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Mani N  Plunkett K 《Cognition》2011,121(2):196-206
Adult word recognition is influenced by prior exposure to phonologically or semantically related words (cup primes cat or plate) compared to unrelated words (door), suggesting that words are organised in the adult lexicon based on their phonological and semantic properties and that word recognition implicates not just the heard word, but also related words. We investigate the phonological organisation of the toddler lexicon with two experiments using a picture priming technique. Twenty-four month olds showed inhibition of target recognition in related primed trials compared to unrelated primed trials (Experiment 1) and also in related primed trials compared to unprimed trials (Experiment 2). Further analysis of children’s responding found that this inhibition effect was modulated by the cohort and neighbourhood size of the words tested. Overall, the results indicate a lexical basis for the reported effects and suggest that the phonological properties provide an organisational basis for words in the toddler lexicon.  相似文献   
Previous research indicates that pairing pictures with associated words when teaching sight-word reading may hinder acquisition (e.g., Didden, Prinsen, & Sigafoos, 2000; Singh & Solman, 1990; Solman & Singh, 1992). The purpose of the current study was to determine whether this phenomenon was due to a previously learned association between the spoken word and picture (i.e., blocking) or due to the mere presence of a picture as an extrastimulus prompt (i.e., overshadowing). Three participants were taught to recognize words that were presented alone or paired with pictures that the participants either could or could not identify prior to training. All participants learned the words more quickly when they were presented alone rather than with pictures, regardless of their prior learning history with respect to pictures representing the words. This finding is consistent with the phenomenon of overshadowing. Nonetheless, consistent with blocking, all participants also acquired the words presented alone more quickly if they could not identify the associated pictures prior to training. Together, these findings have important implications for using prompts when teaching skills to individuals with developmental disabilities.  相似文献   
采用两个实验考察了获得年龄因素在汉语词汇识别中的作用。实验一采用经典的词汇判断任务考察了获得年龄和词频因素在词汇判断中的作用,结果发现获得年龄和词频两个因素均影响词汇识别。实验二采用阅读句子任务,通过实时记录的眼动追踪技术进一步考察了在有语境的情况下,获得年龄和词频因素在词汇加工中的作用。结果发现,在阅读句子任务中,词汇获得年龄和词频因素都在词汇加工中起作用,二者存在交互作用,晚获得词存在词频效应。两个实验的结果均支持了在汉语词汇识别中,存在获得年龄效应。  相似文献   
薛成波  叶超雄  张引  刘强 《心理学报》2015,47(7):851-858
弱客体理论认为, 视觉工作记忆系统是由众多特征存储的子系统组成, 不同纬度的特征独立存储在相应的有限容量的子系统中, 相互之间不会竞争记忆资源。而对于特征之间绑定关系的记忆存在不同的观点。一种观点认为绑定关系的记忆需要注意维持, 因此绑定关系的记忆会占用到特征记忆的资源; 另一种观点认为绑定关系的记忆是自动发生的, 不需要注意的维持。本实验的目的是探究特征绑定关系的记忆是否是自动发生的。在实验中, 我们设计了两种任务, 一种任务是只记忆颜色, 另一种任务是记忆颜色跟位置及其之间的绑定关系, 并测试分析视觉工作记忆相关的ERP成分CDA。结果发现两种任务条件下的CDA波幅之间没有显著差异, 说明视觉工作记忆中的特征绑定是自动发生的。  相似文献   
企业为了促进产品推广, 不惜重金聘请名人为产品代言。已有的文献主要探究名人代言的自强型模式, 很少研究名人代言的自嘲型的表达方式。本文则基于社会影响理论和产品差异理论探究了两种类型名人代言在不同产品情境下对消费者口碑推荐的影响。通过二手数据分析和实验法研究发现:自强型的名人代言更有利于提升消费者对享乐型产品的口碑推荐; 自嘲型的名人代言更有利于提升消费者对实用型产品的口碑推荐; 自强型的名人代言主要是通过强化其规范性影响, 进而增强消费者对享乐型产品的口碑推荐; 自嘲型的名人代言主要是通过强化其信息性影响, 进而增强消费者对实用型产品的口碑推荐。  相似文献   
采用眼动追踪技术,考察重复阅读对母语为汉语的大学生阅读英语语篇的作用。研究采用2(目标词词频:高频、低频)×5(阅读遍数:1遍、2遍、3遍、4遍、5遍)的两因素被试内设计。结果发现:(1)随着阅读遍数的增加,读者的阅读理解正确率呈上升趋势,总阅读时间、注视次数、回视次数和平均注视时间显著降低,平均眼跳幅度显著增加;(2)阅读遍数与目标词词频的交互作用显著,表现为重复阅读对低频词识别的促进作用要显著大于对高频词识别的促进作用。研究表明重复阅读能够有效提高大学生对英语语篇的阅读效率。  相似文献   
通过词汇判断任务,探讨语素频率对中级印尼汉语学习者复合词识别的影响。研究结果发现,语素频率影响中级印尼汉语学习者复合词的识别。同时,语素频率对词汇识别的影响受到语素位置的调节。当语素为复合词的首语素时,语素频率高,词汇判断的正确率高;语素频率低,词汇判断的正确率低。当语素为复合词的尾语素时,语素频率对词汇判断正确率的影响受到首语素频率的限制。只有当首语素的频率高时,尾语素的频率才会影响词汇判断的正确率。当首语素的频率低时,尾语素的频率不影响词汇判断的正确率。研究结果支持中级印尼汉语学习者在复合词的表征中产生了语素表征,而且首语素的频率在复合词识别中发挥更重要的作用。  相似文献   
董燕萍  袁媛 《心理科学》2008,31(1):192-194
启动实验的有效条件之一是,控制组和实验组的目标词在基线反应时上相同,但在实际操作中,不少研究没有收集基线反应时,只是确保了两组目标词在频率上相同.本研究实验结果显示:对于母语而言,如果词频很高,相同频率的词得到相同反应时的机率很大;相反,机率就比较低;对于外语而言,这种机率相对更低.实验说明,相同词频的词不一定能得到相同的反应时,因此收集基线反应时是启动实验不可或缺的步骤.  相似文献   
We examined the effects of sensorimotor experience in two visual word recognition tasks. Body-object interaction (BOI) ratings were collected for a large set of words. These ratings assess perceptions of the ease with which a human body can physically interact with a word's referent. A set of high BOI words (e.g., mask) and a set of low BOI words (e.g., ship) were created, matched on imageability and concreteness. Facilitatory BOI effects were observed in lexical decision and phonological lexical decision tasks: responses were faster for high BOI words than for low BOI words. We discuss how our findings may be accounted for by (a) semantic feedback within the visual word recognition system, and (b) an embodied view of cognition (e.g., Barsalou's perceptual symbol systems theory), which proposes that semantic knowledge is grounded in sensorimotor interactions with the environment.  相似文献   
采用连续再认范式, 考察了不同延迟条件下, 汉语口语词的重复效应。结果发现, 立即重复产生了最大的反应时的易化, 随着延迟的增加, 易化作用逐渐减小甚至消失。在ERP上, 与首次呈现相比, 重复呈现的词会诱发广泛分布的更正的波形; 并且随着延迟的增加, 重复效应出现的时间越来越晚:立即重复条件从200ms左右开始, 间隔一个词重复条件从300ms左右开始, 间隔8~10个词时, 重复效应从400ms左右开始。三种条件下的重复效应分别反映了对再次呈现的词的声学语音特征加工的易化、语义加工的易化和情景信息的提取。  相似文献   
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