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该文主要论述了类比推理的认知过程及其计算模型。文章对类比推理的概念进行了分析,论述了类比推理的主要成分和认知过程,并进一步围绕类比推理的重要成分介绍了当前类比推理的主要实证研究及研究成果,在此基础上文章进一步概括了类比推理的主要计算模型。  相似文献   
The current research investigated the role of spontaneous partner feelings (implicit partner affect) in the dynamics of relationship satisfaction, commitment, and romantic dissolution. Participants completed a variant of the name-letter task as a measure of implicit partner affect, and self-report measures of relationship satisfaction and commitment. Approximately 4 months later, participants were contacted to assess their current relationship status. Overall, participants showed a biased preference for their partner’s initials (after adjusting for proper baselines), indicating the presence of positive implicit partner affect. Participants with more positive implicit partner affect were more satisfied with, but not more committed to, their relationship. Additionally, implicit partner affect exerted a significant indirect effect on relationship stability. These effects were independent of relationship length, age, and gender. Implications for the role of automatic affective processes in relationship processes and the utility of indirect measures for shedding light on relationship dynamics are discussed.  相似文献   
Although previous research has demonstrated the importance of emotions in ultimatum bargaining, this research provides a more direct, convergent test of the role of anger in explaining rejections of unfair offers in ultimatum bargaining. First, using appraisal theory of emotions, this research examines the extent to which the cognitive appraisal of unfairness leads to the emotion of anger, which in turn, drives punitive behavior (i.e., rejection of offers). Second, this research explores the possibility of decoupling the emotion of anger from its antecedent appraisal of unfairness in order to attenuate responders' inclination to reject unfair offers. Third, following the current research tradition that goes beyond a valence‐based approach, we differentiate between the negative emotions of anger and sadness and examine whether it is the specific emotion of anger that is relevant to the cognitive appraisal of unfairness or the general negative valence of the emotion. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
以41名大学生为被试,探讨智力因素和认知风格对内隐序列学习的影响。采用联合型瑞文推理测验和镶嵌图形测验分别测试智力水平和认知风格类型。用序列反应时任务测试内隐学习绩效,并以生成任务验证序列学习的内隐性。研究结果发现不同智力水平大学生的内隐学习绩效无显著差异;场依存型个体的内隐学习绩效显著高于场独立型个体。  相似文献   
认知重评在负性情绪调节中发挥着重要的作用。针对传统认知重评重构程度不够高、调节效果不明显的问题, 研究团队在先前的工作中提出了一种使消极情绪“转负为正”的高效情绪调节方法, 即创造性认知重评, 这种调节策略伴随着大脑海马的新颖联结形成和杏仁核的积极情绪唤醒。然而这些工作采用“指导式”的重评更像是对重评解读的“理解”而非主动的情绪调节; 鉴于主动情绪调节的产生难度较大, 造成创造性认知重评在实际应用上的两难困境。基于此, 本项目拟指导受试者进行创造性认知重评的学习, 通过学习将这种策略迁移并且应用到生活中的负性情绪调节事件中。具体研究内容包括:(1)行为学上, 探索创造性认知重评在大学生群体和青少年群体负性情绪调节中的迁移效应; (2)影像学上, 探索创造性认知重评迁移前后在脑认知表征模式上的变化。本项目是对已有工作基础的延伸和拓展, 为验证和推动创造性认知重评成为一种可学、可用、高效的情绪调节策略奠定理论基础。  相似文献   
多分属性认知诊断模型(CDMs)比传统的二分属性CDMs提供更详细的诊断反馈信息,但现有大部分多分属性CDMs并不具备直接分析多级(或混合)评分数据的功能。本文基于等级反应模型对重参数化多分属性DINA模型进行多级评分拓广,开发一个可处理多级评分数据的等级反应多分属性DINA模型。首先通过实证数据分析呈现新模型的现实可应用性;然后通过模拟研究探究新模型的参数估计返真性。结果表明,新模型满足同时处理多分属性和多级评分数据的现实需求;且具备良好的心理计量学性能,但对测验质量有一定要求(如题目质量较高且测验Qp矩阵具有完备性等)。  相似文献   
Sotos syndrome is a congenital overgrowth disorder, associated with intellectual disability. Previous research suggests that Sotos syndrome may be associated with relative strength in verbal ability and relative weakness in non-verbal reasoning ability but this has not been explicitly assessed. To date, the cognitive profile of Sotos syndrome is unknown. Cognitive abilities of a large and representative sample of individuals with Sotos syndrome (= 52) were assessed using the British Ability Scales (BAS3). The majority of participants had intellectual disability or borderline intellectual functioning. The cluster score profile analysis revealed a consistent verbal ability > non-verbal reasoning ability profile. Four specific criteria were proposed as the Sotos syndrome cognitive profile (SSCP): verbal ability > non-verbal reasoning ability; quantitative reasoning T-score or matrices T-score <20th percentile; quantitative reasoning T-score < mean T-score; recognition of designs T-score or recognition of pictures T-score > mean T-score. Of the 35 participants included in the profile analysis, 28 met all four SSCP criteria, yielding a sensitivity of 0.8. The sensitivity of each of the SSCP criteria was >0.9. Individuals with Sotos syndrome display a clear and consistent cognitive profile, characterized by relative strength in verbal ability and visuospatial memory but relative weakness in non-verbal reasoning ability and quantitative reasoning. This has important implications for the education of individuals with Sotos syndrome.  相似文献   
THIS ARTICLE REPORTS ON THE PRIMARY STEPS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF PARENT ADVICE FOR POPULAR DISSEMINATION: (a) developing advice for one specific problem situation, family shopping trips; (b) testing the advice program for benefit to children and convenience to adults; and (c) packaging the advice so it can be used successfully by interested parents. Systematic observation of 12 families using the written advice package on shopping trips revealed its effectiveness in reducing child disruptions and increasing positive interactions between parents and children. These findings, along with interview information from families, showed that the package is usable, effective, and popular with both parents and children, and thus is ready for dissemination to a wide audience of parents-a step that in itself should involve research and evaluation.  相似文献   
公平是人类社会生活的基本规范之一,不公平感及其相关决策则是研究者们关注的重要课题。长期以来,该领域的研究一般采用最后通牒博弈或其变式展开。大量脑成像研究探查了关于不公平感及相关决策的认知神经机制,尤其集中探讨了最后通牒博弈的回应者对不公平提议进行反应的脑区及其对应功能。经常得到关注的脑区包括了前脑岛、前扣带皮层、背外侧前额叶、内侧前额叶、杏仁核和颞顶交界等。对特殊人群的不公平感及相关决策进行研究可以帮助检验或澄清上述重要脑区及脑网络在不公平感及相关决策中扮演的角色,同时也阐释特殊人群的社会认知功能的特点。近年来,相当数量的研究关注了不同情境因素(包括分配方案相关因素和社会情境相关因素)调制不公平感及相关决策的过程,并讨论其背后的认知神经机制。未来的研究更应利用多模态数据分析方法,同时结合基因和激素层面的研究,以期深入对不公平感及相关决策的心理和生理机制的理解。  相似文献   
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