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One of the major reasons for the success of answer set programmingin recent years was the shift from a theorem proving to a constraintprogramming view: problems are represented such that stablemodels, respectively answer sets, rather than theorems correspondto solutions. This shift in perspective proved extremely fruitfulin many areas. We believe that going one step further from a"hard" to a "soft" constraint programming paradigm, or, in otherwords, to a paradigm of qualitative optimization, will proveequally fruitful. In this paper we try to support this claimby showing that several generic problems in logic based problemsolving can be understood as qualitative optimization problems,and that these problems have simple and elegant formulationsgiven adequate optimization constructs in the knowledge representationlanguage.  相似文献   
There are two well-known methods for obtaining a guaranteed globally optimal solution to the problem of least-squares unidimensional scaling of a symmetric dissimilarity matrix: (a) dynamic programming, and (b) branch-and-bound. Dynamic programming is generally more efficient than branch-and-bound, but the former is limited to matrices with approximately 26 or fewer objects because of computer memory limitations. We present some new branch-and-bound procedures that improve computational efficiency, and enable guaranteed globally optimal solutions to be obtained for matrices with up to 35 objects. Experimental tests were conducted to compare the relative performances of the new procedures, a previously published branch-and-bound algorithm, and a dynamic programming solution strategy. These experiments, which included both synthetic and empirical dissimilarity matrices, yielded the following findings: (a) the new branch-and-bound procedures were often drastically more efficient than the previously published branch-and-bound algorithm, (b) when computationally feasible, the dynamic programming approach was more efficient than each of the branch-and-bound procedures, and (c) the new branch-and-bound procedures require minimal computer memory and can provide optimal solutions for matrices that are too large for dynamic programming implementation.The authors gratefully acknowledge the helpful comments of three anonymous reviewers and the Editor. We especially thank Larry Hubert and one of the reviewers for providing us with the MATLAB files for optimal and heuristic least-squares unidimensional scaling methods.This revised article was published online in June 2005 with all corrections incorporated.  相似文献   
Delay discounting reflects the rate at which a reward loses its subjective value as a function of delay to that reward. Many models have been proposed to measure delay discounting, and many comparisons have been made among these models. We highlight the two-parameter delay discounting model popularized by Howard Rachlin by demonstrating two key practical features of the Rachlin model. The first feature is flexibility; the Rachlin model fits empirical discounting data closely. Second, when compared with other available two-parameter discounting models, the Rachlin model has the advantage that unique best estimates for parameters are easy to obtain across a wide variety of potential discounting patterns. We focus this work on this second feature in the context of maximum likelihood, showing the relative ease with which the Rachlin model can be utilized compared with the extreme care that must be used with other models for discounting data, focusing on two illustrative cases that pass checks for data validity. Both of these features are demonstrated via a reanalysis of discounting data the authors have previously used for model selection purposes.  相似文献   
The tunneling method for global optimization in multidimensional scaling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper focuses on the problem of local minima of the STRESS function. It turns out that unidimensional scaling is particularly prone to local minima, whereas full dimensional scaling with Euclidean distances has a local minimum that is global. For intermediate dimensionality with Euclidean distances it depends on the dissimilarities how severe the local minimum problem is. For city-block distances in any dimensionality many different local minima are found. A simulation experiment is presented that indicates under what conditions local minima can be expected. We introduce the tunneling method for global minimization, and adjust it for multidimensional scaling with general Minkowski distances. The tunneling method alternates a local search step, in which a local minimum is sought, with a tunneling step in which a different configuration is sought with the same STRESS as the previous local minimum. In this manner successively better local minima are obtained, and experimentation so far shows that the last one is often a global minimum.This paper is based on the 1994 Psychometric Society's outstanding thesis award of the first author. The authros would like to thank Robert Tijssen of the CWTS Leiden for kindly making available the co-citation data of the Psychometric literature. This paper is an extended version of the paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society at Champaign-Urbana, Illin., June 1994.  相似文献   
A simulated annealing methodology for clusterwise linear regression   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In many regression applications, users are often faced with difficulties due to nonlinear relationships, heterogeneous subjects, or time series which are best represented by splines. In such applications, two or more regression functions are often necessary to best summarize the underlying structure of the data. Unfortunately, in most cases, it is not known a priori which subset of observations should be approximated with which specific regression function. This paper presents a methodology which simultaneously clusters observations into a preset number of groups and estimates the corresponding regression functions' coefficients, all to optimize a common objective function. We describe the problem and discuss related procedures. A new simulated annealing-based methodology is described as well as program options to accommodate overlapping or nonoverlapping clustering, replications per subject, univariate or multivariate dependent variables, and constraints imposed on cluster membership. Extensive Monte Carlo analyses are reported which investigate the overall performance of the methodology. A consumer psychology application is provided concerning a conjoint analysis investigation of consumer satisfaction determinants. Finally, other applications and extensions of the methodology are discussed.  相似文献   
关于肿瘤专科诊疗最优化与过度医疗   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
肿瘤专科诊疗最优化准则有狭义、广义之分,二者既有区别,更有联系.肿瘤专科诊疗的过度医疗的内容是动态发展的,在特定情况下有其积极意义.实现肿瘤专科诊疗最优化,避免过度医疗,要重视矛盾问题"底线"的研究,提供相对宽松的技术、学术、文化氛围;医者持续的、有计划的专业学习与培训是增强其主体性的保证和前提;要充分考虑"可承受性"原则;用新的医德价值观指导现实中的医学道德实践;积极发挥医院伦理委员在肿瘤专科诊疗决策中的作用;建立与利用医务人员诚信档案.  相似文献   
In educational practice, a test assembly problem is formulated as a system of inequalities induced by test specifications. Each solution to the system is a test, represented by a 0–1 vector, where each element corresponds to an item included (1) or not included (0) into the test. Therefore, the size of a 0–1 vector equals the number of items n in a given item pool. All solutions form a feasible set—a subset of 2 n vertices of the unit cube in an n-dimensional vector space. Test assembly is uniform if each test from the feasible set has an equal probability of being assembled. This paper demonstrates several important applications of uniform test assembly for educational practice. Based on Slepian’s inequality, a binary program was analytically studied as a candidate for uniform test assembly. The results of this study establish a connection between combinatorial optimization and probability inequalities. They identify combinatorial properties of the feasible set that control the uniformity of the binary programming test assembly. Computer experiments illustrating the concepts of this paper are presented.  相似文献   
本研究探讨重复知盲发生在知觉阶段还是在记忆阶段。采用快速视觉系列呈现(rapid serial visual representation, 简称RSVP)任务, 让被试即时回忆80个词表中呈现的词。操作了词表中目标词的重复数, 分为无重复、单刺激重复(重复一对)和双刺激重复(重复两对)三种, 和目标词的情绪效价, 分为中性词和情绪词两种。结果发现, 对目标词回忆的正确率是:当目标词和非目标词都是中性词汇, 即二者的情绪效价强度相当时(实验1), 在无重复条件与双刺激重复条件下无差异, 二者均大于单刺激重复条件; 当目标词是消极词汇, 非目标词是中性词汇, 即目标刺激的情绪效价强度大于非目标刺激时(实验2), 无重复条件与单刺激重复条件无差异, 二者均大于双刺激重复条件。结果表明:(1)RSVP 任务下词表中有双刺激重复时, 如果刺激的效价强度相当, 出现重复优势; 如果目标刺激的效价强度高于非目标刺激, 出现重复劣势; (2)人们会主动分配更多的注意资源给效价高的刺激, 重复知盲产生在记忆阶段, 支持注意资源分配最优化假设。  相似文献   
Energy optimization in goal-directed aiming has been demonstrated as an undershoot bias in primary movement endpoint locations, especially in conditions where corrections to target overshoots must be made against gravity. Two-component models of upper limb movement have not yet considered how joint angles are organized to deal with the energy constraints associated with moving the upper limb in goal-directed aiming tasks. To address this limitation, participants performed aiming movements to targets in the up and down directions with the index finger and two types of rod extensions attached to the index finger. The rod extensions were expected to invoke different energy optimizing strategies in the up and down directions by allowing the distal joints the opportunity to contribute to end effector displacement. Primary movements undershot the farthest target to a greater extent in the downward direction compared to the upward direction, showing that movement kinematics optimize energy expenditure in consideration of the effects of gravity. As rod length increased, shoulder elevation was optimized in movements to the far-up target and elbow flexion was optimally minimized in movements to the far-down target. The results suggest energy optimization in the control of joint angles independent of the force of gravity.  相似文献   
We study output‐sensitive algorithms and complexity for multiobjective combinatorial optimization problems. In this computational complexity framework, an algorithm for a general enumeration problem is regarded efficient if it is output‐sensitive, that is, its running time is bounded by a polynomial in the input and the output size. We provide both practical examples of multiobjective combinatorial optimization problems for which such an efficient algorithm exists as well as problems for which no efficient algorithm exists under mild complexity theoretic assumptions.  相似文献   
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