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Feedback is commonly employed to enhance motor learning and performance. While numerous studies have investigated the causal effects of feedback on motor learning, an analysis of real-time feedback provided during training and competitive sporting environments is lacking. Therefore, the feedback provided by 12 boxing coaches to athletes between rounds of the 2015 Australian Boxing Championships was recorded and transcribed. The feedback statements were then analyzed according to three feedback variables that have been shown to be critical for optimizing performance: Attentional focus (external, internal, neutral), autonomy support (autonomy-supportive, controlling, neutral), and feedback valence (positive, negative, neutral). Collectively, 445 feedback statements provided during 25 bouts, of which 14 were won and 11 were lost, were analyzed for each of the three categories. Coaches provided on average 8 feedback statements per round. Excluding neutral statements, coaches delivered more internal (15%) compared with external focus feedback (6%), more controlling (53%) compared with autonomy-supportive feedback (6%), and more positive (29%) relative to negative feedback (12%). Furthermore, during winning bouts coaches delivered less internal (12% vs. 19%), less controlling (48% vs. 58%), and more positive (36% vs. 18%) feedback, when compared with losing bouts. These results demonstrate for the first time the type and frequency of feedback delivered during amateur boxing bouts. While these findings may or may not reflect causal relationships, it is interesting that feedback that has been found to enhance motor performance was more often used during winning rather than losing bouts.  相似文献   
Evidence indicates that people are motivated to interpret environmental cues to belongingness, but doing so can be challenging. Prior evidence shows that the self's regulatory resources are consumed when interpreting complex facial displays; with this study, we examined how the depletion of such resources may impact the ability to interpret vocal tones. Results showed that depletion decreased accuracy in identifying complex (vs. simple) vocal cues, which extends prior work and offers a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between self‐regulatory resources and the ability to effectively interpret one's social environment.  相似文献   
A field experiment was conducted aiming to shed light on how drivers negotiate an ambiguous traffic situation when encountering an autonomous vehicle (AV) in the presence of a yielding intention signal (AV with eHMI) or not (AV without eHMI). A traffic conflict scenario was created with two opposing vehicles instructed to perform a left turn at a four-way junction, at the same point in time. Forty participants were assigned to two groups encountering either an AV with eHMI or an AV without eHMI. To check for equivalence across the two groups, both groups also encountered a conventional vehicle (CV). Results showed that the two groups performed similarly during encounters with a CV. During encounters with AV, however, participants provided with the eHMI maintained higher speed before the AV and finished their maneuver quicker than when they were not provided with eHMI. Additionally participants provided with eHMI rated higher their ability to infer the AV intention before coming to a full-stop than those provided without eHMI. The above findings indicate that the presence of eHMI on AV can accelerate drivers’ inferences about yielding intention of an AV, and have the potential to optimize AV-driver interaction in ambiguous traffic situations.  相似文献   
基于社会判断理论,研究以80名大学生为被试,通过JAS范式考察了建议距离对建议采纳和自信心变化的影响以及线索丰富性在这一过程中的作用。结果发现随着建议距离的增加,建议权重仅在线索信息较丰富的情况下呈先增后减的倒U型趋势,而绝对观点转变和自信心变化均不受线索丰富性的影响,分别呈递增和递减趋势。即建议距离对不同建议采纳指标有不同影响,建议距离与建议权重之间存在倒U曲线关系且线索丰富性起到了调节作用。  相似文献   
生命知觉是人们将客体自动加工为可以相互作用的生命体的认知过程。ASD者基于运动线索的生命知觉的研究方法包括追逐检测范式、运动特性参数化范式和因果知觉范例。其生命知觉的异常主要表现为运动信息整合能力不足、社会因果知觉缺陷以及对高复杂度运动的神经追踪较弱。相关理论假设从神经病理、认知加工及脑结构和功能障碍层面进行解释。未来应提升研究方法的生态效度,推进追踪与系统化研究,促进相关干预方案的开发。  相似文献   
本研究考察了50~80岁说普通话的中老年人对普通话声调T2—T4的范畴化感知表现,探究影响声调范畴化感知老化的因素。采用经典范畴感知范式。结果显示,(1)中老年组所有年龄段(50~60岁、60~70岁、70~80岁)的范畴边界宽度都显著大于年轻组,但中老年组间差异不显著。(2)中老年人范畴边界宽度与记忆广度测试得分呈显著负相关,而与年龄的相关性不显著。(3)和年轻组相比,中老年组范畴内识别函数的斜率差异显著,而范畴间差异不显著。结果表明,中老年人声调感知范畴化程度下降,音系层面的加工能力发生衰退,记忆广度的衰退与声调范畴化感知老年化之间存在关联。此外,50到80岁间,年龄不会直接影响声调感知范畴化程度。  相似文献   

In a sample of 183 men and 186 women, the authors assessed (a) the relative contributions of gender and level of nonverbal social cues to the perception of a female actor's sexual intent during a videotaped social interaction with a man and (b) the association between those variables and personality traits implicated in faulty sexual-information processing. The authors assessed those variables while the participants viewed 1 of 3 film segments depicting a female-male interaction. The authors experimentally manipulated eye contact, touch, physical proximity, and female clothing. At all levels of those nonverbal cues, the men perceived more sexual intent in the female actor than did the women. The perception of the female actor's sexual intent increased as the nonverbal cues in the film segments were magnified: Both actors displayed more eye contact, touch, and physical proximity, and the female actor wore more revealing clothing. Relative to the women, the men demonstrated greater sexual preoccupation and reduced sociosexual effectiveness, variables associated with inferring greater sexual intent in the female actor.  相似文献   
The effect of gender on the N1-P2 auditory complex was examined while listening and speaking with altered auditory feedback. Fifteen normal hearing adult males and 15 females participated. N1-P2 components were evoked while listening to self-produced nonaltered and frequency shifted /a/ tokens and during production of /a/ tokens during nonaltered auditory feedback (NAF), frequency altered feedback (FAF), and delayed auditory feedback (DAF; 50 and 200 ms). During speech production, females exhibited earlier N1 latencies during 50 ms DAF and earlier P2 latencies during 50 ms DAF and FAF. There were no significant differences in N1-P2 amplitudes across all conditions. Comparing listening to active speaking, N1 and P2 latencies were earlier among females, with speaking, and under NAF. N1-P2 amplitudes were significantly reduced during speech production. These findings are consistent with the notions that speech production suppresses auditory cortex responsiveness and males and females process altered auditory feedback differently while speaking.  相似文献   
王异芳  苏彦捷  何曲枝 《心理学报》2012,44(11):1472-1478
研究从言语的韵律和语义两条线索出发,试图探讨学前儿童基于声音线索情绪知觉的发展特点.实验一中,124名3~5岁儿童对男、女性用5种不同情绪(高兴、生气、害怕、难过和中性)的声音表达的中性语义句子进行了情绪类型上的判断.3~5岁儿童基于声音韵律线索情绪知觉能力随着年龄的增长不断提高,主要表现在生气、害怕和中性情绪上.不同情绪类型识别的发展轨迹不完全相同,总体来说,高兴的声音韵律最容易识别,而害怕是最难识别的.当韵律和语义线索冲突时,学前儿童更多地依赖韵律线索来判断说话者的情绪状态.被试对女性用声音表达的情绪更敏感.  相似文献   
Semantic priming refers to the phenomenon that participants typically respond faster to targets following semantically related primes as compared to semantically unrelated primes. In contrast, Wentura and Frings (2005) found a negatively signed priming effect (i.e., faster responses to semantically unrelated as compared to semantically related targets) when they used (a) a special masking technique for the primes and (b) categorically related prime-target-pairs (e.g., fruit-apple). The negatively signed priming effect was most pronounced for participants with random prime discrimination performance, whereas participants with high prime discrimination performance showed a positive effect. In the present study we analyzed the after-effects of masked category primes in audition. A comparable pattern of results as in the visual modality emerged: The poorer the individual prime discrimination, the more negative is the semantic priming effect. This result is interpreted as evidence for a common mechanism causing the semantic priming effect in vision as well as in audition instead of a perceptual mechanism only working in the visual domain.  相似文献   
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