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The purpose of this study was to explore the process by which emotional abuse occurs and is often sustained in sport. Methods were established in congruence with the iterative nature of grounded theory. In total, 18 retired elite athletes participated in the study. In-depth semistructured interviews were conducted with each participant, and data were coded using open, axial, and selective coding techniques. Data were interpreted to suggest that the perpetration of emotional abuse in the coach–athlete relationship is closely tied to ambitions and philosophies of athlete development. Based on the findings, an ecological transactional model of vulnerability to emotional abuse in the coach–athlete relationship is proposed. Recommendations are made for future prevention and intervention initiatives.  相似文献   
Research prior to 2001 indicated that athletes experienced better body image than non-athletes, with no differences among sport types. Since then, female athletes have become increasingly sexually objectified in the media, and the sociocultural beauty ideal has shifted to emphasize appearing both athletic and thin. Part I of this paper explores the literature describing these changes. Part II presents a systematic and comprehensive literature review of 10 recent studies comparing body image concerns (BIC) among collegiate female athletes and non-athletes to identify the current status of BIC in female athletes. Findings indicate that involvement in collegiate athletics provides some protection from BIC; however, this protection appears attenuated for athletes in more feminine sports (e.g., gymnastics), and higher level athletes (Division I). Researchers should examine how sociocultural pressures unrelated to competition predict female athletes’ BIC using measures that focus on objectification, positive body image, body functionality, and thin- and athletic-ideal internalization.  相似文献   
In this research we examined the influence of athletic roles upon the perceived gender role orientations of male and female athletes. Participants were 148 students who read a bogus newspaper article that described either a male or female athlete who had successfully competed in an athletic event. The type of sport (football, basketball, and cheerleading) was manipulated. Female football players and basketball players were perceived as higher in agency than female cheerleaders. Male cheerleaders were perceived as higher in communality than male football players and male basketball players. Participants made external attributions concerning the motivations of athletes who competed in gender traditional sports. They made internal attributions concerning the motivations of athletes who competed in gender nontraditional sports. These findings are examined in relation to social role theory.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Neural enhancement represents recovery of function that has been lost due to injury or disease pathology. Restoration of functional ability is the objective. For example, a neuroprosthetic to replace a forearm and hand lost to the ravages of war or industrial accident. However, the same basic constructs used for neural enhancement after injury could amplify abilities that are already in the natural normal range. That is, neural enhancement technologies to restore function and improve daily abilities for independent living could be used to improve so-called normal function to ultimate function. Approaching that functional level by use and integration of technology takes us toward the concept of a new species. This new subspecies—homo sapiens technologicus—is one that uses technology not just to assist but to change its own inherent biological function. The author uses examples from prosthetics and neuroprosthetics to address the issue of the limitations of constructs on the accepted range of human performance ability and aims to provide a cautionary view toward reflection on where our science may take the entire species.  相似文献   
A framework is presented of how theoretical predictions can be tested across the expert athlete to disabled patient skill continuum. Common-coding theory is used as the exemplar to discuss sensory and motor system contributions to perceptual-motor behavior. Behavioral and neural studies investigating expert athletes and patients recovering from cerebral stroke are reviewed. They provide evidence of bi-directional contributions of visual and motor systems to perceptual-motor behavior. Majority of this research is focused on perceptual-motor performance or learning, with less on transfer. The field is ripe for research designed to test theoretical predictions across the expert athlete to disabled patient skill continuum. Our view has implications for theory and practice in sports science, physical education, and rehabilitation.  相似文献   
This exploratory qualitative study concerned elite-level male Australian footballers' attitudes to and experience of off-the-field aggression and violence. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with athletes selected for their highly aggressive play on the field. Data was analyzed, according to established principles for qualitative data. Reversal theory was used to interpret findings related to: (a) athletes' perception and experience of violent incidents in off-the-field social settings; (b) the possible role of alcohol; (c) athletes' responses and means of coping; and (d) athletes' perception of the different physical risks in on- and off-the-field violence. The results indicated, for example, that athletes sometimes found themselves the target of violence, but generally did not report instigating it. Provocation caused angry verbal and physical aggressive responses from some athletes, but others had developed coping and avoidance strategies. Athletes perceived the physical risk involved in on- and off-the-field aggression differently and distinguished the boundary that exists between the two.  相似文献   
张力为 《心理科学》2013,36(3):515-523
摘要 运动员大赛最佳竞技表现的核心是良好的自我控制。本文介绍了解释自我控制与竞技表现关系的6个理论的核心要点和实证研究,包括自动执行假说(Baumeister, 1984)、加工效能理论(Eysenck & Calvo, 1992)、注意控制理论(Eysenck, Derakshan, Santos, & Calvo, 2007)、自我控制的力量模型((Baumeister, Bratslavsky, Muraven, & Tice, 1998; Baumeister, Vohs , & Tice, 2007)、心理控制的逆过程理论(Wegner, 1994)和流畅状态理论(Csikszentmihalyi, 1990);还介绍了通过心理训练以提高运动员自我控制能力的4个理论,包括心理建设综合模式(刘淑慧,1998,2001)、逆境应对训练模式(姒刚彦,2006,2007)、心理技能训练模型(Vealey, 2007)和中国运动员心理建设系统(张凯,张力为,2011)。本文讨论了这两类10个理论的异同及在运动员自我控制研究中的意义;最后指出,对不同的自我控制理论同时进行检验和比较的研究或许具有潜在价值。 关键词 自我控制,心理训练,运动员,比赛  相似文献   
国家青年排球队员时间管理倾向与自我价值感的相关研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
黄希庭  毕重增  夏崇德 《心理科学》2004,27(6):1296-1299
运用时间管理倾向量表和自我价值感量表对13名国家青年排球队运动员的研究表明,国家青年排球队运动员的整体时间管理倾向与大学生没有显着差异;自我价值感显着高于常模群体,具有较高的自我价值感水平;相关分析发现,时间监控观与总体自我价值感和一般自我价值感之间的相关显着,时间监控观与社会取向的家庭自我价值感、时间管理倾向的三维度与个体自我价值感之间存在显着的相关;多重回归分析发现时间监控观对总体自我价值感和一般自我价值感具有直接的预测作用。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to compare the coach–athlete interaction structures of two competitive youth synchronized swimming teams differentiated on the basis of level of success.


This comparison was a pilot test of the state space grid (SSG) observational methodology (Hollenstein, 2007) in sport settings.


Two teams (two head coaches and 17 athletes in total) were observed over five training sessions. Coach and athlete behaviour was coded continuously for the duration of each training session. Measures of coach–athlete interaction were derived from these coded behaviours and compared between teams.


Results revealed significant differences between the teams on measures of interaction variability, behavioural content patterns, and the sequencing of coach behaviours. The more successful team was characterized by less variable, more patterned interactions between coaches and athletes. The sequencing of coach behaviours for the more successful team emphasized the pairing of technical correction and positive reinforcement.


The findings suggest that positive environments characterized by a deliberate pattern of coach–athlete interaction may be associated with youth sport settings producing more satisfied and successful athletes. These results support the utility of SSGs for the analysis of interpersonal interactions in sport and highlight the unique insights made available through use of this methodology.  相似文献   
ObjectivesThe aim of the current study was to examine (1) associations between the quality of the coach–athlete relationship as perceived by athletes and athlete burnout and, (2) the role of achievement goals in mediating the association between the coach–athlete relationship and burnout.DesignCross-sectional.Method359 athletes completed measures of the perceived quality of the coach–athlete relationship (the 3Cs model), achievement goals (the 2 × 2 model) and burnout (the athlete burnout model).ResultsStructural equation modeling revealed negative relationships between the perceived quality of the coach–athlete relationship and the three dimensions of athlete burnout (df = 118, χ² = 215.37, RMSEA = .05 [.04; .06], TLI = .97, CFI = .97). Moreover, results suggested that mastery-approach goals partially mediated the relationship between the coach–athlete relationship and two dimensions of athlete burnout: sport devaluation (i.e., indirect and direct effects: p < .001) and reduced accomplishment (i.e., indirect and direct effects: p < .01).ConclusionThe current study confirms and broadens previous knowledge on the socio-cognitive correlates of athlete burnout by demonstrating that the level of athlete burnout is associated with the perceived quality of the relationship with the coach. Results also highlight that achievement goals partially mediate these relationships.  相似文献   
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