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Many youth who are incarcerated within juvenile correctional facilities experience mental health disorders, histories of victimization and suicide ideation. Strengths‐based intervention programmes are intended to enhance participants' resilience against such challenges. However, little is known about how the composition of intervention groups contributes to programmes' efficacy. This study addresses the impact of within‐group similarity on the success of a strengths‐based intervention for incarcerated young men (n = 141). Similarity was assessed in terms of self‐reported demographics and behaviours and belief systems. Youths' masculine ideology, caring and cooperative behaviours, ethnic pride and respect for differences, self‐efficacy regarding education and non‐violence, and attitudes about criminal behaviour were measured before and after intervention. Results indicate that participants' caring and cooperative behaviour increased during the intervention. However, their education‐related self‐efficacy was reduced, and the perceived benefits of criminal activity increased. These changes were moderated by group composition: less similarity between participants and their group members was associated with less negative change. In the context of juvenile corrections facilities, where staying the same may be a relatively positive outcome, perhaps the more relevant question is not which processes and characteristics of others better enable youth to change but which experiences help them retain positive aspects of themselves. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
哲学视域中战国楚竹书《周易》的文献价值   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
上海博物馆所藏楚竹书<周易>见证了数字式爻题的早已存在,与其他传本的<周易>爻题一样,充分蕴示了卦所潜涵的繁复无尽的变动不居之流变情状及卦与卦间所潜涵的同样繁复无尽的流变互通情状,由此而充分符示了宇宙人生中两大类势力互动格局繁复无尽的变动不居之流变图景与诸格局间同样繁复无尽的流变互通图景.楚竹书<周易>的卦爻画已是完全符号化了的卦爻画,但符号化的卦爻画于西周时期<周易>古经成书时当已存在,这种卦爻画乃是易学成为具有自身特有话语系统的高度哲学性的天人之学的根基.残存的楚竹书<周易>卦名后与上爻之辞终了后的奇特符号标识,昭示了卦与物事的极而必反、覆而相通之理,但尚难解读出经文分篇方面的信息.  相似文献   
A material‐discursive perspective holds advantage in understanding male realities. It seeks to integrate dominant approaches that appear anaemic in their failure to capture the interplay between the material and discursive realms of human existence. Three dominant metaphorical themes in the rhetorical representation of South African masculinities are described in an attempt to illustrate the complexity of embodied masculine experience. In this sense the discussion seeks to reveal the dynamic nature of masculine debate and lived experience across differing contexts. It serves to underline the importance of adopting a material‐discursive perspective in understanding men, which recognizes that they do not exist as a homogeneous social group, and as such experience their masculinities in a variable and changing fashion. The theoretical amalgamation of social representations and rhetoric is argued to provide a useful analytical tool in an endeavour of this nature. It is suggested that the rhetorical approach problematizes an overly consensual view of social reality that social representations theory typically promotes. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This paper explores the way madness is culturally represented in the West, and the impact of these ideas on the mental health system. The paper offers an alternative liberationist approach to gender, madness and psychotherapeutics. Strange, unexpected or apparently inexplicable behaviour and/or thoughts are usually considered to be abnormal. Invariably such behaviour and/or thoughts are labelled as madness ‐ psychological conditions deemed to be problematic. Common images associated with madness include emotional display, wildness, irrationality, sexuality, and passivity. In Western cultures these traits representing madness seem to be equated with aspects of femininity, thus inducing unsympathetic, condemnatory reactions within societies. Such responses tend to serve the social function of enforcing conformity within oppressive systems. Western cultures broadly polarise masculinity and femininity: masculinity tends to represent sanity. Yet this apparently positive status of masculinity leaves men with innumerable difficulties. The social conception of masculinity does not encompass many capacities that distinguish humanity, such as cognitive and behavioural flexibility, emotional awareness, empathy, compassion, co‐operation, exuberance, creativity, imaginativeness and sensitivity. Indeed, this cultural conception of madness impacts adversely on the operation of social institutions and is oppressive in different ways in the lives of both men and women.  相似文献   
The author examined whether preschoolers’ Halloween costume choices reflect their gender development. The sample consisted of 110 (53 boys, 57 girls) infant through preschool-aged participants, and 1 parent of each child. Both observational methodologies and parent-report surveys were used to assess the gender-typed nature of children's Halloween costumes, information about the Halloween costume choice process, and about the children's gender development. Boys’ costumes were more masculine and girls’ costumes were more feminine. Younger children's costumes were consistently less gender typed than the older children's costumes were. Children whose parents chose their Halloween costumes for them had Halloween costumes that were less gender typed than did children who were involved in the Halloween costume decision-making process. Moreover, children's gender-typed play and desire to wear gender-stereotyped clothes were related to the gender stereotyped nature of their Halloween costume. Unexpectedly, gender typicality, a dimension of gender identity, was not related to children's Halloween costume choices. Overall, the findings support that children's Halloween costume choice is an indicator of children's gender development processes.  相似文献   
生活中,有的喜欢"清秀"的男性面孔,而有的则更偏爱长得"阳刚"的面孔,已有大量的研究致力于解释这一分歧,但是得出的研究结果各不一致。本研究用元分析方法考察对男性面孔二态性的不同偏好,通过检索、搜集了23篇有效文献,56对数据满足了元分析标准(n=8408)。结果发现,漏斗图和BeggMazumdar秩相关检验、Egger’s检验结果显示不存在发表偏差;主效应检验发现对男性面孔二态性无明显偏好;调节效应检验表明,对男性面孔二态性偏好受面孔生成技术、生理周期的调节,但不受被试性别、关系背景和文化的调节。人们对男性面孔二态性的偏好,除了本身生物学特质(生理周期)外,还受到生成技术的影响。  相似文献   
This article reports findings from a study conducted among 212 private motorbike–taxi riders, locally called bodabodamen, from two study sites—a slum area and the urban center of Masaka town. Qualitative and quantitative methods were triangulated; a questionnaire, focus group discussions, in-depth interviews, case studies, and interactive workshops were all used. There were high levels of awareness of HIV, much more than sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), because many participants had closely experienced HIV/AIDS. Knowledge about sexual health contained several misconceptions, misinformation, and myths rooted in both the historical and contemporary social cultural context. Due to high illiteracy levels, bodabodamen cannot access many standard health education materials issued by government and private health organizations through the print and electronic media, as well as those published in languages other than the local vernacular. These (and possibly other) disadvantaged groups remain at risk of HIV and STDs. Especial efforts need to be made to provide appropriate health education.  相似文献   
Recently, there has been a growing interest in what is positioned as a new form of masculinity arising from the increase in fathers as primary caregivers. This new form is referred to as a “caring masculinity” and is theorised as a radical shift away from traditional or hegemonic forms of masculinity. This paper critically examines the fathering literature, focusing specifically on how primary caregiving fathers navigate social norms with regard to masculinity. The paper concludes that there is a complex interplay between expectations of a traditional, provider father and a new and involved father. It is argued that ideas surrounding a caring masculinity are better understood as a broadening of hegemonic masculinity, rather than an entirely new or distinct form.  相似文献   
Despite the successes of the civil rights movement, a largely impermeable color line continues to restrict African Americans from assimilation into the broader American society. In the meantime high rates of immigration have produced an increasingly culturally diverse population. A "people of color" hypothesis suggests that the color line the new immigrants face resembles that imposed on African Americans. A "black exceptionalism" hypothesis suggests instead that the color line will be more porous for them, allowing for greater assimilation over successive generations, including a gradual weakening of politicized racial and ethnic group consciousness. Using data from Los Angeles County Social Surveys, we find that the largest new immigrant group, Latinos, like blacks, show strongly group-interested policy preferences and strong group consciousness. However, both effects are stronger for recent Latino immigrants than for the U.S.-born. We conclude that the new immigrant groups are increasingly likely to assimilate politically into the broader society in future generations, whereas a rather strict color line will continue to restrict blacks and maintain their distinctiveness.  相似文献   
从哲学的角度,对肿瘤研究中的常用方法即观测与测定进行了理性的思考,探讨理论背景、观测仪器和测量过程对观测和测量的结果存在影响,肿瘤发生机理的基因异常理论的片面性,提出肿瘤发生的非平衡自组织观点、亚细胞水平成分测不准的可能性和肿瘤细胞及机体研究的黑箱方法。  相似文献   
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