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Research has established relationships between the personality dimensions of neuroticism and BIS and broad negative emotional reactivity. However, few researchers have examined the relationships among neuroticism, BIS, and discrete negative emotional reactivities. The present study examined whether individuals scoring high on neuroticism and BIS were more reactive across four discrete negative mood inductions, relative to those scoring low on these traits. Participants (n = 166) completed personality questionnaires, measures of current mood, viewed a specific mood-inducing film clip (sadness, anger, fear or disgust) and then reported their moods a second time. Results revealed that neuroticism/BIS was associated with high reactivity to the fear and sadness inductions. Neuroticism/BIS did not predict anger or disgust reactivity, but neuroticism/BIS and extraversion/BAS interacted in predicting anger. Although further research is needed to extend generalizability, it appears that neuroticism and BIS predict negative emotional reactivity broadly, but not ubiquitously.  相似文献   
系统考察在控制目标与非目标颜色特征属性的条件下, 动态非注意盲中视觉系统是否存在对分心物的抑制机制。实验一为基线实验, 将目标与非目标设置为相同的白色圆形, 考察被试对不同颜色特征(白色或者黑色)新异刺激的觉察情况; 实验二和实验三通过改变目标与非目标的颜色特征, 进一步探讨视觉系统对分心物(包括非目标和新异刺激)的抑制机制。结果发现, 视觉系统对干扰目标追踪(并计数)任务的分心物均产生抑制作用, 并且不同颜色特征的分心物受到的抑制作用不同, 与目标颜色特征相同的分心物受到的抑制作用较大, 相应新异刺激的觉察率低; 与目标颜色特征区分明显的分心物受到的抑制作用较小, 相应新异刺激的觉察率较高。  相似文献   
以随机点立体图为实验材料,采用三维空间线索-目标范式,将刺激呈现于同一视野位置以排除眼跳因素干扰,通过观察有意注意倾斜平面和无意注意倾斜平面与测试平面间的方向一致性和角度一致性对检测平面加工的影响,探讨了注意在不同倾斜平面间的转移是否产生返回抑制。结果表明:(1)以视差线索构造的三维视觉空间中,存在与注意有关的返回抑制效应;(2)无意注意加工能导致返回抑制,注意引导平面比无意注意平面引起更大的抑制效应。本研究的结果支持Posner返回抑制是由注意转移所致的观点  相似文献   
本研究采用陌生实验室的录像观察考察了中国2~7岁儿童行为抑制性的发展,并且采用教师评价量表报告了儿童7岁时的学校适应,采用父母填写儿童行为调查表CBCL来测查儿童7岁时的问题行为,从而考察了儿童2~7岁的行为抑制性对其7岁时的问题行为和学校适应的预测作用。儿童2岁时,共有208名儿童参加了这项追踪研究,4岁时,由于被试拒绝参加、搬家或失约,共有176名儿童参加了实验室的录像观察。7岁时,共有124名儿童参加了实验室实验和学校教师的评价,并且父母对7岁儿童的问题行为进行了报告。同时参加2、4、7岁研究的儿童为66人,其中男孩为28人,女孩38人。协方差结构模型分析表明:儿童2岁时的抑制性水平越高,7岁时的学习问题越少;儿童4岁时的抑制性水平越高,7岁时的攻击行为越少,挫折耐受力、任务定向能力越强,但同时抑郁问题也越多。而7岁时的抑制性可以边缘显著地预测儿童7岁时母亲所报告的退缩问题,即7岁时抑制性水平越高,母亲所报告的退缩问题越多。而且,本研究还发现女孩7岁的抑制性水平越高,任务定向能力和果断的社交技能越差。男孩2岁的抑制水平越高,任务定向能力越强;男孩7岁时抑制水平越高,攻击行为越多。  相似文献   
两个实验采用语音材料考察了词表表达方式下听觉通道的定向遗忘效应以及相应的机制。实验一中,采用2(组别)×2(词表)混合实验设计获得了听觉通道的定向遗忘效应,但是较为模糊,部分数据显示可能是额外的被试个体差异导致的;实验二中,采用2(性别)×2(词表)×2(条件)×2(科系)混合实验设计,严格控制了被试个体差异等因素,获得了较清晰的定向遗忘效应,且支持提取抑制理论。  相似文献   
为探明个体对自我信息的反应抑制神经机制,记录了被试在完成面孔识别的停止信号任务时的脑电信号。神经振荡结果显示,反应任务中,加工自我面孔引发了更大的同步化δ节律和去同步化β节律;停止任务中,自我面孔引发了更大的去同步化β节律,特别在大脑前额区和中线上。表明,自我信息的反应抑制优势发生在抑制控制阶段,在于增强的β节律的去同步化促进了运动准备,提高了后续的动作抑制的速度。  相似文献   
The purpose of the current study was to examine the relationship between behavioural inhibition (BI) and anxious symptoms within a diathesis-stress framework, using a short-term prospective design. In addition, we examined whether BI acts as a specific vulnerability to anxious symptoms, or as a common vulnerability to both anxious and depressive symptoms. At time 1, 384 children in grades 3 through 6 completed self-report measures of BI, anxious symptoms, and depressive symptoms. Six weeks later, they completed self-report measures of hassles, anxious symptoms, and depressive symptoms. Results demonstrated that children with high BI who experienced high levels of hassles during the 6-week follow-up interval showed increases in anxious symptoms, but not depressive symptoms.  相似文献   
Characteristic patterns of conditioned key-pressing were maintained in the chimpanzee under a multiple 30-response fixed-ratio, 10-minute fixed-interval schedule of food presentation. Adjunctive drinking occurred with regularity during the fixed-interval schedule and, with less frequency, during 1-minute timeout periods that followed each food presentation; drinking seldom occurred during the fixed-ratio schedule. Cocaine increased key pressing under the fixed-interval schedule at doses between .1 and 3.0 mg/kg, but adjunctive drinking and key pressing under the fixed-ratio schedule did not increase at any dose. Conditioned and adjunctive behaviors were disrupted and suppressed for different durations at 10,0 mg/kg, a dose which induced convulsive seizures within 10 minutes after intramuscular injection. A time-course analysis showed the magnitude and duration of the effects of cocaine on key pressing under the fixed-interval schedule and on adjunctive drinking to be dose-related. Moreover, a given dose of cocaine had diverse effects, depending on the behavior and the time since drug administration.  相似文献   
The processes of inhibiting uninstructed motor responses were examined to identify age differences. Younger adults (n = 40) and older adults (n = 38) participated in two experiments using the Stimulus‐Response Compatibility task. They were asked to push the switch on the side contralateral to the stimulus. The results indicated that responses induced by visual stimuli were gradually inhibited as a result of repeated trials on the contralateral (not‐induced) side, and no age differences were noted. The addition of a color‐discrimination task to the Stimulus‐Response Compatibility task inhibited impulsive response induced by visual stimuli in younger adults only. These results indicate that certain processes of inhibiting motor responses are affected by aging, whereas other processes remain unaffected.  相似文献   
An extensive body of research using concurrent-chains schedules of reinforcement has shown that choice for one of two differentially valued food-associated stimuli is dependent upon the overall temporal context in which those stimuli are embedded. The present experiments examined whether the concurrent chains procedure was useful for the study of behavior maintained by alcohol and alcohol-associated stimuli. In Experiment 1, rats responded on concurrent-chains schedules with equal variable-interval (VI) 10-s schedules in the initial links. Across conditions, fixed-interval schedules in the terminal links were varied to yield 1∶1, 9∶1, and 1∶9 ratios of alcohol delivery. Initial-link response rates reflected changes in terminal-link schedules, with greater relative responding in the rich terminal link. In Experiment 2, terminal-link schedules remained constant with a 9∶1 ratio of alcohol delivery rates while the length of two equal duration initial-link schedules was varied. Preference for the rich terminal link was less extreme when initial links were longer (i.e., the initial-link effect), as has been previously reported with food reinforcers. This result suggests that the conditioned reinforcing value of an alcohol-associated stimulus depends on the temporal context in which it is embedded. The concurrent-chains procedure and quantitative models of concurrent chains performance may provide a useful framework within which to study how contextual variables modulate preference for drug-associated conditioned reinforcers.  相似文献   
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