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This paper attempts to show how unrepresented rupture/injury of primary expectations of the early relationship is reactivated in the analytic process. This becomes perceptible especially as unconscious fear and a specific defence described as ‘living behind a glass-wall’. The author, however, postulates the existence of an inherent dialogical-dyadic principle in the psyche, which she calls archetypal hope, and shows how this principle may become active in the analytical space. These aspects of analytical treatments are sketched with two vignettes, in which unconscious processes of exchange cause the analyst to experience unrepresented states. The author describes how the analyst is gradually able to experience and understand this, and how this understanding finally – without first becoming explicit – becomes effective in the analytical space. Special attention is given to the analytic attitude. A readiness to accept and move into regression and a receptivity to attune to the early sensory experience of the analysand is regarded as essential. Through this the analyst gains access to the inner space of the analysand and, through bodily experience and pre-symbolic processes, the unrepresented may thus become figurable. The reverie and countertransference fantasies are understood as a bridge: they connect the analytic pair. However, the reverie also creates the transition between that which was not – the absent representation – and that which wants to emerge. It thus bridges the personal unconscious (implicit expectation) and the archetypal (the archetypal hope). Through this, the space of hope may become a space of possibility, and help bridge the chasm between the experienced and the hoped-for.  相似文献   
This paper explores the experience of horror. The term is usually understood collectively to refer to experiences of terrorism, racism and other conflicts; however, the paper explores the equal horror for the individual of facing deep and painful psychic contents and traumatic experiences. The paper explores the way that both C.G. Jung, through analysis of the psyche, and the author Stephen King, through his horror novels, have accepted and explored the experience of encountering ‘the dark half’ or ‘It’ that is the other within themselves, forming images and symbols capable of linking their personal experience to that of the collective. This encounter is transformed, as far as Jung is concerned by analytical psychology and for King by fiction, through an attitude of active imagination. This led both men to developing an ethical responsibility towards the images of the unconscious, as well as the personal and collective contents of human life. The paper depicts how encountering the ‘dark half’, through Jung and King can provide a Jungian analyst with a special attitude with which to deeply explore and ethically process the experience of horror in different fields, including therapeutic practice, analytical training and in the traumatic and conflictual facing of the other, with which, today as always, the world presents us.  相似文献   
Throughout his career, Jung felt the psyche had ‘ancestral layers’ that contained elements of an individual’s species history, and clinical experience has shown that this idea can be an aid to psychological healing and emotional well-being. Thus, some later thinkers have attempted to link such theoretical constructs to the genome, as Jung had little knowledge of genetics in his day. But in the early 2000s, genome studies suggested that the genome might contain too little content to be capable of encoding symbolic information. This opinion gave rise to an oft-repeated ‘impoverished genome’ argument, i.e. that the genome could not provide a significant contribution to the collective unconscious, prompting theorists to propose other sources for it, or to argue that it doesn’t exist. Today, however, developments in evolutionary neurogenetics calls the impoverished genome argument into question for a number of independent reasons. These developments re-open the idea that the genome may be worth reconsidering as the biological substrate for the collective unconscious.  相似文献   
The various ways schools of psychotherapy relate to dreams have been marked by isolationism and mutual conflict rather than self-examination and then integrating the discoveries and methods of other schools. Jung’s method was in opposition to Freud’s psychoanalysis. Existential psychology was dismissive of Freud’s and Jung’s discoveries, while cognitive dream interpretation and cognitive therapy sought other roads entirely. In addition, scientific and neuropsychological dream research has been only insignificantly tied to the psychotherapeutic dream theories. These conflicts and the lack of a comprehensive dream theory has made it convenient for the current rationalist collective consciousness and treatment systems to reject the often times challenging knowledge about ourselves that dreams can provide. This paper describes how contemporary theories of complex cybernetic information networks can create an overriding, constructive framework for uncovering common traits within the above-mentioned branches of dream research and dreamwork. Within this framework, ten core qualities are delineated, supported by both therapeutic knowledge as well as scientific research: 1) Dreams deal with matters important to us; 2) Dreams symbolize; 3) Dreams personify; 4) Dreams are trial runs in a safe place; 5) Dreams are online to unconscious intelligence; 6) Dreams are pattern recognition; 7) Dreams are high level communication; 8) Dreams are condensed information; 9) Dreams are experiences of wholeness; 10) Dreams are psychological energy landscapes. For each core quality I describe short dreamwork sequences from my own practice and a schematic image of how I perceive the overriding interaction between systems in the dreaming brain. For each core quality recommendations for practical dreamwork are provided. Finally, I draw attention to dreams as a huge psychological resource for humankind.  相似文献   
In an age of polarized political views and growing nationalism it is vital that the psychoanalytic profession offers its contribution. The author makes a link between early infant development and social and political behaviour. Psychoanalytic, Jungian and Relational ideas are explored. Starting from Freud and his theory of ‘minor differences’, a dichotomy between closeness and separateness is investigated. The writer argues that difference is at the centre of human identity and human development and explores why we struggle to accept it. The totalitarian political system is described as one that eliminates difference. A case study is offered as an illustration of a patient’s struggle to move from a symbiotic, undifferentiated state towards object relating and individuation .  相似文献   
Astrology was a lifelong interest for C.G. Jung and an important aid in his formulation of psyche and psychic process. Archetypally configured, astrology provided Jung an objective means to a fuller understanding of the analysand's true nature and unique individuation journey. Jung credits astrology with helping to unlock the mystery of alchemy and in so doing providing the symbol language necessary for deciphering the historically remote cosmology of Gnosticism. Astrology also aided Jung's work on synchronicity. Despite astrology's worth to Jung's development of analytical psychology, its fundamental role in guiding his discoveries is all but absent from historical notice. The astrological natal chart seems rarely used clinically, and many clinicians seem unaware of its value as a dynamic diagram of the personality and the potentialities within which nature and nurture foster and/or discourage for individual growth and development over the lifespan. This paper charts Jung's interest in astrology and suggests why his great regard for it and other paranormal or occult practices remains largely neglected and unknown.  相似文献   
《Estudios de Psicología》2013,34(2):173-193

Partiendo de una perspectiva constructivista se analiza el lugar de la experiencia estética en una teoría psicológica general y se discute el enfoque de la actual estética evolucionista. La psicología genética y la evolución vista a través de la teoría de la selección orgánica son dos de los pilares de este constructivismo, que no coincide con los constructivismos relativistas. Se describe primero el significado funcional y evolucionista del juicio estético, pero se subraya la existencia de rasgos específicos de la experiencia estética humana, que se focalizan en la progresiva conciencia humana de la muerte. De este modo, la experiencia de lo bello no se explicaría esencialmente a través de los “detectores de belleza” propios de la estética evolucionista, sino como proceso biográfico, históricamente contextualizado, de construcción del valor de las cosas, del sentido de los placeres y de la vida.  相似文献   
《Estudios de Psicología》2013,34(3):317-332

El presente trabajo trata de revisar el modo en que las ciencias sociales, sobre todo las teorías de la acción colectiva, han abordado el concepto de “represión”, entendida como una de las diversas estrategias de que disponen los estados para combatir la violencia política. Tras un breve recorrido sobre la evolución histórica de los instrumentos coactivos del Estado moderno, el ensayo aborda un análisis de las estrategias del Estado ante la violencia política sistemática en su triple vertiente de respuesta desde el sistema político, el ordenamiento legal y los instrumentos especializados de represión. Se finaliza con una serie de consideraciones genéricas sobre los parámetros ideales en que se debiera mover la política antiterrorista.  相似文献   
《Estudios de Psicología》2013,34(2):169-182

En este trabajo me propongo ofrecer una idea general de los métodos y los resultados que los genéticos hemos desarrollado en la búsqueda sobre los orígenes de nuestra especie. No tengo la pretensión de aportar certezas, sino más bien de mostrar de qué modo la investigación genética permite plantear inferencias verosímiles sobre nuestra historia, que deben tomarse en consideración a la hora de afrontar la cuestión más específica de la evolución de la mente. Me voy a concentrar en tres casos de estudio de la evolución humana, que tienen también una importancia clave en la evolución mental: la aparición del H. Sapiens, el paso del Paleolítico al Neolítico, y la cuestión de los orígenes de la diversidad lingüística. Antes de entrar en detalles, convendrá hacer una presentación somera de los recursos y métodos de la genética de poblaciones aplicada a este tipo de cuestiones.  相似文献   
《Estudios de Psicología》2013,34(2):221-228

Tratar de definir lo bello, como ya constatara Platón en el Hippias Mayor, es una tarea realmente compleja. La pregunta que se plantea aquí es si la belleza está en el ojo del observador o si ésta proviene de la naturaleza de las cosas. Se sugiere que la psicología puede contribuir a comprender los fenómenos estéticos estableciendo una serie de comparaciones con otros fenómenos psicológicos. Entre ellos, la relación entre la experiencia estética, la vida emocional y el placer como nexo entre la apreciación estética y el juego. Asimismo, se propone que el análisis de la moral y el establecimiento de valores pueden arrojar alguna luz sobre los fenómenos estéticos.  相似文献   
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