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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between thought-action fusion (TAF) and religiosity in Christians and Jews (Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform). There is a growing body of evidence that suggests that religiosity is related to obsessive cognitions in Christian samples, but conceptual and empirical ambiguities complicate the interpretation of that literature and its application to non-Christian groups. As predicted on the basis of previous research, Christians scored higher than Jews on moral TAF. This effect was large and not explained by differences in self-reported religiosity. The Jewish groups did not differ from each other. Furthermore, religiosity was significantly associated with TAF only within the Christian group. These results qualify the presumed association between religiosity and obsessive cognitions. General religiosity is not associated with TAF; it rather depends on what religious group. Moreover, large group differences in a supposed maladaptive construct without evidence of corresponding differences in prevalence rates call into question the assumption that TAF is always a marker of pathology.  相似文献   
Several diagnostic symptoms of the visual-processing deficit Meares-Irlen/Visual Stress Syndrome are remarkably similar to symptom manifestations reported by individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). We surveyed the specific incidences of nine widely-recognised symptoms of visual stress (VS) in a group of subjects (n = 20) previously diagnosed with CFS. The presence of each symptom of VS in the CFS group was compared to its respective presence in both an age and sex matched healthy comparison group (n = 46), and an age and sex matched group comprised of individuals (n = 14) diagnosed with VS. Results showed the frequencies of all nine VS symptoms in the CFS-diagnosed group to be significantly higher (p = .032 – p < .0005) than in the comparison group, with only two symptoms being statistically less frequent in the CFS group than in the VS-diagnosed group. The average number of VS symptoms reported by the CFS group was also significantly higher than the comparison group, yet not significantly different from the VS group. Thus, the occurrence of VS symptoms in subjects diagnosed with CFS appears to be far greater than previously reported, which in turn may indicate the interplay of some yet to be identified underlying factor(s) common to both conditions.  相似文献   
As postindustrial societies become more dependent on technology, they also become encumbered by greater risk. With the mounting news reports of cyberattacks, a common reaction to these technology‐based hazards is anxiety. Whether anxiety enhances or erodes information processing is a topic of debate in previous literature, and equally uncertain is whether mass anxiety facilitates or hobbles the public's ability to contemplate current events. In light of three theoretical models in the basic research of anxiety, we hypothesized that (1) anxious participants are less able to recall the information in a news report of cyberattack than their nonanxious counterparts, (2) they become increasingly inept at recalling the details as the storyline unfolds, and (3) this impairment is unique to anxiety. Participants in Study 1 (130 college students) and Study 2 (392 American adults) viewed a news story of a cyberattack and then reported their emotional states and their levels of understanding of the various parts of the report—except that the anxiety in Study 1 was naturalistic, and in Study 2, experimentally manipulated. Results from both studies showed that anxiety undermined recall performance. In addition, Study 1 found that the recall was worse towards the middle and the end of the news story and that other emotions were not significantly associated with memory deficit. Anxiety is discussed as a barrier for the public to stay informed about cyberattacks.  相似文献   
Public opinion research has repeatedly shown that religious people generally report more prejudice against homosexuality. However, previous research exploring the general mechanisms that underpin this relationship mostly relied on Christian samples in North America. Studies outside North America are few in number and limited in the forms of religiosity they address. Of all indicators that have been studied so far, a religious quest orientation was found to be the only one negatively related to anti‐gay sentiments. This leaves open the question whether the mechanisms for different forms of religiosity can also be found outside North America. Against that background this research note assesses how religious quest orientation, self‐rated religiosity, religious behavior, and authoritarianism are related to prejudice against homosexuality among Christian and Muslim youth aged 14–23 in Flanders (N = 2,834). This study is the first that investigates the relationship between religious quest orientation and anti‐gay sentiments among Muslims. For both Christians and Muslims, we found that even taking into account a wide range of social background and religious characteristics, having a religious quest orientation is related to less prejudice toward homosexuality.  相似文献   
李稚  朱春红 《心理科学进展》2021,29(9):1561-1575
随着互联网飞跃发展, 弹幕视频应运而生。这种新型的用户与视频交互方式具有新特性, 如用户情感表达实时动态性、情感分布多峰性。同时, 新特性也给实际研究工作带来挑战, 如用户画像刻画难度增大, 视频推荐和广告推送所需精度提高。现有研究尚未对弹幕视频的新特性进行深入分析, 也没有充分挖掘其本身所蕴含的学术研究价值。本文利用深度学习、自然语言处理技术、系统动力学方法, 结合心理学、市场营销学等多学科交叉前沿知识, 从数据驱动角度对弹幕视频数据进行分析和建模, 深度挖掘视频大数据潜在的商业价值。重点研究弹幕与视频双模态融合的情感识别方法; 构建带有用户情感特征的动态用户画像, 并建立基于用户画像的网络视频粘性营销机制; 分析用户情感与视频广告插播方式的相关性, 提出视频广告动态插播策略。丰富现有研究的同时, 为网络视频企业准确定位与分析用户需求, 创建高品质的智能营销平台供理论与决策支持。  相似文献   
《Behavior Therapy》2022,53(1):23-33
Although exposure and response prevention (ERP) is considered the gold standard for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), it is rarely used in clinical practice. Therapists’ beliefs about ERP affect its utilization, as previous research suggests, but the role of therapists’ cognitive biases is unclear. In particular, susceptibility to thought-action fusion (TAF) may be related to the underutilization of ERP in OCD.Therapists (N = 353) were divided into those recommending (ERP+, n = 228) and not recommending ERP (ERP−, n = 125) as treatment for an OCD case example. TAF in therapists was assessed using behavioral and self-report measures (TAFS).TAF was higher in the ERP− than the ERP+ group, with a small to moderate effect size (0.2 ≤ d ≤ 0.4). ERP− therapists showed more avoidance and neutralizing behavior and a stronger emotional response than the ERP+ therapists during the experimental task. Moreover, higher TAF as measured by the TAFS was associated at a small magnitude with lower likelihood of using ERP in the therapists’ actual clinical practices.Therapists’ cognitive biases should be addressed in their training in order to increase the dissemination of evidence-based treatment (i.e., ERP) and thus improve the treatment of OCD.  相似文献   
When talking about automation, “autonomous vehicles”, often abbreviated as AVs, come to mind. In transitioning from the “driver” mode to the different automation levels, there is an inevitable need for modeling driving behavior. This often happens through data collection from experiments and studies, but also information extraction, a key step in behavioral modeling. Particularly, naturalistic driving studies and field operational trials are used to collect meaningful data on drivers’ interactions in real–world conditions. On the other hand, information extraction methods allow to predict or mimic driving behavior, by using a set of statistical learning methods. In simple words, the way to understand drivers’ needs and wants in the era of automation can be represented in a data–information cycle, starting from data collection, and ending with information extraction. To develop this cycle, this research reviews studies with keywords “data collection”, “information extraction”, “AVs”, while keeping the focus on driving behavior. The resulting review led to a screening of about 161 papers, out of which about 30 were selected for a detailed analysis. The analysis included an investigation of the methods and equipment used for data collection, the features collected, the size and frequency of the data along with the main problems associated with the different sensory equipment; the studies also looked at the models used to extract information, including various statistical techniques used in AV studies. This paved the way to the development of a framework for data analytics and fusion, allowing the use of highly heterogeneous data to reach the defined objectives; for this paper, the example of impacts of AVs on a network level and AV acceptance is given. The authors suggest that such a framework could be extended and transferred across the various transportation sectors.  相似文献   
Previous studies suggest that the link between obsessive–compulsive (OC) symptoms and moral thought–action fusion (TAF) depends on religion; however, no study has compared Muslim and Jewish samples. We examined the relationships between OC symptoms, scrupulosity, religiosity, and moral TAF in Israeli Muslims and Jews. Religiosity was not associated with elevations in OC symptoms, although religiosity correlated with scrupulosity across the entire sample after controlling for depression and anxiety. Moral TAF was related to scrupulosity across the entire sample. The Muslim group had higher levels of OC symptoms, scrupulosity, and depressive symptoms than did the Jewish group, but the groups were equally religious. In addition, Muslims scored higher than did Jews on moral TAF even after controlling for symptoms; however, moral TAF was not related to scrupulosity within the Muslim group. In combination, these results imply that moral TAF depends on cultural and religious factors and does not necessarily indicate pathology.  相似文献   
We examined the reactions of Spanish participants to three negative historic events: a corruption scandal involving the Royal Family and two separatist efforts by a prosperous region of Spain. Although average fusion scores declined following these events, these declines were limited to sentiments toward the group category – collective ties-; they did not tarnish sentiments toward individual group members – relational ties. Moreover, strongly fused persons continued committed to remain in the group and act agentically by fighting and dying for it. Finally, rank orderings of fusion scores remained stable. These findings demonstrate that negative events weaken some aspects of alignment with the group, including collective ties and fusion, but not other aspects, such as relational ties and endorsement of pro-group behaviors.  相似文献   
研究探讨了品牌来源国刻板印象的双重表现及其改变,结果表明:从外显的层面上看,相对国外品牌,消费者普遍认为国产品牌在质量印象、传播印象上不如国外品牌,在价格印象上比国外品牌好,在服务印象和整体印象上二者无差异;相对国外品牌,消费者对国产品牌具有更为积极的内隐品牌刻板印象;以直接劝说方式激发的民族情感不能改变外显品牌来源国刻板印象,但是以间接劝说方式激发的民族情感可以使消费者对国产综合型产品的外显整体印象更为积极;无论以直接还是间接劝说方式激发的民族情感均不能使消费者对国产品牌产生更强的正向内隐品牌来源国刻板印象;品牌来源国刻板印象的激活并非完全的自动化过程。  相似文献   
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