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颜色突显是指在与视觉搜索任务有关的视觉显示中,采用颜色突出显示多个项目中的目标项目,从而提高视觉搜索效率的一种方法或技术。本文采用视觉搜索任务,以正确率和反应时为指标对单彩色和复杂彩色背景下不同颜色突显的视觉搜索绩效进行了研究。结果表明:(1)在单彩色背景和复杂彩色背景下,颜色突显条件视觉搜索绩效显著优于非突显条件;(2)在浅蓝或浅绿的单彩色背景下,四种颜色突显绩效中,红色突显绩效最好,紫色最差,而在随机彩色背景和复杂彩色背景下,颜色突显绩效差异并不显著;(3)在彩色背景下的颜色突显绩效会受到干扰数字的颜色的影响,其中在单色和随机彩色背景下,干扰目标颜色为黑色时的视觉搜索绩效优于干扰目标颜色为白色时的情景,而在自然彩色背景下,这种视觉搜索优势并不存在。  相似文献   
杨萌  王剑桥  夏裕祁  杨帆  张学民 《心理科学》2011,34(5):1056-1061
摘要:采用3D模拟驾驶情景结合眼动技术探讨音乐节奏和歌词语言熟悉程度对驾驶行为和眼动规律的影响,研究结果表明:(1)驾驶经验对驾驶行为及眼动影响显著,新手与老手相比速度更慢、错误数更多;(2)音乐节奏对驾驶速度、眼跳和垂直搜索广度影响显著,快节奏与慢节奏相比,驾驶速度更快、平均眼跳距离更短、垂直搜索广度更短;(3)歌词语言熟悉程度对驾驶速度、错误数和平均注视时间影响显著,熟悉语言与陌生语言相比,驾驶速度更慢、错误数更多、平均注视时间新手更长,老手无影响。(4)节奏与语言共同影响驾驶过程中的水平搜索广度,陌生语言时快节奏的水平搜索广度高于慢节奏,熟悉语言时快节奏的水平搜索广度低于慢节奏。通过本实验,建议驾驶员在选择音乐时选择陌生语言歌词的音乐,音乐节奏则可视情况而定。  相似文献   
雍树墅 《周易研究》2020,(1):98-104
朱熹的琴律理论主要包括运用三分损益法的生律思路计算五音十二律与古琴徽位、琴上三准的掐断率并对其进行划分等。朱熹琴律理论中的儒家乐教思想主要体现在通过琴律以维护君臣关系,即论五音十二律以维护君臣关系、论琴上三准以区分君子与小人、论调弦之法以求五声伦序顺置等。他的乐教思想是以“理”为核心所生发出的一种音乐哲学思想:以“天理”作为乐教思想的理论依据,以“中和”作为乐教思想的心性基础,以“致知”作为乐教思想的最终归宿。  相似文献   
Musical knowledge is largely implicit. It is acquired without awareness of its complex rules, through interaction with a large number of samples during musical enculturation. Whereas several studies explored implicit learning of mostly abstract and less ecologically valid features of Western music, very little work has been done with respect to ecologically valid stimuli as well as non‐Western music. The present study investigated implicit learning of modal melodic features in North Indian classical music in a realistic and ecologically valid way. It employed a cross‐grammar design, using melodic materials from two modes (rāgas) that use the same scale. Findings indicated that Western participants unfamiliar with Indian music incidentally learned to identify distinctive features of each mode. Confidence ratings suggest that participants' performance was consistently correlated with confidence, indicating that they became aware of whether they were right in their responses; that is, they possessed explicit judgment knowledge. Altogether our findings show incidental learning in a realistic ecologically valid context during only a very short exposure, they provide evidence that incidental learning constitutes a powerful mechanism that plays a fundamental role in musical acquisition.  相似文献   
《韶》乐来源于帝的《九招》,经过不断的发展,齐《韶》成为春秋时期齐国音乐文化发展水平的杰出代表,孔子的"尽善尽美"更是对齐《韶》的高度赞誉。齐《韶》作为齐国宫廷乐舞的重要组成部分,其场面宏大、优美典雅、刚毅庄重、欢快愉悦、情深意切、感人至深和音乐跌宕起伏,也成为齐国宫廷乐舞的音乐特点。  相似文献   
Abstract: A global property (i.e., pitch set) of a melody appears to serve as a primary cue for key identification. Previous studies have proposed specific local properties in a melody (e.g., the augmented fourth, the perfect fifth, etc.) that may function as further cues. However, the role of the latter in key identification is controversial. The present study was designed to investigate what kinds of local properties, if any, function as reliable cues for key identification. Listeners were asked to identify keys for 450 melodies that consisted of the same pitch set, but which differed in sequential constraints. Using multiple discriminant analyses, we evaluated relative contributions of as many kinds of local properties as possible (e.g., single intervals, single pitch classes in each sequential position, etc.). The results showed that, except for the pitch class of the final tone, for which interpretation should be taken cautiously, none of the specific local properties examined contributed significantly to key identification. This finding suggests that, contrary to prior findings, key identification is derived from unidentified properties other than the specific local properties.  相似文献   
The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the effects of equivalence-based instruction (EBI) on learning to play individual notes and simple songs on the piano. Participants were 4 typically developing children and 4 children with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). They were exposed to a series of auditory–visual matching-to-sample procedures using musical stimuli. Following training, participants were tested on the emergence of novel untrained relations and generalization in the form of playing two songs on a keyboard. Results suggest that the EBI was effective in teaching piano playing skills with both typically developing children and children with ASD. The success of this procedure is indicative of the wide-ranging applications of EBI to novel and creative domains.  相似文献   
Music and Cognitive Abilities   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于进化心理学的生命史理论,通过两个实验探讨性别比和童年经济状况同男性性态度间的关系。实验1和实验2分别采用图片和文字材料启动被试的性别比感知,结果发现感知性别比和童年经济状况对未婚男性的"随意性行为"态度表现出显著的交互效应:童年家庭经济状况差的未婚男性在感知到周围女性数量相对充裕的情境下,其性开放态度会较感知到周围男性数量充裕时明显上升;童年家庭富裕的男性的性开放态度在不同感知性别比下保持相对稳定。  相似文献   
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