.  相似文献   
The joint control of rate of key pecking in pigeons by stimulus-reinforcer and response-reinforcer relationships was studied in the context of a two-component multiple schedule of reinforcement. Food presentation was always associated with one component and extinction with the other. The stimulus-reinforcer relationship was manipulated by varying the relative durations of the two components. In the food-presentation component, a fixed rate of reinforcement, independent of rate of responding, was generated by a schedule referred to as “T*”. One aspect of the response-reinforcer relationship, contiguity, was manipulated by varying the percentage of delayed reinforcers. With the multiple T* extinction schedule, stimulus-reinforcer and response-reinforcer relationships could be varied independently of one another. Rate of key pecking was sensitive to manipulations of both relationships. However, significant differential effects due to either the stimulus-reinforcer or response-reinforcer relationship were obtained only when the other relationship was weak: stimulus-reinforcer and response-reinforcer relationships interacted in the joint control of responding.  相似文献   
Four pigeons were exposed to concurrent fixed-ratio, variable-interval schedules of food presentation. The fixed-ratio requirement was either 25, 50, 75, or 100 responses, with the variable-interval schedule parameter held constant at 4 minutes. A delay time was imposed between a changeover from one schedule to the other and subsequent food availability. The delay time was varied at each ratio requirement over four values; no delay, 0-second delay, 1.5-second delay, and 5.0-second delay. As the fixed-ratio requirement or the delay time increased, a greater proportion of the total responses and time spent responding occurred under the variable-interval schedule relative to the proportion of food deliveries under that schedule. Neither relative overall response rate nor relative time spent responding equalled the relative frequency of food presentation, as would be predicted by a linear “matching” model. Rather, these data were described by power functions with slopes of approximately 1.0 and intercepts greater than 1.0. In the terms of Baum's (1974) analysis, these deviations from linear matching represent bias in favor of responding under the interval schedule. Bias, as reflected in the intercept of the power function, was greater for the ratio of time than the ratio of responses.  相似文献   
Key pressing was maintained under a fixed-ratio schedule in which electric shock was scheduled for delivery at a fixed time (t seconds) after each stimulus onset, and every nth response terminated the stimulus and initiated a timeout from shock. Under this procedure, the higher the rate of responding, the briefer the duration of the stimulus presentation and the lower the frequency of shock delivery. The effects of several schedule parameters were studied to determine whether the maintenance of responding was dependent on an inverse relation between response rate and shock frequency. Shock rate and shock frequency were made independent of response rate by decreasing the value of t to 0.5 second and delivering shock only during the first presentation of the stimulus after a fixed time, including stimulus and timeout durations, had elapsed since the previous shock. The experiments showed that shock frequency and response rate are inversely related when t is of relatively long duration compared to the value of the fixed-ratio parameter, but that a decrease in shock rate or frequency due to a high rate of responding is not necessary for the maintenance of responding under a fixed-ratio schedule of stimulus termination.  相似文献   
Pecks against a stuffed pigeon were reinforced according to a fixed-interval schedule for one group of pigeons and a variable-interval schedule for a second group. Red and green stimulus lights were alternately illuminated. Subsequently, food deliveries no longer occurred during one color (extinction). In the presence of the other color, food was presented only when no attack occurred for 30 sec. When attack produced food, all pigeons generally exhibited characteristic fixed-interval or variable-interval response patterns. Two birds in each group frequently exhibited postreinforcement schedule-induced aggression. Attack was reduced to low levels at approximately the same rate by extinction and differential reinforcement of other behavior. For birds that had previously exhibited schedule-induced aggression the initial reduction of attack during the second experimental phase was followed by induced attack immediately after food delivery in the differential-reinforcement-of-other-behavior component and upon onset of the extinction component, Either extinction or differential reinforcement of other behavior may eliminate reinforced aggression but may be relatively ineffective for reducing induced attack.  相似文献   
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