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Approximately 50% of all institutionalized, mentally retarded adults receive psychotropic medication to control inappropriate behavior. In this study, behaviors exhibited by five retarded adults were formally observed while they were on and off medication. Each subject had been receiving chlorpromazine for six or more years prior to the start of the study. The drug was withdrawn and readministered using a double-blind B-A-B (drug-placebo-drug) design. Effects were highly individualized. Some desirable behavior emerged when chlorpromazine was discontinued.  相似文献   
Social approach to peers was evaluated as an intervention for isolate preschoolers. During baseline, confederate peers made few social approaches to the target subjects. Confederates greatly increased their rate of social approaches during the first intervention, decreased social approaches during a second baseline, and increased social approaches again in a second intervention phase. Increases in confederate social initiations immediately increased the frequency of subjects' positive social behavior. Additionally, five of six subjects showed an increase in their own positive social initiations during intervention periods. The results suggest that: (a) peers may be programmed to increase the positive social behaviors of their isolate classmates, and (b) remediating social deficits requires assessment and intervention specifically tailored to the individual child.  相似文献   
Five parents of nonverbal children were trained in two home settings to modify antecedents and consequences to their children's vocalizations. Generalization effects of the parent training on both the parent's and children's behaviors under different stimulus conditions were investigated using multiple-baseline designs. Increases in parent prompting and reinforcing their children's vocalizations generalized only minimally to a new setting in the home where parent training had not occurred. Child increases in vocalizations produced by the parents in the training settings did generalize to this new setting in the home. There was minimal generalization of child vocalizations to a free-play setting at school. In a formal speech session conducted by a behavior specialist at school, only one child showed definite increases in acquisition rate as a function of the parents starting to train the sound at home.  相似文献   
自我中心性偏差是社交失败的重要原因,但其产生机制还存在争议。以往研究存在抑制性选择模型与流利性错误归因两种理论观点:前者认为对自身观点的抑制失败会导致自我中心性偏差;后者则认为错误地选择自身更为流畅的信息会导致自我中心性偏差。为整合上述争论,提出抑制-归因协同作用模型,认为抑制和归因两种加工或可共同导致自我中心性偏差。未来研究应借助精巧的研究范式和特殊被试群体,进一步验证该模型。  相似文献   
自尊与人际互动:理论、研究与问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于自我确认理论开展的大量研究,有助于理解自尊对人际互动行为的调节作用。然而,研究者对自尊的测量工具不尽相同,筛选实验被试的标准也不尽一致,实验范式忽略了对实际人际互动情境的操纵,单纯采用人际选择反应作为测量自我确认的指标,因而难以形成具有整合性的理论模型。今后的研究有必要在编制合适的测量工具的基础上,将整体自尊与特殊自尊作为两个独立的变量置于整合性实验范式下开展研究,同时采用对人际评价信息的认知判断和对评价者的交往选择的双维指标,以全面揭示整体自尊与特殊自尊对自我确认过程的相对作用及其心理机制。  相似文献   
超级英雄游戏是儿童最喜爱的游戏之一,城市儿童的超级英雄游戏由于游戏中的暴力成分、狭窄的游戏场地等原因遭到成人的反对。而成人合理管理和指导儿童的超级英雄游戏能促进儿童积极发展,完全禁止儿童的超级英雄游戏可能会对儿童的发展产生消极的影响。  相似文献   
《Behavior Therapy》2021,52(6):1311-1324
Disruptive behavior in young children is one of the most common referrals to behavioral health providers. While numerous effective parenting programs, such as parent–child interaction therapy (PCIT), exist for improving children’s behaviors, challenges with treatment engagement and retention limit the intended positive impact on child and caregiver outcomes, particularly for racial and ethnic minority families. In an effort to address barriers contributing to poor engagement and retention in traditional PCIT service delivery and among ethnic and racial minority families, a multimedia PCIT ebook was developed and evaluated. In a sample of the general public that utilized the ebook, users were found to be more engaged in viewing embedded videos within the ebook that were related to expert skill explanations and skill demonstrations than caregiver testimonies. A randomized controlled trial was also conducted to evaluate the extent that the ebook + PCIT improved treatment engagement, retention, parenting skills, skill acquisition efficiency, and child behavior above and beyond traditional PCIT. Participating families were randomly assigned to either the traditional PCIT (n = 71) or ebook + PCIT (n = 107) group using an online random number generator. Forty-nine caregivers (traditional PCIT n = 24, ebook + PCIT n = 25) were excluded from analyses because they were lost to follow-up during the intervention. Families in both the traditional PCIT and ebook + PCIT groups demonstrated generally equivalent positive outcomes in treatment engagement (i.e., attendance, treatment length, completion rate) and caregiver skill acquisition efficiency at midtreatment, posttreatment, and 3-month follow-up. The addition of the ebook to PCIT also reduced child disruptive behavior at midtreatment, above and beyond traditional PCIT, but not at posttreatment or follow-up. Clinical implications and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   
《Behavior Therapy》2021,52(6):1529-1542
Childhood abuse and/or neglect adversely influences development of neurocognitive systems that regulate affect and behavior. Poor inhibitory control over emotional reactions is thus one potential pathway from maltreatment to suicide. Adult psychiatric inpatients completed the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire and an emotional stop-signal task indexing negative emotional action termination (NEAT): the ability to inhibit ongoing motor reactions to aversive stimuli triggered by negative affect. Clinical interviews assessed suicidal thoughts and behaviors during hospitalization (n = 131) and at follow-up assessments 6 months later (n = 87). Our primary aim was to examine whether maltreatment history and NEAT explain overlapping variance in suicidal behaviors (1) retrospectively and (2) 6 months following hospital discharge. Contrary to prediction, childhood maltreatment was unrelated to history of suicidal behaviors. However, NEAT was consistently associated with prior suicidal acts, even controlling for suicidal ideation and demographic covariates. NEAT similarly contributed to the prediction of post-discharge suicidal behaviors, whereas we found no effect of maltreatment history. The present study suggests that NEAT captures suicide risk independently of childhood maltreatment. Results implicated NEAT impairment specifically, rather than broader response inhibition deficits (e.g., to positive stimuli), in past and future suicidal behaviors. These findings provide preliminary support for NEAT as a behavioral vulnerability marker for suicide, with implications for understanding links between maltreatment history and suicidal acts.  相似文献   
With a plethora of touchscreen apps aimed at young children, parents are receiving mixed messages about the appropriateness of such technology for their toddlers. The American Academy of Pediatrics (2016) advises limited engagement with digital media for this age group and encourages parents to co-engage with children when they are using screens. However, very little is known about parent-child interaction in the context of joint engagement with digital screen media in the toddler years. This study observed 56 toddlers (M = 32.5 months old; 53 % female) and a parent (52 mothers; 4 fathers) performing a 3-minute drawing task on a touchscreen tablet (digital condition), and on an Etch-A-Sketch (non-digital condition) using a repeated measures design. Observations were analysed using global ratings of dyadic interaction, comparing warmth, cooperation and conflict between digital and non-digital conditions. A mixed MANCOVA analysis, controlling for levels of daily usage of touchscreens, revealed lower levels of parent-child cooperation and warmth in the digital condition compared to the non-digital condition. In addition, there was a main effect of age with younger dyads displaying less cooperation overall, particularly in the digital condition where interactions were also less warm. Results suggest that co-engaging with digital technology can be a challenging and potentially emotionally charged context for both parents and young children. Younger toddlers, especially, may be more likely to experience less cooperative interactions when co-engaging with digital technology with a parent. Results are discussed in relation to developmental differences between 2- and 3-year olds, and the need for more nuanced guidance for parents supporting young children’s interaction with digital media.  相似文献   
In this study, we examine the convergent validity of a measure of maternal looming derived using a motion capture system, and the temporal coordination between maternal loom and infant gaze using an event-based bootstrapping procedure. The sample comprised 26 mothers diagnosed with postpartum depression, 43 nondepressed mothers, and their 4-month-old infants. Mother-infant interactions were recorded during a standard face-to-face setting using video cameras and a motion capture system. First, results showed that maternal looming was correlated with a globally coded measure of maternal overriding. Maternal overriding is an intrusive behavior occurring when the mother re-directs the infant’s attention to parent-led activities. Thus, this result confirms that maternal looming can be considered a spatial intrusion in early interactions. Second, results showed that compared to nondepressed dyads, depressed dyads were more likely to coordinate maternal loom and infant gaze in a Loom-in-Gaze-pattern. We discuss the use of automated measurement for analyzing mother-infant interactions, and how the Loom-in-Gaze pattern can be interpreted as a disturbance in infant self-regulation.  相似文献   
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