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The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between resting heart rate variability (HRV) and cognitive functions during threat of shock. A Continuous Performance Task and a Working Memory Task were used to measure cognitive functions. Sixty-five male participants from the Royal Norwegian Navy participated. HRV was measured during baseline, test conditions and recovery. Participants were randomly assigned into non-threat and threat groups. Based on the median split of the high frequency (HF) spectral power, groups were divided into two additional groups. Overall, the high HRV participants showed superior performance on cognitive tasks independent of non-threat or threat conditions. During threat condition the low HRV group showed improved performance. Thus, individuals with high HRV were more stress tolerant and resilient in the face of environmental changes. The results from the study might have implications with regard to performance in operational settings, but also for other fields of psychological research such as individual differences, anxiety and coping.  相似文献   
This study examined if relationship power, sex refusal self-efficacy, or fear of condom negotiation mediated the relationship between abuse history and consistent condom use (CCU) among African American female adolescents (N?=?593). Participants with an abuse history (58%) were less likely to report CCU. Women with an abuse history reported less relationship power and self-efficacy for refusing sex and more fear of condom negotiation, none of which independently or jointly mediated the association between abuse and CCU. Notably, history of abuse was associated with CCU across mediator models despite inclusion of psychosocial mediators. This study demonstrates the importance of understanding adolescents' condom use behaviors within the context of their life experiences, especially past abuse history.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between disease severity (sickle-cell type and hospital, emergency room and clinic emergency visits (CEU)), religious coping (positive and negative) and depression. This was accomplished through secondary analysis of a data set based on a Comprehensive Sickle Cell Standardized Questionnaire compiled by a multidisciplinary team of professionals from Duke University Medical Centre, and administered to persons with sickle-cell disease being treated at the Sickle Cell Unit on the University of the West Indies Campus between November 2008 and January 2009. Disease severity was not a good predictor of depression within the population. On the other hand, depression was found to correlate with positive and negative religious coping, such that increases in the former were associated with decreases in depression scores; while the reverse was noted for the latter (negative religious coping). The results shed light on issues that could possibly impact the treatment plan for such individuals.  相似文献   

The study of memory for famous people and visual imagery retrieval was investigated in patients in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and in the prodromal stage of AD, so-called Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). Fifteen patients with AD (MMSE ≥23), 15 patients with amnestic MCI (a-MCI) and 15 normal controls (NC) performed a famous names test designed to evaluate the semantic and distinctive physical features knowledge of famous persons. Results indicated that patients with AD and a-MCI generated significantly less physical features and semantic biographical knowledge about famous persons than did normal control participants. Additionally, significant differences were observed between a-MCI and AD patients in all tasks. The present findings confirm recent studies reporting semantic memory impairment in MCI. Moreover, the current findings show that mental imagery is lowered in a-MCI and AD and is likely related to the early semantic impairment.  相似文献   
运用文献研究法、问卷调查法及因子分析法等方法,对2 461名疾病预防控制中心公共卫生医师的岗位胜任力要素进行分析,并构建公共卫生医师岗位胜任力模型。构成要素包括6个公因子,并将其分别命名为综合能力与职业精神、医学基础知识、实践技能、公共卫生知识、健康管理、发展与创新6个维度。其因子权重分别为24.79%、26.34%、14.94%、11.70%、13.06%、9.17%。对要素的重要性评分结果显示,实践技能和综合能力与职业精神这两个维度得分较高。影响公共卫生医师岗位胜任力的要素可以归纳为6个维度,其中医学基础知识和综合能力与职业精神对胜任力的影响最为突出,建议加强对疾病预防控制中心公共卫生医师医学基础知识和综合技能的培训,以建立更优质的疾控人才队伍。  相似文献   
分类在人类认识事物的过程中扮演着至关重要的角色。纵观古今中医界,疾病分类的思想广泛存在,表明古今医家能够在临床实践中发现疾病的规律。不同种类的疾病所需治疗方法存在着明显差别,医者在临床中若将不同的疾病相混淆极可能给患者的健康造成巨大的伤害。因此,古今医家都试图构建出完善的疾病分类框架。分类的思想亦有助于理解辨证论治概念的实质。中医界过往多从本质的角度解释辨证论治,然而中医学中不可检验的概念无法被认为是疾病本质的真实反映。中医学之辨证论治实际上是辨类论治。  相似文献   
部分新冠肺炎患者死因,确与炎症风暴等有关,而炎症风暴的产生,在一定程度上与现代医学干涉主义的一味对抗性治疗思路有关。引进“疾病耐受性”概念,认为提升机体耐受性也是应对病态时常用且有效之机制;重视这类机制,或许能在对抗性措施外,寻找到新的防范及缓解疾病反应的途径。此外,借“疾病耐受性”概念来分析中医药应对新冠肺炎疗效之机制,提出中医药可能不一定直接抗衡病因,也可能包括调动机体耐受性,减轻不适,以使机体更好地适应病态;在不同病理阶段下,中医药常运用不同思路与原则应对。这些,值得高度重视。  相似文献   
通过对新冠疫情期间安宁疗护实践经验的总结和国内外相关文献的研究,分析和梳理新冠疫情对临终患者和家属身心健康的影响,及新冠疫情期间安宁疗护团队工作模式发生的转变和团队成员面临的身心压力,并对此背景下安宁疗护实施过程中涉及的伦理问题进行思考,总结安宁疗护团队在疫情期间采取的临床应对策略及在生理支持、心理支持、人文关怀和哀伤辅导等方面发挥的作用,强调了在我国普及安宁疗护的重要性和必要性,为今后安宁疗护的发展提供参考。  相似文献   
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