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Selectivity in encoding, aspects of attentional control and their contribution to learning performance were explored in a sample of preschoolers. While the children are performing a learning task, their encoding of relevant and attention towards irrelevant information was recorded through an eye‐tracking device. Recognition of target items was used as measure of learning outcome, and individual differences in resistance to interference and inhibition of attention to task‐irrelevant stimuli (i.e. distractibility) were used as measures of executive control of attention. Results indicated well‐developed selectivity during encoding in young children. Recognition performance was related to selective encoding and aspects of attentional control, explaining individual differences in learning. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The goal of this review is to compare two divergent lines of research on signal-centered behavior: the orienting reflex (OR) and autoshaping. A review of conditioning experiments in animals and humans suggests that the novelty hypothesis of the OR is no longer tenable. Only stimuli that represent biological “relevance” elicit ORs. A stimulus may be relevant a priori (i.e., unconditioned) or as a result of conditioning. Exposure to a conditioned stimulus (CS) that predicts a positive reinforcer causes the animal to orient to it throughout conditioning. Within the CS-US interval, the initial CS-directed orienting response is followed by US-directed tendencies. Experimental evidence is shown that the development and maintenance of the conditioned OR occur in a similar fashion both in response-independent (classical) and response-dependent (instrumental) paradigms. It is proposed that the conditioned OR and the signal-directed autoshaped response are identical. Signals predicting aversive events repel the subject from the source of the CS. It is suggested that the function of the CS is not only to signal the probability of US occurrence, but also to serve as a spatial cue to guide the animal in the environment.  相似文献   
The purpose of this experiment is to test whether shift flexibility in kindergarten children is a joint function of rule‐usage and inhibition of attention. Sixty‐six children were given either a distraction or facilitation condition in a computerized version of the dimensional change card sort task. In the distraction condition, the background of the post‐shift matching stimulus was inconsistent with the relevant matching dimension. In the facilitation condition, the background of the post‐shift matching stimulus was consistent with the relevant matching dimension. Results revealed that children made few errors in the standard version of the shift task, thereby supporting Cognitive complexity and control theory's contention that 5‐year‐old children shift easily across dimensions due to their use of higher‐order setting rules to solve contradictions. The proportion of errors increased however in the distraction condition suggesting that attention to the background interfered with children's ability to shift between dimensions. Therefore, these data provide evidence that refocusing attention to dimensions along with rule‐use processes affect shift flexibility and argue for the inclusion of both factors into theoretical accounts of shift performance. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Studies using Posner’s spatial cueing paradigm have demonstrated that participants can allocate their attention to specific target locations based on the predictiveness of preceding cues. Four experiments were conducted to investigate attentional orienting processes operating in a high probability condition (cues 75% predictive) as compared to a low probability condition (cues 50% predictive) using various types of centrally-presented cues. Spatially-informative cues (arrows and circles with gaps) resulted in cueing effects (CEs) for both probability conditions, with significantly larger CEs in the high probability conditions than the low probability conditions. Participants in the high probability conditions reported little or no awareness of cue–target probabilities after task completion. Our results provide support for an implicit learning account of the proportion valid effect under experimental conditions involving spatially-informative central cues and relatively short stimulus onset asynchronies (SOAs).  相似文献   
陈骐  刘岩  周晓林 《心理科学》2005,28(1):152-153
自上而下的注意控制是调节人类各种认知活动的一种重要执行功能,本文从三个方面总结了该领域内脑成像研究的新进展:(1)自上而下注意控制的脑机制;(2)不同种类的注意控制脑机制的一致性;(3)自上而下的注意控制对其它皮层中神经活动的影响。  相似文献   
随着眼动研究的深入,近年来研究者受注意梯度指导理论影响,结合心理学的最新发展以及在相关实验研究的基础上提出了新的理论模型,其中最具代表性的是SWIFT模型。SWIFT模型遵循3条基本原则:(1)一定注意范围内的分布式词汇加工;(2)眼跳计划和目标选择的分离;(3)伴随中央凹目标抑制的眼跳机制。在构架上,该模型主要有两大功能模块:词汇加工和眼跳编程  相似文献   
已有研究表明死亡凸显会抑制自我面孔和自我参照记忆加工的自我优势,可是死亡凸显对自我姓名的影响尚不明确,本研究采用事件相关电位技术,探索死亡凸显对自我姓名注意瞬脱对抗效应及其大脑神经活动的影响。58名被试在经历不同的启动任务后,完成自我姓名、朋友姓名和名人姓名的注意瞬脱任务。行为结果发现自我姓名识别正确率显著高于朋友姓名和名人姓名,表现出稳定的自我姓名加工的注意瞬脱对抗效应;电生理数据发现死亡启动后自我姓名诱发的P300波幅显著低于消极启动组和中性启动组,而朋友姓名和名人姓名并不受启动的影响。本研究结果与以往研究结果共同表明死亡想法凸显会使个体将抑制自我加工(自我姓名、自我面孔和自我参照记忆)作为应对远端死亡焦虑的一种手段。  相似文献   
颜色特征加工任务间的注意瞬脱研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究以两个实验对颜色特征加工任务间的注意瞬脱效应进行探讨。实验一要求被试对首先呈现的两个色块(记忆项)与随后呈现的两个色块(检测项)是否相同进行比较。结果发现,在记忆项与检测项的SOA为220ms的条件下,记忆项加工对认知资源的持续占用使检测项的加工绩效下降。实验二含两个需相继执行的任务(T1和T2),二者均为比较同时呈现在屏幕左右两侧的两色块颜色是否相同。结果发现,对颜色特征的觉察即可产生注意瞬脱效应,其大小及时程与经典的采用字母识别任务的研究获得的注意瞬脱效应相当。上述结果表明,特征搜索的完成需有限认知资源的参与。然而,注意瞬脱过程中,特征加工与需对知觉对象细节信息进行提取的辨别任务(如字母辨别任务)在消耗认知资源的量上并无差别。  相似文献   
前、后注意网络的关系--返回抑制和Stroop干扰效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张明  陈骐  金志成 《心理科学》2003,26(4):638-641
将IOR范式与Stroop任务相结合,试图从探讨IOR与Stroop干扰效应之间的关系来推测AAN和PAN之间的关系以及IOR与注意之间的关系。结果表明,在控制条件下出现了显著的IOR,在Stroop条件下没有出现明显的IOR;提示和非提示位置上均出现了显著的Stroop干扰效应,但提示位置上的干扰量要显著低于非提示位置。从IOR和Stroop干扰效应之间的关系可推知,PAN和AAN是两个有交互影响的注意网络,AAN对PAN有压制作用,而PAN对。AAN也有一定的影响。最后,作者对返回抑制与注意问的关系进行了深入的讨论。  相似文献   
为了探讨生涯适应力与择业焦虑的关系及内部的认知加工过程。采用点探测范式测量注意偏向,问卷法调查大学生的生涯适应力、归因和择业焦虑。结果发现:(1)生涯适应力既能直接负向预测择业焦虑,又能通过积极事件归因方式、及注意偏向和积极事件归因方式的链式中介作用间接预测择业焦虑。(2)在生涯适应力与择业焦虑的关系中受到消极事件归因方式的调节作用:只有消极事件积极归因时,生涯适应力才会影响择业焦虑。研究结果揭示了择业焦虑的内部作用过程,丰富了生涯适应力通过注意偏向和积极事件归因方式影响择业焦虑的解释视角,为通过归因和注意偏向的调整缓解不同生涯适应力个体择业焦虑提供了重要参考。  相似文献   
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