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进化心理学家以进化论为基础,使用了许多不同的方法来研究人类的心灵。这些方法都有共同的缺陷,即无法直接对提出的假设进行验证,对复杂的系统进行研究难度很大,计算机模拟的方法可在一定程度上修补该问题。有性Penna模型能反映有性生殖种群的进化特点,能反映环境对生物进化的影响,通过该模型来模拟人类进化历程,则可以检验某一心理机制是否是适应的,它是研究生物进化的有力工具。本文在综述已有研究成果的基础上提出用有性Penna模型对进化心理学关于进化轨迹的假设进行验证的构想,并在此基础之上提出了用该模型进行研究的基本框架。  相似文献   
This paper describes the author’s experience of infusing an introductory database course with privacy content, and the on-going project entitled Integrating Ethics Into the Database Curriculum, that evolved from that experience. The project, which has received funding from the National Science Foundation, involves the creation of a set of privacy modules that can be implemented systematically by database educators throughout the database design thread of an undergraduate course. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the Fourteenth Annual Meeting, Association for Practical and Professional Ethics, February 24–27, 2005.  相似文献   
After training conditional discriminations among selected stimuli from two perceptual classes, the emergence of novel relations involving other members of both classes was assessed using cross-class probes. The cross-class probes were presented using one of four different testing schedules. In the 2/9 test, nine different probes were presented in each of two test blocks. In the 6/3 test, three different probes were presented in each of six test blocks. In the 18/1-RND test, each of the 18 cross-class probes was presented in separate test blocks. In the 2/9 and 6/3 tests, the cross-class probes were presented in a randomized order within test block. In the 18/1-RND test, the cross-class probes were presented in a randomized sequence. In the 18/1-PRGM test, however, the cross-class probes were presented in a programmed order (i.e., the values of the stimuli in each cross-class probe were changed systematically in the succession of probe presentations). About 55% of the linked perceptual classes emerged during the 2/9, 6/3, and 18/1-RND tests. Thus the number of different probes in a test block did not influence the emergence of classes as long as the probes were presented in a random order. Virtually all classes emerged during the 18/1-PRGM test. Thus at least one ordered introduction of different cross probes resulted in the reliable emergence of linked perceptual classes. Mechanisms responsible for linked perceptual class formation are discussed along with the relation of these classes to other complex categories.  相似文献   
Many problems in software development can be traced to a narrow understanding of professional responsibility. The author examines ways in which software developers have tried to avoid accepting responsibility for their work. After cataloguing various types of responsibility avoidance, the author introduces an expanded concept of positive responsibility. It is argued that the adoption of this sense of positive responsibility will reduce many problems in software development. An earlier version of this paper was written for inclusion in S. Rogerson and T. W. Bynum, eds., Computer Ethics and Professional Responsibility, Blackwell, (in press). Prepublished here with permission from the author and the editors.  相似文献   
对从HSK题库中计算机自动生成试卷稳定性的试验检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由计算机从题库中自动生成的试卷能否保持难度的相对稳定?根据IRT进行的等值误差范围有多大?为了回答这些问题,本文以共同组等值作为标准,对基于IRT之上的共同题等值误差进行了试验检验。试验中,采取一定措施保证了考生的动机水平。结果显示,IRT等值的校正方向都是正确的。在4个分测验中有3个分测验的的等值校正效果较理想,1个分测验的等值校正效果不够理想。计算机自动生成的试卷与原有人工命制的试卷在得分方面比较一致,分数相关达到0.931,获得证书的情况也是比较一致的。  相似文献   
Goyon et al. [J. Goyon, A. Colin, G. Ovarlez, A. Ajdari and L. Bocquet, Nature 454 (2008) p. 84] have shown that nonlocal effects in the rheology of foams may be accounted for by a modification of the standard (Herschel–Bulkley) model. Here we consider the effects of this modification on the continuum theory of 2d shear localisation. We compute results for various examples, showing that the localisation length is increased, and explore the limiting cases of zero and infinite nonlocality length ξ. Velocity profiles are shown to take an exponential form in the case where ξ is large. As the formulation of the nonlocal continuum model presented in this article is general, it may also be directly applicable to other complex fluids.  相似文献   

BiSbTe3 single crystals have been grown by the Bridgman technique. Microscopic observations of the as-grown crystals reveal typical features, such as striations on the top free surface, which are attributed to the effect of growth conditions. A nitric-acid-based reagent capable of revealing dislocations has been developed and tested. Etch pits are produced at the dislocation sites, but some discrepancies have been observed on matched cleavage surfaces. The structural difference between the matched cleavage surfaces is discussed.  相似文献   
Three categories of behavior analysis may be called molecular, molar, and unified. Molecular analyses focus on how manual shaping segments moment-to-moment behaving into new, unified, hierarchically organized patterns. Manual shaping is largely atheoretical, qualitative, and practical. Molar analyses aggregate behaviors and then compute a numerical average for the aggregate. Typical molar analyses involve average rate of, or average time allocated to, the aggregated behaviors. Some molar analyses have no known relation to any behavior stream. Molar analyses are usually quantitative and often theoretical. Unified analyses combine automated shaping of moment-to-moment behaving and molar aggregates of the shaped patterns. Unified controlling relations suggest that molar controlling relations like matching confound shaping and strengthening effects of reinforcement. If a molecular analysis is about how reinforcement organizes individual behavior moment by moment, and a molar analysis is about how reinforcement encourages more or less of an activity aggregated over time, then a unified analysis handles both kinds of analyses. Only theories engendered by computer simulation appear to be able to unify all three categories of behavior analysis.  相似文献   
Students compared computer-generated pictures of which I had line spacing and orientation proportional to that in a Mondrian picture (Mondrian-like), and 9 had divergent line spacing (divergently spaced). Preference was above average for the Mondrian-like picture compared with that for the divergently spaced pictures. However, participants did not prefer the Mondrian-like picture to divergently spaced pictures that were preselected as aesthetically pleasing by other participants. The results of the present experiments suggest that a computer algorithm can be developed to modify a picture in a way that is comparable with the way in which humans modify a picture to obtain a preferred picture. If aesthetic appeal is used in the storage and retrieval of visual information, then the algorithm could provide a better understanding of human perceptual processes. The results are related to consistency of aesthetic judgments across participants, levels of processing, and apparent contrast effects.  相似文献   

By saving and storing information, we use digital devices as our external memory stores, being able to offload and temporarily forget saved contents. Storm and Stone [2015. Saving-enhanced memory: The benefits of saving on the learning and remembering of new information. Psychological Science, 26(2), 182–188] showed that such memory offloading can be beneficial for subsequent memory performance. Saving already encoded items enhanced recall of items encoded after saving. In the present study, we did not only replicate saving-enhanced memory but found saving-enhanced performance for unrelated cognitively demanding tasks. Participants solved more modular arithmetic problems when they were able to offload a previously studied word list, compared to trials without the possibility to offload. Thus, saving of recently encoded items entailed a general benefit on subsequent cognitive performance, beyond encoding and retrieving word lists. We assume that offloading frees participants from the need to maintain offloaded items. Gained resources can then be used for subsequent tasks with high cognitive demands. In a nutshell, memory offloading can help to reduce the amount of information that has to be processed at a given time, efficiently delegating our limited cognitive resources to the most relevant tasks at hand while currently irrelevant information are safely stored outside our own memory.  相似文献   
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