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This article examines the ways in which representational and identity transformations work during the socialization in the workplace of young LGBT hires, linked to discrimination perceived in their workplace environment as well as their impact on professional goals. Working within the theoretical framework of active socialization, the study is based on the IMIS method and proposes a detailed analysis of two cases recently entering the transportation workplace. The results show that, depending on how severe the perceived discrimination is in the workplace, previous experiences of homophobia encountered in other environments and already built self-image are reactivated in different ways, leading to a more or less important reconstruction of professional and identity representations, as well as the future goals of the individual. These elements are discussed from the point of view of interactions between environments and possible interventions by valuing diversity and accompanying the integration of young hires into organizations.  相似文献   
愉悦情绪体验是音乐活动中最普遍的心理现象。通过系统回顾相关的神经科学研究, 认为音乐愉悦体验与大脑奖赏系统的活动有关, 并涉及伏隔核与听觉皮层等其他脑区的交互。在这个过程中, 多巴胺的传递与音乐愉悦体验存在因果联系。基于预期视角, 奖赏预测误差理论和音乐信息理论模型可以解释音乐愉悦体验的产生机制。未来研究应进一步检验伏隔核及各皮层在音乐愉悦体验中的功能, 并整合不同的预期理论。  相似文献   
We explored the most important sources of meaning among emerging adults and whether time spent on social media had an effect on life meaning dimensions. Results showed that the majority of emerging adults mentioned family and friends when asked in an open‐ended question about things that make their life meaningful.  相似文献   
动作发展障碍(Developmental motor disorders)是孤独症谱系障碍的常见特征。通过系统回顾孤独症儿童动作发展障碍的神经科学研究, 发现γ-氨基丁酸和5-羟色胺浓度的改变及γ-氨基丁酸相关蛋白和Shank蛋白的表达异常不仅会损害中枢神经系统的发育, 而且还能导致突触兴奋性与抑制性失衡, 进而改变孤独症儿童小脑和大脑皮层运动区的功能连接。孤独症儿童小脑、基底神经节和胼胝体结构的改变对全脑的连通性产生了负面影响。神经生化机制和脑结构的异常共同导致了脑功能的异常, 最终造成孤独症儿童的动作发展障碍。此外, 动作发展障碍与孤独症核心症状共同的神经基础主要包括镜像神经元系统紊乱, 丘脑、基底神经节和小脑异常以及SLC7A5和PTEN 基因突变。未来研究需要关注与运动密切相关的其他神经递质, 如乙酰胆碱和多巴胺; 探索动作发展障碍神经网络的动态机制及其形成; 剖析该障碍的神经机制和自闭症核心症状神经机制的相互作用。  相似文献   
以363名初中阶段流动儿童为被试,采用问卷法考察学业自我妨碍在流动儿童个体和群体歧视知觉与学业倦怠关系中的中介作用,以及认同整合的调节作用。结果如下:(1)个体和群体歧视知觉正向预测流动儿童学业倦怠;(2)学业自我妨碍在流动儿童个体和群体歧视知觉与学业倦怠关系中起中介作用;(3)认同整合会调节个体歧视知觉、学业自我妨碍对学业倦怠的影响。  相似文献   
汶川地震9.5年后,对汶川县和都江堰市767名中学生进行调查,考察惩罚敏感性和孤独感在创伤后应激障碍症状和网络成瘾症状之间的多重中介作用及性别差异。结果发现:(1)PTSD症状正向预测网络成瘾症状,并分别通过惩罚敏感性、孤独感的单独中介作用及两者的链式中介作用显著预测网络成瘾症状;(2)女性的PTSD症状显著正向预测网络成瘾症状,并分别通过惩罚敏感性和孤独感间接影响网络成瘾症状;男性的网络成瘾症状仅被PTSD症状正向预测。  相似文献   
以310名幼儿父亲为研究对象,采用流行病调查中心抑郁量表、父母教养能力感量表的教养效能感分问卷、父母教养方式评价量表和Conners儿童行为问卷,考察父亲教养效能感和教养方式在父亲抑郁与幼儿问题行为间的中介作用。结果显示:(1)父亲抑郁、专制粗暴、情感联系和幼儿问题行为两两之间均显著正相关,父亲教养效能感、民主关怀、宽容理解两两之间均显著正相关,父亲教养效能感、民主关怀、宽容理解分别与父亲抑郁、专制粗暴、情感联系和幼儿问题行为两两之间显著负相关;(2)父亲抑郁对幼儿问题行为具有显著的正向预测作用;(3)父亲教养效能感和自身的民主关怀、专制粗暴、情感联系不仅分别在父亲抑郁与幼儿问题行为之间起部分中介作用,而且在父亲抑郁与幼儿问题行为之间起链式中介作用。  相似文献   
社会心理学将阴谋论视作一种意识形态上的信念,并定义为人们将重大的政治或社会事件归因为有权力的群体或个人暗中预谋以达成其目的的解释倾向。社会认知视角为个体这种阴谋论信念的产生提供了三种解释。错觉模式感知导致人们认知上倾向于在不相关的事件之间建立联系;敏感性动因觉察影响人们过度感知并假定事件背后的动因、目的和意图等;投射是将自己愿意参与阴谋的意图归因于事件中的他人。  相似文献   
We compared maternal attitudes and feelings in two groups of mother–infant dyads: 25 mothers with preterm newborns (M=30.9 weeks of gestational age) and 25 mothers with fullterm newborns (M=39.7 weeks of gestational age). Both groups were matched for infant sex, age (corrected in preterms) and birth order as well as for maternal age and education. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect data on maternal attitudes and feelings about pregnancy and the first contacts with the newborn. Mothers completed rating scales to indicate the specific behavioural problems they perceived in their infants at 6 weeks and 3 months of (corrected) age. Observations of infant responses to visual and/or auditory stimuli were made at 6 weeks and 3 months in a laboratory setting. At 3 months, each infant was administered the Bayley Scale of Mental Development. There were no differences in maternal attitudes and feelings between the two groups of mothers prior to the birth. However, significant differences appeared after birth and indicated increased anxiety in mothers of preterm infants. Significantly more 6-week-old preterm infants were perceived by their mothers as irritable and to cry more than fullterm infants. At the age of 3 months, both groups of infants differed only in terms of irritability. Differences between the two groups of mother–infant dyads, age-related changes in these differences and relationships between maternal evaluations and the laboratory-based assessments are discussed in the context of contrasts in the stability of behavioural regulation in preterm and fullterm infants.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the theoretical role of parental self-efficacy, or parents' beliefs in their competence and effectiveness in the parental role, as a mediator of relations between parent–child risk and parental sensitivity. Evidence is marshalled from studies of parenting in the contexts of maternal depression and child health risk to support the premise that parent–child characteristics affect parental sensitivity indirectly via their more direct impact on parental feelings of efficacy, and that parenting efficacy represents the ‘final common pathway’ in the prediction of parenting sensitivity. Also considered in this working model are specific social-contextual factors as independent contributors to parenting efficacy and as possible moderators of relations between parent–child characteristics and self-efficacy. Implications for intervention are discussed. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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