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The study presents a quasi-experimental analysis of data on 9,194 offspring (ages 4–11 years old) of women from a nationally representative U.S. sample of households to test the causal hypotheses about the association between family income and childhood conduct problems (CPs). Comparison of unrelated individuals in the sample indicated a robust inverse association, with the relation being larger at higher levels of income and for male offspring, even when statistical covariates were included to account for measured confounds that distinguish different families. Offspring also were compared to their siblings and cousins who were exposed to different levels of family income in childhood to rule out unmeasured environmental and genetic factors confounded with family income as explanations for the association. In these within-family analyses, boys exposed to lower family income still exhibited significantly higher levels of CPs. When considered in the context of previous studies using different designs, these results support the inference that family income influences CPs, particularly in males, through causal environmental processes specifically related to earnings within the nuclear family. This research was supported by grant R01-MH070025 to Benjamin B. Lahey. The research was approved by the Institutional Review Board at Indiana University. Resubmitted to the Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology on April 21, 2008 and October 20, 2008.  相似文献   
Level 6 of the Assessment of Basic Learning Abilities (ABLA) assesses the ease or difficulty with which persons with developmental disabilities are able to learn a two-choice auditory-visual discrimination. We investigated whether participants who passed ABLA Level 6 (Group 1) would more readily learn object naming (vocal tacts) than those who failed ABLA Level 6 (Group 2). The groups were matched on the Communication Subscale of the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale. Results indicated that Group 1 met mastery criterion for a significantly larger number of naming responses and in significantly fewer trials than Group 2. The implications for language training are discussed.  相似文献   
Theories of symbolic ideology view it as an affective orientation untouched by ideational content. Drawing on Shalom Schwartz's theory of basic human values, we propose that four bedrock values—universalism, openness to change, conservation, and self-enhancement—shape symbolic ideology. We explore whether politically sophisticated and unsophisticated individuals ground symbolic ideological identities in cognitive values to a comparable degree. Using data from two nationally representative U.S. surveys, we find that universalism and conservation predict liberal-conservative attachments for people at all levels of sophistication. By contrast, openness to change and self-enhancement values appear to have little influence on symbolic ideology. The universalism and conservation effects hold controlling for multiple psychological and individual differences variables. These results suggest that ideational predispositions play a substantial role in shaping symbolic ideology.  相似文献   
为揭示文化疏离感与汉区高校少数民族大学生幸福感的关系,以及压力性生活事件的调节效应和基本心理需要的中介效应,采用文化疏离感量表、压力量表、基本心理需要量表和幸福感问卷对汉区高校少数民族大学生幸福感进行研究。结果显示:(1)文化疏离感会降低汉区高校少数民族大学生幸福感;(2)压力性生活事件对文化疏离感与汉区高校少数民族大学生幸福感的关系具有调节效应;(3)这一调节效应是以基本心理需要为中介变量。因此,文化疏离感对汉区高校少数民族大学生幸福感的影响是有中介的调节效应。  相似文献   
农村人民公社的所有制及基本核算单位,经历了从人民公社的"一大二公"和大集体所有制,到以生产(大)队为基本核算单位,再到生产小队的部分所有制,最后到以生产小队(又称生产队)为基本核算单位的演变历程.总的趋势是一次比一次更朝着符合生产力发展水平、调动农民群众积极性因而更代表群众利益的方向前进.毛泽东在这个历史演进过程中发挥了主要作用.既要承认毛泽东在大跃进和人民公社化运动中犯了严重的指导思想上的左倾错误,也要看到毛泽东为纠正实际工作中的左倾错误而作出的艰辛努力和重要贡献.力求更客观、全面地评价建国后的毛泽东.  相似文献   
锚定效应的种类、影响因素及干预措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
锚定效应是指个体在不确定情境下的决策会受到初始无关锚影响致使其随后的数值估计偏向该锚的一种判断偏差现象。不同种类的锚定效应其影响因素和干预措施不同, 如影响传统锚定效应的有锚定信息特征、能力变量、情绪因素及个体差异性等, 基本锚定效应的主要影响因素有知识技能与时间压力, 自发锚定效应则受动机变量、认知因素及内部信念等影响。未来研究可深入挖掘认知加工机制、类比推理过程和开发DDS系统等来帮助减少各种锚定偏差。  相似文献   
国外军事医学伦理学的发展概论   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
走入战场的医生与正在进行与军事有关的医学研究的人员应具有的独特伦理准则,是军事医学伦理学研究的核心。但是军事医学伦理的准则始终受到战争的挑战。在新的反恐战争中,西方的军事医学伦理困惑聚增,使这一学科迅速发展并经历激烈争论。我们应关注西方的医学伦理在军事领域的延伸。  相似文献   
“新农合”对农民收入公平性的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用卫生经济学中的洛伦茨曲线和基尼系数分析河南省"新农合"试点县农民收入公平性的变化,评价"新农合"筹资、补偿以及医疗费用负担对农民收入公平性的影响。为新农合的推广和发展提供政策建议,使"新农合"这一中国特色的医疗保障模式为农民更好的服务。  相似文献   
Nickerson et al. (2003, Psychological Science 14, pp. 531–536) demonstrated in a longitudinal study that the negative relation between aspirations for financial success and subjective well-being found by other researchers was mitigated by high household income. The present study first refined the analysis in Nickerson et al. (2003) and then explored two additional issues: (a) who aspires to financial success? and (b) how is financial success achieved? Analysis indicated that individuals with strong financial aspirations are socially inclined, confident, ambitious, politically conservative, traditional, conventional, and relatively less able academically, but not psychologically distressed. Financial success is achieved via the job and, for women only, via marriage. Financial aspirations influence job income both by influencing choice of occupation and by influencing job income within occupation; however, achieving financial success depends on having the personal resources to do so. Women with strong financial aspirations tend to marry for money (or money-making potential) regardless of their work status; men with strong financial aspirations do not.  相似文献   
论社会主义核心价值体系基本内容的层次结构   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
社会主义核心价值体系的基本内容是一种结构性存在,它所包含的四个方面的基本内容具有不同的性质,其中,马克思主义指导思想是导向性内容,中国特色社会主义共同理想是目标性内容,以爱国主义为核心的民族精神和以改革创新为核心的时代精神是情感性和动力性内容,社会主义荣辱观是基础性内容。从层次结构上看,社会主义核心价值体系所包含的四个方面的基本内容,从最低层次到最高层次,构成一个逻辑严谨、层次分明、由高到低、由理论到实践、由思想到行为的整体性框架结构,而每一层次也有着自身的层次结构特点。  相似文献   
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