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已有动物和人类研究均表明, 通过记忆的再巩固更新机制能有效削弱新形成的条件性恐惧记忆(1天), 并且存在线索选择性特点。然而创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)往往在形成相当一段时间后才能得到治疗, 且现实生活中人们通常一次习得对多个线索的恐惧。因此找到针对多线索创伤记忆的有效治疗方法显得尤为重要。目前未有人研究远期恐惧记忆的再巩固更新机制是否存在线索选择性特点。为探究远期恐惧记忆(>7天)的再巩固更新机制是否同样存在线索选择性特点, 本研究采用被试内实验设计, 以皮肤电作为恐惧反应指标, 多个线索作为条件刺激进行恐惧习得, 习得14天后给被试单独呈现一个线索进行恐惧记忆提取, 10分钟后进行消退训练, 24小时后对不同线索进行自发恢复测试。结果显示:未提取线索的自发恢复程度显著高于提取线索。说明远期记忆(14天)的再巩固更新机制同样存在线索选择性特点, 并确认了提取消退作为一种行为手段对远期恐惧记忆再巩固进行干预的有效性, 对临床干预具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   
Choice between single and multiple delayed reinforcers.   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Pigeons chose between alternatives that differed in the number of reinforcers and in the delay to each reinforcer. A peck on a red key produced the same consequences on every trial within a condition, but between conditions the number of reinforcers varied from one to three and the reinforcer delays varied between 5 s and 30 s. A peck on a green key produced a delay of adjustable duration and then a single reinforcer. The green-key delay was increased or decreased many times per session, depending on a subject's previous choices, which permitted estimation of an indifference point, or a delay at which a subject chose each alternative about equally often. The indifference points decreased systematically with more red-key reinforcers and with shorter red-key delays. The results did not support the suggestion of Moore (1979) that multiple delayed reinforcers have no effect on preference unless they are closely grouped. The results were well described in quantitative detail by a simple model stating that each of a series of reinforcers increases preference, but that a reinforcer's effect is inversely related to its delay. The success of this model, which considers only delay of reinforcement, suggested that the overall rate of reinforcement for each alternative had no effect on choice between those alternatives.  相似文献   
Observing behavior in a computer game.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Contingencies studied in lever-pressing procedures were incorporated into a popular computer game, "Star Trek," played by college students. One putative reinforcer, the opportunity to destroy Klingon invaders, was scheduled independently of responding according to a variable-time schedule that alternated unpredictably with equal periods of Klingon unavailability (mixed variable time, extinction schedule of reinforcement). Two commands ("observing responses") each produced stimuli that were either correlated or uncorrelated with the two components. In several variations of the basic game, an S-, or bad news, was not as reinforcing as an S+, or good news. In addition, in other conditions for the same subjects observing responses were not maintained better by bad news than by an uninformative stimulus. In both choices, more observing tended to be maintained by an S- for response-independent Klingons when its information could be (and was) used to advantage with respect to other types of reinforcement in the situation (Parts 1 and 2) than when the information could not be so used (Part 3). The findings favor the conditioned reinforcement hypothesis of observing behavior over the uncertainty-reduction hypothesis. This extends research to a more natural setting and to multialternative concurrent schedules of events of seemingly intrinsic value.  相似文献   
Two experiments with pigeons examined the relation of the duration of a signal for delay ("delay signal") to rates of key pecking. The first employed a multiple schedule comprised of two components with equal variable-interval 60-s schedules of 27-s delayed food reinforcement. In one component, a short (0.5-s) delay signal, presented immediately following the key peck that began the delay, was increased in duration across phases; in the second component the delay signal initially was equal to the length of the programmed delay (27 s) and was decreased across phases. Response rates prior to delays were an increasing function of delay-signal duration. As the delay signal was decreased in duration, response rates were generally higher than those obtained under identical delay-signal durations as the signal was increased in duration. In Experiment 2 a single variable-interval 60-s schedule of 27-s delayed reinforcement was used. Delay-signal durations were again increased gradually across phases. As in Experiment 1, response rates increased as the delay-signal duration was increased. Following the phase during which the signal lasted the entire delay, shorter delay-signal-duration conditions were introduced abruptly, rather than gradually as in Experiment 1, to determine whether the gradual shortening of the delay signal accounted for the differences observed in response rates under identical delay-signal conditions in Experiment 1. Response rates obtained during the second exposures to the conditions with shorter signals were higher than those observed under identical conditions as the signal duration was increased, as in Experiment 1. In both experiments, rates and patterns of responding during delays varied greatly across subjects and were not systematically related to delay-signal durations. The effects of the delay signal may be related to the signal's role as a discriminative stimulus for adventitiously reinforced intradelay behavior, or the delay signal may have served as a conditioned reinforcer by virtue of the temporal relation between it and presentation of food.  相似文献   
In Experiment 1, three pigeons' key pecking was maintained under a variable-interval 60-s schedule of food reinforcement. A 1-s unsignaled nonresetting delay to reinforcement was then added. Rates decreased and stabilized at values below those observed under immediate-reinforcement conditions. A brief stimulus change (key lit red for 0.5 s) was then arranged to follow immediately the peck that began the delay. Response rates quickly returned to baseline levels. Subsequently, rates near baseline levels were maintained with briefly signaled delays of 3 and 9 s. When a 27-s briefly signaled delay was instituted, response rates decreased to low levels. In Experiment 2, four pigeons' responding was first maintained under a multiple variable-interval 60-s (green key) variable-interval 60-s (red key) schedule. Response rates in both components fell to low levels when a 3-s unsignaled delay was added. In the first component delays were then briefly signaled in the same manner as Experiment 1, and in the second component they were signaled with a change in key color that remained until food was delivered. Response rates increased to near baseline levels in both components, and remained near baseline when the delays in both components were lengthened to 9 s. When delays were lengthened to 27 s, response rates fell to low levels in the briefly signaled delay component for three of four pigeons while remaining at or near baseline in the completely signaled delay component. In Experiment 3, low response rates under a 9-s unsignaled delay to reinforcement (tandem variable-interval 60 s fixed-time 9 s) increased when the delay was briefly signaled. The role of the brief stimulus as conditioned reinforcement may be a function of its temporal relation to food, and thus may be related to the eliciting function of the stimulus.  相似文献   
Pigeons were presented a concurrent-chains schedule of reinforcement that had terminal links of equal duration. The initial links of the schedule were periodically interrupted by 15-s periods during which an extinction schedule was in effect. The extinction periods were presented on either a response-contingent or a noncontingent basis. Relative response rate for the left alternative decreased when the extinction periods were accompanied by the left terminal-link stimulus. Relative response rate for the right alternative decreased when the extinction periods were accompanied by the right terminal-link stimulus. Relative response rate varied inversely with the frequency of presentation of the extinction periods but was unaffected by presence versus absence of the response contingency in the schedule of extinction-period presentation. Furthermore, relative response rate was unaffected by presentation of extinction periods accompanied by a novel stimulus. When the extinction periods were presented after reinforcement in the left terminal link instead of as interruptions of the initial links, relative response rate for the left alternative was reduced if the postreinforcement extinction period was accompanied by the terminal-link stimulus for the left chain and reduced less if the extinction period was accompanied by the terminal-link stimulus for the right chain. The results demonstrate that the correlation between the terminal-link stimulus and extinction influenced the relative response rate in the initial link.  相似文献   
A molecular analysis of choice on concurrent-chains schedules.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Six pigeons responded on concurrent-chains schedules with either independent or interdependent equal variable-interval schedules in the initial links and unequal variable-interval schedules, always in a 2:1 ratio, in the terminal links. Relative response rates in the initial links increased across conditions as initial-link duration was shortened and decreased across conditions as terminal-link duration was shortened, replicating previous findings. Responses in the initial links were recorded in 5-s bins, and local or molecular relative response rates were calculated in order to ascertain how relative response rate varied as a function of time since the onset of the initial links. Two distinct molecular patterns were found. With interdependent initial links, relative response rates for the preferred key were elevated for the first 10 or 20 s of the initial links and then declined to an asymptotic value. With independent initial links, a negative recency effect was found similar to that reported by Killeen (1970). These two molecular patterns were related to the different momentary reinforcement probabilities resulting from independent and interdependent scheduling.  相似文献   
Three experiments used concurrent-chains procedures to examine the effects of reinforcement delay, number of reinforcers, and terminal-link duration on preference. In Condition 30 of Experiment 1, food was delivered after 30 seconds in each 150-second terminal link, with four additional food deliveries occurring at 30-second intervals in one of the links. In Condition 5, food was delivered after 5 seconds in each 25-second terminal link, and the four additional reinforcers were delivered at 5-second intervals. Preferences for the multiple-food chain were greater in Condition 30. In Experiment 2, the terminal link(s) providing only one reinforcer terminated immediately after delivery of the reinforcer. Preferences for the multiple-food chain were smaller than in Experiment 1. In Condition 5 of Experiment 3, food was delivered after 5, 75, 100, 125, and 150 seconds in one 150-second link and after 5 seconds in the other. Condition 50 differed only in that the first (or only) reinforcer in each link was delivered after 50 seconds instead of after 5 seconds. Preferences for the multiple-food chain were greater in Condition 50. Results of Experiments 1 and 2 do not correspond to results obtained by Moore (1979).  相似文献   
Experiment I demonstrated positive behavioral contrast in rats when one of two qualitatively different reinforcers (milk and pellets) was removed from a component of a multiple schedule. The contrast effect was larger and more enduring when milk was removed. Experiment II showed that the rats spent more time on the side of a shuttle-box on which milk was freely available than on the side on which pellets were freely available. Experiment III, a partial replication of Experiment I, failed to demonstrate the contrast effect of Experiment I. Experiment IV demonstrated contrast when two topographically distinct responses, nose-key poking and lever pressing, were required in different components of a multiple schedule. These results extend the conditions that generate behavioral contrast in rats.  相似文献   
Positive practice overcorrection has been shown to be effective in reducing stereotypic self-stimulatory behaviors displayed by retarded and autistic individuals. In addition, the procedure also may increase the occurrence of appropriate behavior through intensive practice. In the present study, several stereotypic and one appropriate behavior (appropriate toy play) displayed by two autistic children were measured before and during treatment by a positive practice in appropriate toy play overcorrection procedure. Overcorrection was introduced for each of the targeted inappropriate behaviors in succession for both children. Results showed that overcorrection reduced all stereotypic behaviors displayed by both children. In addition, one subject displayed marked increases in the behavior practised during overcorrection, appropriate toy play, relative to its baseline rate of occurrence. The results indicate that for some individuals, overcorrection may be effective in teaching and motivating appropriate forms of behavior as well as in reducing stereotypy.  相似文献   
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