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We examined the effects of 2 payment systems on the rate of check processing and time spent on task by participants in a simulated work setting. Three participants experienced individual pay‐for‐performance (PFP) without base pay and pay‐for‐time (PFT) conditions. In the last phase, we asked participants to choose which system they preferred. For all participants, the PFP condition produced higher rates of check processing and more time spent on task than did the PFT condition, but choice of payment system varied both within and across participants.  相似文献   
This paper examines the rationale for and grounds and implications of Hobbes's redefinition of distributive justice as equity. I argue that this unprecedented reformulation served to ensure the justness of distributive laws. Hobbes acknowledges that the sovereign can distribute rights and goods iniquitously by failing to treat citizens as equals. However, he insists that improper allocations are not unjust, properly speaking – they do not `wrong' citizens. To support this claim, Hobbes puts forth the un-Aristotelian maxim that merit in distributive justice is due by grace alone. You deserve what the sovereign gives you: there is no desert prior to and independent of his allocation of rights. For Hobbes, distributive justice does not track but create merit. It follows that distributive laws cannot fail to give what is due (which would be unjust). This paper proceeds to analyze the nature of the limits equity sets to the apportionment of goods. I argue that these limits are moral and purely procedural: citizens cannot invoke equity to claim a fair share of the goods distributed. Thanks to Hobbes's redefinition of distributive justice, the justness of the sovereign's conduct, and hence his legal immunity, remains intact.  相似文献   

The choice of referral and the relationship between referral sources can pose clinical and ethical dilemmas, due to the potential that the relationship between the psychologist and the referral source will interfere with the treatment relationship. Once the referral has been made, the referring psychologist must be sensitive to a second, and often a more problematic level of risk: conflicts that occur between the patient and the referral recipient. The situation becomes even more problematic when a psychologist is giving or receiving any form of compensation in connection with the referral. In addition to clouding the clinical relationship, the giving or receiving of such compensation, whether it is characterized as “referral fees” or otherwise, has important legal consequences, and may well result in license revocation proceedings or even criminal liability.  相似文献   
This study documents how people who inject drugs (PWID) in rural Puerto Rico perceive payments for participating in HIV epidemiological studies. In-depth interviews were conducted among a subset (n = 40) of active PWID older than 18 years of age who had been previously enrolled in a much larger study (N = 360). Findings suggest that financial compensation was the main motivation for initially enrolling in the parent study. Then, as trust in the researchers developed, participants came to perceive compensation as part of a reciprocal exchange in which they assisted researchers by providing a trustful account of their experiences and researchers reciprocated with financial support.  相似文献   
The use of visual action feedback (AIF) in learning a simple motor response can sometimes be as effective as the more conventional terminal feedback (TIF) but sometimes leads to gross overshooting errors when AIF is removed. Both the amplitude of movement and the gain of the AIF have strong and systematic effects on the error in attempted reproductions. Percent overestimation increases linearly with fog. gain and decreases linearly with log. amplitude. This may be due to an intersensory effect in which visual and kinesthetic feedback sum to form a unitary impression of the movement on which subsequent attempts at reproduction are based.  相似文献   
社会认知的两个基本维度热情与能力之间存在一种特殊的关系, 它既可能是晕轮效应所认为的正向关系, 也可能是补偿效应和影射效应所认为的负向关系, 还有可能是受多种因素影响的正交关系。热情与能力的关系受到知觉者自身因素、知觉对象的特点、知觉者与知觉对象的关系以及外部环境等多种因素的影响, 而热情与能力关系的内部机制不明确是学者们对其关系产生分歧的根本原因。今后需要进一步探讨热情与能力的内部机制, 进行跨文化的检验和比较研究, 进一步探索其关系的影响因素, 建构热情与能力的关系模型。  相似文献   
第三方干预(third-party intervention)是一种重要的利他行为,它包括惩罚和补偿两种措施。本研究结合情境性问卷与实验法,采用修改后的独裁者博弈范式(Dictator Game,DG),让被试作为第三方对朋友或者陌生人的不公平行为进行干预,考察社会距离对第三方干预的影响。研究发现:(1)对于朋友提出的不公平方案,个体对其的惩罚轻于陌生人,而对第二方(无权者)的补偿没有显著差异。(2)个体对朋友的不公平提议的公平性判断高于陌生人,但提议引发的情绪体验没有显著差异。上述结果表明,社会距离可能通过影响个体对不公平行为的公平感知,进而影响其第三方干预行为。  相似文献   
卫旭华 《心理科学》2017,40(1):129-135
关系型决策往往涉及关系行使人和关系受益人两大主体。先前研究很少考察关系受益人的非关系因素对关系行使人决策结果的影响。为了弥补这一缺陷,通过一系列的实验室实验来检验关系受益人的绩效水平对关系行使人资源分配结果的影响。四个组内实验设计重复验证了如下结果:当关系受益人绩效明显低于同伴时,关系行使人会照顾关系受益人,并做出对关系受益人更有利的不公平资源分配;然而,当关系受益人绩效明显高于同伴的时候,关系行使人不会照顾关系受益人,并做出更为公平的资源分配。这说明只有当人们处于明显劣势的时候,关系才会在资源分配过程中起到一定的补偿作用。研究结果有助于理论界和实践界更好地理解关系型决策过程。  相似文献   
This article must be considered within the framework of research on distributive justice in the organisational context (Adams, 1965; Deutsch, 1975; Colquitt and Jackson, 2002). The aim is to propose an analysis from a political point of view of the orientation towards equity and equality rules. We take as a starting point the model of political decision in the organisational context by Murphy and Cleveland (1995). The political approach postulates that one cannot pertinently give an account of the managers’ decision modes without locating them in their daily context of human relations management, and their management strategy. We will examine the links between the context of immediate management and the managers’ choices for equity or equality. The results of two studies will be presented. They tend to legitimate the relevance of this approach.  相似文献   
新型农村合作医疗的受益公平性研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
2003年,我国开展了新型农村合作医疗制度(以下简称“新农合”)试点工作。利用新农合试点县卫生服务调查资料,从卫生服务需要量、利用率、医疗费用以及从新农合得到的费用补偿等方面分析不同收入水平的参合农民的受益情况。结果显示,贫困农民卫生服务需要量大,卫生服务需求的未满足程度较高,从合作医疗中受益相对较少。认为不同经济状况的参合农民在卫生服务利用中存在不公平现象。  相似文献   
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