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认知诊断是新一代测量理论的核心, 对形成性教学评估具有重要意义。项目认知属性标定是认知诊断中一项基础而重要的工作,现有的项目认知属性辅助标定方法的研究工作很少, 并且在应用上存在诸多局限。课堂评估是认知诊断应用的理想场所,但课堂评估中项目的选取具有随意性, 教师难以在短时间内准确标识项目认知属性。本研究首次提出采用粗糙集方法对项目认知属性进行标定, 该方法无需太多被试和项目, 亦无需已知项目参数, 且能当场诊断出结果, 适于采用纸笔测验的课堂评估。通过Monte Carlo模拟研究表明:采用粗糙集方法能迅速地对项目认知属性进行标定, 并具有较高的标定准确率; 而且, 项目认知属性越少、或被试估计判准率越高、或失误率越小则项目认知属性标定的准确率越高。粗糙集方法的引入, 对拓展认知诊断的应用范围, 真正实现其辅助性教学功能, 具有重要作用。  相似文献   
多分属性比传统的二分属性提供更多更详细的诊断反馈信息, 符合对知识技能的多水平要求, 具有较好的应用前景。本文首先介绍了多分属性和多分Q矩阵的概念; 之后重参数化了3个分别满足连接、分离和补偿缩合规则的多分属性诊断分类模型并研究了其判准率影响因素, 结果发现它们的判准率(1)均随多分属性数量的增加而降低, 建议实际使用中不宜高于5个; (2)均随多分属性的最高水平数增加而降低, 建议实际使用中不宜高于4水平; (3)均随多分属性间统计相关性增加而增加, 但影响不大; (4)受多分属性层级结构的影响较大; (4)受被试量影响不大; (5)均随题目数量增加而增加且影响较大。最后, 针对“多分属性与多级评分的关系”和“多分属性与二分属性之间的关系”这两个问题进行了讨论。以期为实证研究者提供相关的理论支持和使用建议。  相似文献   
不确定归类的类别等级一致性限制与分离   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文以大学生被试,实验考察在集中呈现类别成员信息的非对齐类别等级结构条件下的不确定归类。实验结果表明,对个体的不确定归类会受类别的上下级包含关系限制而保持等级一致性,导致出现下级归类错误或上级归类错误;而对群体的不确定归类不会受类别上下级包含关系限制而保持等级一致性,而是与类别层次的实际分布相一致,出现上下级归类的分离。  相似文献   
Donna Yarri 《Zygon》2006,41(1):21-28
Abstract. Although the disciplines of religion and science often may seem to be at cross purposes with each other, some individuals are attempting to bridge the gap, particularly with regard to animals. Cognitive ethologist Marc Bekoff, who studies animals in their natural habitat, has addressed in his work the implications of the findings of animal study for religion and ethics. I provide here an overview of some of his most important ideas for the study of religion and animals. Bekoff argues that the differences between humans and animals are primarily ones of degree rather than kind and that our similarities are greater than our differences‐and that this reality should influence our actions. I explore three issues in particular. First, Bekoff's work, with his view of evolution, challenges the traditional Christian hierarchy of beings. Second, this evolutionary connection needs to move us in the direction of modifying our treatment of animals to make it more ethical. Third, our understanding of and relationship with animals can deepen our own spirituality. Applying some of Bekoff's findings to our religious and ethical understandings of and treatment of animals can move us closer to the peaceable kingdom toward which we all strive.  相似文献   
John Edwards 《Res Publica》2006,12(3):277-293
It would seem that we in the West are suffering from an increasing glut of rights. To the sixty-odd human rights that the Universal Declaration and its Covenants have long given us, must now be added the particular rights claims of an increasing number of ‘oppressed’ minorities, claims to compensation rights for just about every conceivable harm done and claims to ever more trivial things. This tendency is harmful insofar as it trivialises rights and devalues the coverage of rights. Human rights are fundamental and ought to be protected from these tendencies. Using an analysis of the foundations of human rights, and their function in maintaining autonomy in particular, this article analyses the content of rights – what must be fulfilled in order for a right to be protected – as a means of demonstrating the possibility of reducing the volume of rights without reducing rights coverage and of creating a defensible hierarchy.  相似文献   
提出两种认知诊断计算机自适应测验下平衡属性收敛的新方法(MABI、RTA),模拟研究系统探讨和比较了此二者与已有方法(ABI、IABI和RABI)的表现。结果发现:(1)新方法较不考虑属性收敛的方法有更高的准确率以及更均衡的题目使用率;(2)新方法较ABI和RABI有稍低的准确性,但有更平衡的题目使用率;(3)新方法与IABI的准确性和题目使用率在不同选题策略下各有合优势。总之,两种新方法较好地兼顾测量准确性、题目使用率以及题库曝光情况。  相似文献   
本研究探讨同一品类两个强势品牌广告竞争对弱势品牌产生的影响, 研究尝试将广告重复、广告长度作为操控广告竞争强度的具体手段, 运用感知到的广告竞争水平来表示广告竞争强度。研究结果表明, 同一品类两个品牌同时进行广告重复的水平不同, 可以导致被试感知到的广告竞争水平有显著差异, 广告重复次数越多, 被试感知到的广告竞争强度越高, 广告长度对感知到的广告竞争作用不显著。研究同时发现:随着两个强势品牌广告竞争强度的提高, 消费者对弱势品牌的品牌态度降低, 这表明强势品牌广告竞争对弱势品牌具有溢出效应。另外, 研究还发现产品涉入度和产品属性相似性对强势品牌广告竞争的溢出效应具有调节作用, 涉入度低的产品和属性相似性高的产品溢出效应更大。本研究丰富了溢出效应理论, 增加了溢出效应类别, 同时对同一品类内部的广告实践具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
The Don’t Know (DK) response – taking the form of an omitted response or not-reached at the end of a cognitive test, or explicitly presented as a response option in a social survey – contains important information that is often overlooked. Direct psychometric modeling efforts for DK responses are few and far between. In this article, the linear logistic test model (LLTM) is proposed for delineating the impacts of cognitive operations for a test that contains DK responses. We assume that the DK response is a valid response. The assumption is reasonable for many situations, including low-stakes cognitive tests and attitudinal assessments. By extracting information embedded in the DK response, the method shows how DK can inform the latent construct of interest and the cognitive operations underlying the response to stimuli. Using a proven recoding scheme, the LLTM could be implemented through commonly used programs such as PROC GLIMMIX. Two simulation experiments to evaluate how well the parameters can be recovered were conducted. In addition, two real data examples, from a noncognitive test of health belief assessment and a cognitive test of knowledge in diabetes, are also presented as case studies to illustrate the LLTM for DK response.  相似文献   
This article examines argument structures and strategies in pro and con argumentation about the possibility of human-level artificial intelligence (AI) in the near term future. It examines renewed controversy about strong AI that originated in a prominent 1999 book and continued at major conferences and in periodicals, media commentary, and Web-based discussions through 2002. It will be argued that the book made use of implicit, anticipatory refutation to reverse prevailing value hierarchies related to AI. Drawing on Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca's (1969) study of refutational argument, this study considers points of contact between opposing arguments that emerged in opposing loci, dissociations, and casuistic reasoning. In particular, it shows how perceptions of AI were reframed and rehabilitated through metaphorical language, reversal of the philosophical pair artificial/natural, appeals to the paradigm case, and use of the loci of quantity and essence. Furthermore, examining responses to the book in subsequent arguments indicates the topoi characteristic of the rhetoric of technology advocacy.  相似文献   
Petr Hájek 《Studia Logica》2002,71(2):165-175
Two variants of monadic fuzzy predicate logic are analyzed and compared with the full fuzzy predicate logic with respect to finite model property (properties) and arithmetical complexity of sets of tautologies, satisfiable formulas and of analogous notion restricted to finite models.  相似文献   
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