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We evaluated procedures for training supervisors in a residential setting to provide feedback for maintaining direct-service staff members' teaching skills with people who have severe disabilities. Using classroom-based instruction and on-the-job observation and feedback, 10 supervisors were initially trained to implement teaching programs themselves. The training improved supervisors' teaching skills but was insufficient to improve the quality of feedback they provided to direct-service staff regarding the staff members' teaching skills. Subsequently, classroom-based instruction and on-the-job observation and feedback that targeted supervisors' feedback skills were provided. Following training in provision of feedback, all supervisors met criterion for providing feedback to their staff. Results also indicated that maintenance of teaching skills was greater for direct-service staff whose supervisors had received training in providing feedback relative to staff whose supervisors had not received such training. The need for analysis of other variables that affect maintenance of staff performance, as well as variables that affect other important areas of supervisor performance, is discussed.  相似文献   
毛伟宾 《心理科学》2012,35(3):574-580
本研究以12名大学生为被试采用DRM范式,考察了视觉与听觉通道在编码阶段的错误记忆ERP效应,以从更深层面认识错误记忆的内在加工机制。研究结果表明,在编码阶段,在300-500ms及500-700ms的时间窗视觉通道均存在相继错误记忆效应(DIM),比听觉通道表现出较强的DIM效应,这不仅说明视觉通道与听觉通道在编码阶段具有不同的脑机制,而且表明DIM效应与学习项目的语义加工有着密切的关系。  相似文献   
阅读障碍儿童汉字认知特点研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
运用多重评估法从760名小学3年级学生中选取了30名阅读与记字困难学生和30名正常学生为被试,分别研究了儿童视觉能力、听知觉能力和字形-音及字形义通道联结能力的识字认知特点。研究结果表明,阅读障碍儿童基本语音辩别能力不存在落后,而在视觉辨别、字形长时记忆、语音短时记忆以及形音和形义联结长时记忆上都存在程度不同的落后。研究还发现,阅读障碍儿童具有对汉字做浅层次机械加工和视觉加工的倾向。  相似文献   
Based on claims resulting from grounded cognition theory that perceptual and memory processes are using the same distributed systems, the present study investigated the temporal aspect of access to memory traces through haptic and auditory modalities. Unlike in the case of visual or auditory components, the perception of a vibrotactile component is more sequential in nature and therefore cannot be fully processed before the end of the signal. The present study explores the dynamic of components activation in a situation of audio‐vibrotactile asynchrony. We used a short‐term priming paradigm consisting of an association phase (between a vibration and sound) and a test phase testing priming effect of a vibrotactile stimulation on the processing of a target sound. Results showed an interference with a simultaneous processing and a facilitation with a sequential processing. The temporality process of perceptual components is also important at a memory level.  相似文献   
The authors used two analyses developed within the framework of the uncontrolled manifold hypothesis to quantify multimuscle synergies during voluntary body sway: analysis of intertrial variance and analysis of motor equivalence with respect to the center of pressure (COP) trajectory. Participants performed voluntary sway tasks in the anteroposterior direction at 0.33 and 0.66 Hz. Muscle groups were identified in the space of muscle activations and used as elemental variables in the synergy analyses. Changing mechanical and vision feedback–based constraints led to significant changes in indices of sway performance such as COP deviations in the uninstructed, mediolateral direction and indices of spontaneous postural sway. In contrast, there were no significant effects on synergy indices. These findings show that the neural control of performance and of its stability may involve different control variables and neurophysiological structures. There were strong correlations between the indices of motor equivalence and those computed using the intercycle variance analysis. This result is potentially important for studies of patients with movement disorders who may be unable to perform multiple trials (cycles) at any given task, making analysis of motor equivalence of single trials a viable alternative to explore changes in stability of actions.  相似文献   
Elderly people may suffer from age-related hearing loss. They often report difficulties to perceive and localize sound sources in noisy environment. How this can be a driving safety issue? This study investigates the effect of hearing impairment, on the driver behavior to localize external sound sources such as emergency vehicles sirens. Subjective tests show that localization confusion appears to be a common problem. Thus, we focus on how to assist the driver, taking into consideration the age-related hearing impairment, to better localize emergency vehicle siren. The hypothesis was based on the stimulus-response compatibility using an effective congruent auditory display, for attentional guidance toward the direction of arrival (DOA) of the external alarm. The proposed approach aims to reduce front-back confusion and enhance the sound localization accuracy of the driver, which is very important for elderly driver, subject to older age cognitive decline. A localization test was performed in lab and in vivo on a test track, where a group of drivers was asked to identify the DOA of an emergency vehicle siren, with and without a dedicated embedded system set up to assist them on sound localization task.  相似文献   
目的:探究学生所具有的不同挫折反应模式是否会影响到教师对他们的反馈行为,以及进一步探究教师不同反馈类型如何影响持有不同反应模式的学生,为教师进行有针对性的教学反馈提供依据。 方法:研究1以102名初中教师为被试,采用角色扮演法,探究初中教师对学生的积极反馈行为是否会因学生挫折反应模式的不同而不同。研究2以291名初一学生为被试,采用集体施测的方法,探讨不同的积极反馈方式是否对不同挫折反应模式被试的后续反应产生不同的影响。 结果发现:(1)教师对无助反应模式的学生给予更多的个人积极反馈,而对掌握反应模式的学生给予更多的过程积极反馈;(2)个人积极反馈对无助反应模式的学生有更加消极的影响,而对于掌握反应模式的学生并无显著影响;(3)过程反馈和简单结果反馈有助于改善无助反应模式学生的后续反应;(4)过程积极反馈对两种反应模式的学生均未产生消极或积极影响。 结论:教师对无助反应模式的学生给予更多的个人积极反馈,而教师的个人积极反馈对无助反应模式的学生会产生更加消极的影响。  相似文献   
冯杰  徐娟  伍新春 《心理科学进展》2021,29(12):2131-2146
听觉词汇识别包含复杂的认知加工过程。视觉通道受阻的盲人在听觉词汇加工中具有一定听觉补偿优势; 但由于视觉经验的缺失, 盲人对一些视觉相关词(比如颜色词)的语义加工和理解比明眼人弱。未来的研究应对词汇的视觉相关性进行分类讨论; 对音、形、义等多层面及其神经生理机制进行深入探究, 发展符合盲人感知特点的听觉词汇加工模型; 并拓展不同年龄段的发展性研究。最终, 揭示视觉经验缺失对盲人听觉词汇识别影响机制的全貌。  相似文献   
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