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Do egalitarians always express greater compassion toward the disadvantaged than toward the advantaged? A closer look at existing scholarship on the topic suggests that they likely do. Here, we investigated whether such tendency is also apparent within interdependent, high power distance cultures where the high‐status privilege prevails. Given the emphasis on harmony in social relations in interdependent cultures, we reasoned that egalitarians might experience a dissonance between their private equity values and a societal norm prescribing high‐status privilege, which we refer to as the value‐norm conflict. We therefore proposed and found evidence in Malaysia (= 273) that egalitarians succumbed to the normative high‐status privilege in their culture: They displayed greater compassion towards higher than lower status victims, but only when the political cost of doing so was low. Interestingly, anti‐egalitarians displayed equitable levels of compassion for high‐ and low‐status victims, but only when the political cost for taking such action also was low. Hence, we show that even egalitarians can, at times, favor the privileged and that anti‐egalitarians can act equitably, so long as the political cost of doing so is trivial for them.  相似文献   
The Health Equity Advancement Lab (HEAL) at the University of Iowa College of Public Health began in 2012 to support students, researchers, and community members interested in tackling persistent health inequities through a community‐based participatory research (CBPR) approach. Using concepts from critical consciousness theory, we developed an approach to building students’, faculty members’, and community partners’ capacity to engage in CBPR to promote health equity that involved immersion in developing CBPR projects. Our paper describes the evolution of HEAL as a facilitating structure that provides a support network and engages diverse stakeholders in critical reflection as they participate in research to advance health equity, and resulting political efficacy and social action. We describe one HEAL‐affiliated research project that employs a CBPR approach and has a strong focus on providing transformative learning experiences for students, faculty, and community members. We highlight challenges, successes, and lessons learned in the application of critical consciousness as a framework that engages diverse academic and community partners seeking to promote health equity. We argue that critical consciousness is a relevant theoretical framework to promote transformative learning among students, faculty, and community partners to promote health equity research in diverse communities.  相似文献   
Abstract : This research examined how domestic consumers respond to an advertisement using brand popularity in a foreign market. By using structural equation modeling, it shows that the consumers’ response can change as a function of three characteristics of brand popularity in a foreign market: (a) expertise of foreign consumers, (b) similarity between domestic consumers and foreign consumers, and (c) animosity to a foreign country. Meanwhile, the similarity effect is found to be stronger for high‐preference heterogeneity than low‐preference heterogeneity. This research documents the importance of understanding the underlying mechanism to determine the effects of brand popularity in a foreign market on brand attitude and purchase intention.  相似文献   
国外品牌人格研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
品牌人格是指消费者所感知的品牌所体现出来的一套人格特征。根据国外文献中存在的品牌人格相关研究这条线索,介绍了品牌形象论及品牌形象维度论两个派系关于品牌人格的定义,基于人格类型论和人格特质论两个理论源泉回顾了品牌人格的维度构成,并分别从消费者视角及企业视角归纳分析了品牌人格的影响作用,最后从研究内容、研究方法及理论借鉴三个方面探讨了现有研究的不足,并展望了品牌人格的研究趋势。  相似文献   
心理词汇法在品牌人格研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
心理词汇法源于早期对特质词的研究,它以人们对特定事物进行评价所用的词汇为研究对象,能够概括出看似纷乱复杂的心理词汇的内在规律。在品牌人格研究中,其应用范围主要集中在品牌人格维度的提取和品牌特质的研究两个方面。心理词汇法已经不仅仅局限于对词汇进行整理分析,许多相关学科的研究方法,如反应时方法,内隐态度的测量等都被吸收和利用进来;同时,心理词汇法也被应用到品牌人格的其他相关方面,如品牌延伸,品牌定位等  相似文献   
This study explores how brand-related information is integrated within a competitive environment. Specifically, we develop a structural equation model of competition between two brands, which includes each brand's price-quality characteristics (i.e., net utility). The model simultaneously tests how the net utility of the focal and competing brands affects consumers' attitudes, intentions, and choice regarding the focal brand. This study extends existing research with the findings that price-quality evaluations of a focal brand and net utility perceptions of competing brands influence consumers' attitudes, intentions, and choice regarding the focal brand. Thus, in order to attract consumers to their brands, marketers should focus not only on improving the performance and net utility of their own brands, but also on studying competing brands in the marketplace.  相似文献   
It is normally argued that consumers make their purchase decisions on the basis of their evaluation of, and knowledge about, the product attributes. This paper reports findings from a research study, which was conducted to determine the nature and type of evaluative criteria used by an individual while purchasing a piece of precious jewellery. In doing so, the study looked into the significance of product category knowledge, brand familiarity and brand consciousness in product evaluation. A questionnaire was sent to 500 consumers of precious jewellery in five major cities of the UK. Results indicate that, in general, subjective attributes are more important for people buying precious jewellery than the objective attributes. The significance of specific attributes during product evaluation could vary according to one's level of product category knowledge, brand familiarity and brand consciousness. The paper discusses implications for the marketers. Copyright © 2001 Henry Stewart Publications.  相似文献   
品牌依恋的概念架构及其理论发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
品牌依恋(brand attachment)是联结品牌与消费者自我的认知和情感纽带的强度,是品牌情感和品牌关系领域的前沿课题。品牌依恋不仅可以更好地预知较高层次的消费者行为反应,而且是强势品牌资产的重要来源。通过对心理学和营销学领域大量相关文献的系统梳理,提出品牌依恋建立于依恋理论、品牌关系理论和自我一致性理论基础之上;评析品牌依恋单维度、多维度概念的相关研究,辨析其与品牌态度、品牌至爱、品牌承诺、品牌涉入等概念的异同;结合已有研究分析品牌依恋的形成机理与行为结果;指明品牌依恋理论未来主要研究方向  相似文献   
孙瑾  张红霞 《心理学报》2012,44(5):698-710
品牌管理者最首要的决策就是选择一个好记的或有意义的品牌名字。由于任何特征的品牌名字都必须借助消费者的认知差异来实现真正的差异化, 因此, 从消费者认知特点出发研究暗示性品牌名字就显得尤为重要和有意义。本文通过3个实验, 分别验证了消费者认知需要和专业化水平对品牌名称暗示性与决策选择的调节作用。方差分析发现:低专业化水平的消费者更倾向于根据暗示性的品牌名字做出决策, 而高专业化水平的消费者则不受品牌名称暗示程度的影响。此外, 低认知需要的消费者比较喜欢暗示性的品牌名字, 而对于高认知需要的消费者来说, 品牌名字的暗示性程度不会对其决策过程产生影响。最后, 研究结果揭示了专业化水平和认知需要对暗示性品牌名字效果发挥具有交互作用。对于具有高专业化水平的消费者来说, 无论他们处于低认知需要还是高认知需要, 品牌名字的暗示程度都不会影响他们的态度形成。相反地,对于具有低专业化水平的消费者来说, 无论是低认知需要还是高认知需要均倾向于暗示性的品牌名字。而对于专业化程度中等的消费者而言, 暗示性品牌名字效用的发挥则取决于其处理信息的动机—认知需要水平。  相似文献   
论品牌资产——一种认知的观点   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
品牌资产是当今营销研究领域的一个重要概念。文章以大量国外相关研究成果为佐证,从人类认知的角度对品牌资产的本质、品牌资产的形成和作用机制进行了系统地分析和论述。文章指出,品牌资产就是消费者关于品牌的知识,包括品牌名字与产品类别、产品评价和关联物(有关产品的信息或线索)的记忆联想;品牌资产是在品牌名字的基础上经过营销活动和消费者产品购买、使用经验的共同作用形成的;品牌资产的价值主要体现在对产品销售的促进和品牌延伸。  相似文献   
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