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L. Kohlberg (1969) argued that his moral stages captured a developmental sequence specific to the moral domain. To explore that contention, the author compared stage assignments obtained with the Standard Issue Scoring System (A. Colby & L. Kohlberg, 1987a, 1987b) and those obtained with a generalized content-independent stage-scoring system called the Hierarchical Complexity Scoring System (T. L. Dawson, 2002a), on 637 moral judgment interviews (participants' ages ranged from 5 to 86 years). The correlation between stage scores produced with the 2 systems was .88. Although standard issue scoring and hierarchical complexity scoring often awarded different scores up to Kohlberg's Moral Stage 2/3, from his Moral Stage 3 onward, scores awarded with the two systems predominantly agreed. The author explores the implications for developmental research.  相似文献   
In clinical practice, older people with cognitive impairment may have difficulties to understand the instructions of the Timed Up-and-Go (TUGT) test and present a bad performance. The purpose of this study was to identify differences in the TUGT performance, in an adapted version, between older adults with preserved cognition (PC), mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer's disease (AD), and to identify the association between the adapted TUGT performance and cognition among groups. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 118 community-dwelling older adults divided in three groups: PC (n?=?40), MCI (n?=?40) and AD (n?=?38). The evaluation was composed by the adapted TUGT and cognitive assessment (Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination and Frontal Assessment Battery). Only the cadence of TUGT presented significant difference between groups, specifically between AD versus MCI and PC groups. The main correlations were found between time of TUGT with fluency domain and global cognitive function, especially in the AD Group. The findings contribute to the understanding of how cognition interferes on functional mobility in older people with MCI and AD. The adapted TUGT is easy to perform in clinical practice and can be useful when assessing mobility in people with cognitive impairment.  相似文献   
Recent research has highlighted competitive worldviews as a key predictor of faking—the intentional distortion of answers by candidates in the selection context. According to theoretical assumptions, applicants’ abilities, and especially their cognitive abilities, should influence whether faking motivation, triggered by competitive worldviews, can be turned into successful faking behavior. Therefore, we examined the influence of competitive worldviews on faking in personality tests and investigated a possible moderation of this relationship by cognitive abilities in three independent high school and university student samples (N1 = 133, N2 = 137, N3 = 268). Our data showed neither an influence of the two variables nor of their interaction on faking behavior. We discuss possible reasons for these findings and give suggestions for further research.  相似文献   
学业成绩是衡量学生掌握知识水平的重要指标,受到认知能力、社会支持和学习动机等多重因素的显著影响,而这多重因素间的关系及其对学业成绩的共同作用机制尚不明确。本研究采用标准化的认知能力测验、社会支持量表、学习动机量表对4,973名初中生进行测试,并以各科测验成绩总分的平均值作为学业成绩指标。结果表明:(1)认知能力、社会支持、学习动机均与学业成绩正相关;(2)社会支持在认知能力对学业成绩的影响中起调节作用,学生感受到的社会支持水平越高,学业成绩表现越好,且其认知能力对学业成绩的预测作用越强;(3)社会支持的调节作用部分通过学习动机这一中介变量实现。本研究构建了一个基于个体因素(认知能力和学习动机)和环境因素(社会支持)共同影响学业成绩的理论模型,有利于人们深入理解认知能力影响学业成绩的内在机制和边界条件,为提升学生学业成绩提供了理论依据和实证支持。  相似文献   
欺骗是一种常见的社会现象,通过观察他人的行为表现识别欺骗则是人们的一项重要能力。研究表明,人们的欺骗识别能力仅仅略微高于随机水平。本文关注基于行为线索的欺骗识别研究。首先,介绍欺骗识别的准确率;然后,结合Brunswik的透镜模型从欺骗线索的有效性和欺骗线索的利用两方面分析识别准确率的影响因素;并在此基础上探讨了提高识别准确率的途径。最后,对未来可能的研究方向进行展望。  相似文献   
欺骗检测一直是心理学的重要研究问题。基于欺骗理论的认知视角, 研究者提出欺骗检测的认知负荷取向。采用隐瞒信息测试这一测谎范式, 通过操纵认知负荷影响个体在虚假反应时的记忆-反应冲突解决过程, 考察增加认知负荷对欺骗检测的影响, 以期更好地揭示欺骗检测的认知机制。在此基础上, 以普通人群和犯罪嫌疑人为被试探查基于记忆-反应冲突的欺骗检测的行为和生理指标, 并根据获得的行为和生理指标, 采用机器学习方法进行建模, 预测个体的欺骗行为。研究结果将服务于司法、安防和人际交往等领域的欺骗检测。  相似文献   
刘彦楼  吴琼琼 《心理学报》2023,55(1):142-158
Q矩阵是CDM的核心元素之一,反映了测验的内部结构和内容设计,通常由领域专家根据经验进行主观界定,因此需要对可能存在的错误进行修正。本研究提出了一种新的Q矩阵修正方法——基于完整经验交叉相乘信息矩阵的Wald-XPD方法。采用Monte Carlo模拟检验了新方法的表现,并与同类方法进行了比较。研究表明:新开发的Wald-XPD方法在Q矩阵恢复率、保留正确标定属性的比例以及修正错误标定属性的比例这3个主要指标上均有较好的表现,且整体上优于其他方法,尤其是在修正错误标定的属性方面。通过实证数据展示了Wald-XPD方法在Q矩阵修正中的良好表现。总之,本研究为Q矩阵修正提供了有效的方法。  相似文献   
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injury (TBI) demonstrate high prevalence and comorbidity among post-9/11 veterans. Veterans with this comorbidity often present with multiple co-occurring healthcare needs and increased clinical complexity. The current case report describes the clinical presentation of a veteran with mild TBI and PTSD, both before, during, and after treatment within a multidisciplinary 2-week intensive outpatient program involving prolonged exposure, evidence-based PTSD treatment, and Cognitive Symptom Management and Rehabilitation Therapy, evidence-based treatment for postconcussive symptoms. Mr. A was a 25-year-old White, transgender male who presented with a complex mental health history. At intake, presenting complaints included anxiety, panic attacks, nightmares, and depression secondary to military sexual trauma, as well as reported cognitive difficulties secondary to a concussion. He met current criteria for PTSD as well as panic disorder with agoraphobia. Head injury history consisted of a motor vehicle collision with less than 30 seconds loss of consciousness, brief posttraumatic amnesia, and alterations of consciousness. Mr. A demonstrated habituation during individual exposure sessions as assessed via skin conductance during imaginal exposures and decreased subjective ratings during in vivo exposures, as well as a decrease in trauma-potentiated startle response to trauma cues. Posttreatment data indicates significant reduction in neurobehavioral, posttraumatic stress, and depression symptoms and significant improvement in subjective cognitive functioning. The current findings support the feasibility and efficacy of short-term integrated treatment for complex clinical presentations and the need for larger scale research investigating combined PTSD and TBI intervention.  相似文献   
李恒  曹宇 《心理学报》2016,(4):343-351
采用同形异义词干扰任务考察第二语言水平对英语–汉语单通道双语者和英语–美国手语双通道双语者语言抑制能力的影响。结果发现:(1)高水平英语–汉语单通道双语者的语言抑制能力较强,但低水平英语–汉语单通道双语者与英语单语者的语言抑制能力没有显著差异,说明少量的双语经验不足以导致双语认知优势;(2)不同水平的英语–美国手语双通道双语者的语言抑制能力差异不显著。所以如此,与英语–美国手语双通道双语者不存在口语和手语的双语表征加工竞争有关。整个研究表明,双语认知优势效应与双语者的二语水平以及通道经验有关。  相似文献   
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