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论地域传统文化与西部民族地区艾滋病防控   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
地域传统文化与疾病防控的关系密切,地域传统文化不仅是一种重要的文化资源,对地方的疾病防控也有着极大的促进作用,但有时还会阻碍疾病防控的进一步实施。由于西部少数民族地区艾滋病已蔓延到了非常严峻的时期。预防和控制艾滋病传播迫在眉睫,眼下首先应学习先进文化,急待转变和更新观念,消除地域传统文化摩擦;其次,高度重视教育,提高其人口素质,消除传统文化摩擦。  相似文献   
服务质量的研究综述   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
服务日渐成为企业关键的竞争要素之一,越来越多的企业在市场竞争中开始以消费者为中心,重视服务质量,以期在激烈的市场竞争中获胜。文章概括了服务的概念及特性、服务质量的概念、服务质量要素的研究状况和服务质量接受区间的应用,并简要说明了文化对服务质量要素的影响。  相似文献   
医学的疆界是增进人的健康。当今,有两个因素在诱惑医学超越固有的疆界。医学不仅应当求真,而且应当求善。强化医学人文教育是医学教育改革的当务之急。向医学生注入热爱病人、热爱生命、尊重人的尊严,是医学人文教育的根本目的。  相似文献   
Introjection, identifi cation and projection are concepts that designate processes in which something is being put into or taken out of something else. These processes presuppose the overcoming of some form of separation between two entities. The permeability or impermeability of a fi ctive boundary between the representations of subject and object set the emotional tone of their coexistence. There are moments of complete diffusion, in which subject and object can no longer be differentiated, and moments of autistic enclosure in which the individual can no longer be reached at all. Permeability and demarcation result from the processing of stimuli carried out by the ‘contact‐barrier’, as an ego function. Stimuli of internal, libidinal or aggressive origin, as well as ‘im‐pressions’ of external origin, are classifi ed and processed with the aid of various kinds of factors arising from coagulated object‐relational experiences. Whereas for Freud the contact‐barrier regulates the quantity of energy and founds a topographical structure, Bion understands the contact‐barrier as a psychic function that simultaneously regulates boundary demarcation and making contact. In the psychoanalytic process, the contact‐barrier created by patient and analyst regulates the events in the transference and countertransference. An awareness of the struggle for contact and demarcation at the dynamic boundary representations that are constantly being recreated by both partners in the analytic process may be helpful in our clinical work. The author presents an examination of the ways in which patient and analyst make contact and demarcate the boundaries, which provides a better understanding of the dynamics of transference processes. He demonstrates this in relation to clinical material.  相似文献   
从1946年6月全面内战爆发,到1947年7月至9月人民解放军由战略防御转入战略进攻,仅仅过去一年的时间,中国历史的发展就来了个大转折.在这个"转折年代"里,由于此前的"调处"失败,美国人在中国的历史舞台上开始由台前走向幕后,只能通过援助国民党的方式来继续干涉中国内政,与中国共产党人展开间接的较量.在指挥战略防御和部署战略反攻的繁忙日子里,毛泽东不得不花费大量的心血来反复分析和考量站在战场远端的美国.考量的结果是,他不仅提出了"一切反动派都是纸老虎"的著名论断,而且提出了"中间地带的革命"理论,接受了"两个阵营"划分的新理念,极大地丰富和发展了他在"转折年代"的美国观.  相似文献   
Progress in psychotherapy is typically irregular, as advances alternate with setbacks. This study investigated the therapist’s activities prior to two main types of setbacks, one involving the client following therapist proposals and one involving the client failing to follow from therapist proposals, in the case of a poor-outcome client treated with a linguistically-oriented kind of cognitive therapy. Setbacks were defined as decreases of at least one level on an index of therapeutic progress, the 8-level Assimilation of Problematic Experiences Scale (APES), in adjacent client passages. Therapist activities were coded in 361 setback episodes that each included a client pre-setback passage, a therapist passage, and a client setback passage; both client passages had been previously rated on the APES. The main categories of therapist activities showed distinctive patterns in relation to the two main types of setbacks, the therapeutic zone of proximal development and the balance strategy. The two main patterns were described as an exploratory and a challenging configuration. These patterns of therapist activities and setbacks showed how the therapist seemed to persevere with approach-guided interventions while this poor-outcome client continued to have setbacks to low APES levels.  相似文献   
The lane-changing behavior in work zone areas has special features than a regular lane change as the former is usually compulsively motivated involving complicated cognitive processes with drivers’ perception of work-zone control devices. Toward this end, this study conducted a driving simulator-based experiment to understand the effects of lane-end sign distance and traffic volume on driving behaviors. A conceptual model was also proposed to partition the whole lane-changing process into three stages, i.e. the perception, preparation and action stages, reflecting different cognitive and manipulative activities of drivers. In addition to the lane-end sign distance and traffic volume, gender and profession of drivers were adopted as covariates. In this experiment, a complete combination of lane-end sign distance and traffic volume served as treatments. The results verify the impacts of those factors on driving behaviors in and across different stages. For example, the location of the lane-end sign had a profound influence on drivers' perception of the imminent work-zone situation, but the influence continued to diminish in the following two stages. On the other hand, male or taxi drivers tended to act earlier than female or regular drivers respectively, for all the three stages. According to the analysis, several practical implications were also provided. In specific, the lane-end sign is recommended to be installed 500 m upstream to the lane dropping point of work zones. It is a pioneer study toward investigating multistage driving behaviors in work zone areas, which is expected to provide references and guidance for the design of traffic control devices and other driving simulator-based studies.  相似文献   
With the passing of disputations between Jewish and Christian thinkers as to whose tradition has a more universal ethics, the task of Jewish and Christian ethicists is to constitute a universal horizon for their respective bodies of ethics, both of which are essentially particularistic being rooted in special revelation. This parallel project must avoid relativism that is essentially anti‐ethical, and triumphalism that proposes an imperialist ethos. A retrieval of the idea of natural law in each respective tradition enables the constitution of some intelligent common ground for ethical cooperation in both theory and practice between the traditions. This essay also suggests how the constitution of this common ground could include Muslims as well. The constitution of this common ground enables religious ethicists to present more cogent ethical arguments in secular space, but only of course, when those who now control secular space are open to arguments from members of any religious tradition.  相似文献   
Using variance stabilizing transformations, this note describes approximate solutions to the ranking and selection problem of selecting the best binomial population or the bivariate normal population with the largest correlation coefficient.  相似文献   
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