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The Zhuangzi is a collection of ancient Chinese anecdotes and fables that serves as a foundational Daoist text. The style in which it is written is significant because it obscures rather than reveals the text’s philosophic positions. If the text cannot be translated into plain language while preserving its content, as the Mozi or the Mencius generally can be, then the writing style is not merely rhetorical. The style is itself indispensable to the content. In this study, I analyse a linguistic device mentioned in the Zhuangzi and use it to reflect the text’s writing style—namely, “goblet words” (zhi yan 巵言). I argue that various logical forms of goblet words defy the act of fixing a definite answer in any conceptual distinction or disputation. The forms, which include dilemmatic questions, oxymora and double denial, all serve to preserve indeterminacy. Reading goblet words may affect readers by making them more open-minded towards distinctions. However, readers cannot ascertain that the text’s authors produced this effect intentionally. Therefore, the text may cause readers to be open-minded while the authors remain free of commitment.  相似文献   
渴求感特别是线索诱发渴求是成瘾行为维持和戒断失败的主要原因。本研究通过两个实验分别探讨了网络相关文字刺激和压力对网络成瘾者线索诱发渴求的影响。研究一以25名网络成瘾大学生为被试,以网络相关和中性词语为实验材料,采用线索暴露范式(Cue-reactivity Paradigm)的研究发现,只有网络相关文字刺激能显著诱发网络成瘾者的渴求感。在此基础上,研究二以40名网络成瘾大学生为被试,以公开演讲范式为压力诱发情境,以网络相关词语和中性词语为实验材料,采用线索暴露范式(Cue-reactivity Paradigm)的研究发现,在压力条件下,网络相关文字能诱发网络成瘾者更为强烈的渴求感。本研究深化了对网络成瘾形成维持心理机制的研究,也为网络成瘾的干预矫正提供了思路。  相似文献   
Strong evidence suggests that both performing actions and emotional stimuli can enhance memory by capturing attention. However, the synergetic effect of the two factors on directed forgetting has not been assessed. In this study, we used an item-method directed forgetting paradigm to examine the forgetting of emotional materials depending on whether actions were performed. The results showed that action performance influenced the directed forgetting of emotional words. Specifically, when actions were performed there was a directed forgetting effect for neutral and positive words but not for negative words. In comparison, for verbal tasks, directed forgetting was observed for all words. The elaborative encoding prior to the remember/forget instructions and the influence of negative emotion on attentional inhibition after the presentation of the instructions together suggest that it is more difficult to intentionally forget negative performed actions.  相似文献   
Warning signs are the most effective way to alert people to hazards in the industries, architecture, and transportation. To better understand how these warning signs prompted hazard, this study investigated the intrinsic mechanism of hazard perception of warning signs, including warning words (low versus high hazard levels) and surrounding shapes (upright triangle versus circle). We recruited 18 participants and recorded electroencephalogram (EEG). We found that a combination of high-hazard-level words and an upright triangle shape significantly elicited more negative N300 and increased theta-band (3–8 Hz) synchronization, but reduced beta-band (15–30 Hz) desynchronization. The N300 component represented the emotional arousal strength, theta oscillations reflected the engagement of retrieval of emotional experiences from episodic memory, and beta oscillation connoted the semantic encoding. Thus, these findings suggested that a high-hazard-level combination had the ability to obtain high priority in cognitive processing. The EEG pattern changes allowed us to assess whether the hazard perception of warning signs was high or low, which could be an accurate indicator to better evaluate the design of warning signs.  相似文献   
对诚信的内在结构可有多种解析。从所属领域角度,诚信可以被分为心诚、言诚、行诚三个层面。这三个层面相互依赖、相互作用:心诚是言诚和行诚的内在依据,言诚和行诚是心诚的必要外化,而言诚和行诚则相互促进。从所涉对象角度,诚信可以被分为诚己、诚人、诚群三个维度。这三个维度彼此相关、层层推进:诚己是诚人和诚群的必要前提,诚人是诚己的必然延伸和必要确证,而诚群则是诚人的合乎逻辑的扩展。  相似文献   
寇慧  苏艳华  罗小春  陈红 《心理学报》2015,47(10):1213-1222
采用改进的点探测范式并结合眼动技术, 以相貌词(积极和消极)为刺激材料, 实验中积极相貌词?中性词、消极相貌词?中性词、积极相貌词?消极相貌词以及中性词?中性词配对呈现, 考察了相貌负面身体自我女性对相貌词的注意偏向及其时间进程。眼动数据的结果发现, 在积极相貌词?中性词和消极相貌词?中性词条件下, 与控制组相比, 相貌负面身体自我女性的首视点更频繁地指向消极相貌词, 对消极相貌词探测速度更快, 并且首视点维持在此类词语上的时间更长, 但未发现总体的注视时间偏向; 与积极相貌相比较时, 相貌负面身体自我女性呈现与上述相同的结果, 此时的注意模式为警觉?脱离困难。此外, 相貌负面身体自我的女性还表现出对积极相貌词的减速探测偏向。行为证据进一步显示, 相貌负面身体自我女性对消极相貌词存在注意脱离困难。在积极相貌词?消极相貌词配对条件下, 相貌负面身体自我女性对消极相貌词也表现出注意脱离困难。以上结果表明, 相貌负面身体自我女性对消极相貌词表现出警觉?脱离困难的注意偏向。  相似文献   
In this paper we present an analysis of persuasive definition based on argumentation schemes. Using the medieval notion of differentia and the traditional approach to topics, we explain the persuasiveness of emotive terms in persuasive definitions by applying the argumentation schemes for argument from classification and argument from values. Persuasive definitions, we hold, are persuasive because their goal is to modify the emotive meaning denotation of a persuasive term in a way that contains an implicit argument from values. However, our theory is different from Stevenson’s, a positivistic view that sees emotive meaning as subjective, and defines it as a behavioral effect. Our proposal is to treat the persuasiveness produced by the use of emotive words and persuasive definitions as due to implicit arguments that an interlocutor may not be aware of. We use congruence theory to provide the linguistic framework for connecting a term with the function it is supposed to play in a text. Our account allows us to distinguish between conflicts of values and conflicts of classifications.
Douglas Walton (Corresponding author)Email: URL: www.uwinnipeg.ca/~walton
The examination of names and words constitutes an important aspect of the philosophy of Zhuangzi. With the debate over the relationship between name and reality as its background, this examination not only involves the connection between form and meaning, but also targets at the connection between concepts and objects. The debate over the relationship between name and reality correlates with the discussion of the connection between words and meanings or ideas. For Zhuangzi, the function of names and words is first and foremost embodied as the classification and distinction of being, while the Dao, as the universal principle of being, is characterized by equality and throughness. This leads to an inherent disparity and tension between names, words and the Dao. Zhuangzi℉s thinking and argument concern the connections between name and reality, words and ideas, and the Dao and words. This displays multiple theoretical perspectives and the complexity of its thought. Translated by Xiao Mo from Zhongguo Shehui Kexue 中国社会科学(Social Sciences in China), 2006, (4): 38–49  相似文献   
王国芳  郭雯 《心理科学》2013,36(5):1237-1241
摘 要 目的:探索西方女性心理学研究的特点和规律,为我国本土化的女性心理学研究提供理论参考。方法:文献与理论分析法。结果:西方女性心理学在研究主题上更加关注女性特有的心理行为规律,如性暴力、身体意像、摄食障碍等;关注对象从过去以白人为主的主流群体向弱势群体转变;研究方法向趋向多元和整合。未来的发展趋势表现为:研究对象的拓展和研究方法的深化,多理论视角与跨学科的整合,科学和价值问题的平衡等三个特点。结论:西方女性心理学的发展规律可为我国本土化的女性心理学研究提供指导。关键词 女性心理学 回顾 展望 本土化  相似文献   
英文词、汉字词、早期文字和图画的认知加工比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张积家  王娟  刘鸣 《心理学报》2011,43(4):347-363
采用四种任务考察英文词、汉字词、甲骨文、东巴文和图画在知觉加工和语言加工中的特点, 揭示不同类型符号的认知机制。实验1采用知觉相似度判断和语义一致性判断考察符号在知觉加工和语义加工中的特点; 实验2考察符号在命名与分类中的表现。结果表明:(1)不同类型符号在知觉相似度判断和语义一致性判断中表现不同。符号相似的顺序与文字演化的顺序一致。(2)不同类型符号的命名与分类反应具有不对称性:英文词和汉字词的命名快于分类, 甲骨文、东巴文和图画的分类快于命名。(3)无论是命名还是分类, 对汉字词和图画的反应均快于对东巴文和甲骨文的反应。对英文词命名快于对甲骨文和东巴文命名, 对英文词分类慢于对东巴文分类。(4)英文词、汉字词和图画的命名与分类反应具有不对称性:对英文词、汉字词命名快于对图画命名, 对图画分类快于对英文词、汉字词分类。甲骨文和东巴文的命名与分类反应具有不对称性:对甲骨文命名快于对东巴文命名, 对东巴文分类快于对甲骨文分类。所以如此, 既与符号的外形特征和区别性特征有关, 又与符号记录语言的方式以及对符号的熟悉度有关。研究结果为确定文字发展和演变的规律及甲骨文与东巴文的性质提供了心理学依据。  相似文献   
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