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内群体偏好对群体及个人的生存发展都有重要价值。研究通过三个实验揭示了个体在内部竞争下维持内群体偏好的机制。实验一操纵内部竞争(有,无)和群体认同(高,低),发现内部竞争破坏了内群体偏好,而群体认同无法改变此破坏作用。实验二操纵内部竞争(有,无)和内群体心理距离(远、近),发现内部竞争破坏内群体偏好时,心理距离能够调节二者的关系,近心理距离有益于个体在内部竞争下维持内群体偏好。实验三进一步分析了心理距离维持内群体偏好的作用机制,发现心理距离通过个体知觉到的内部竞争感而影响内群体偏好。据此可认为,在内部竞争中维持内群体偏好需更多地关注成员间的关系(缩短心理距离),而非单纯地强调个体和群体间的联结(群体认同)。  相似文献   
对从HSK题库中计算机自动生成试卷稳定性的试验检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由计算机从题库中自动生成的试卷能否保持难度的相对稳定?根据IRT进行的等值误差范围有多大?为了回答这些问题,本文以共同组等值作为标准,对基于IRT之上的共同题等值误差进行了试验检验。试验中,采取一定措施保证了考生的动机水平。结果显示,IRT等值的校正方向都是正确的。在4个分测验中有3个分测验的的等值校正效果较理想,1个分测验的等值校正效果不够理想。计算机自动生成的试卷与原有人工命制的试卷在得分方面比较一致,分数相关达到0.931,获得证书的情况也是比较一致的。  相似文献   
The Step it UP! Game is an interdependent group reinforcement contingency based on the Good Behavior Game. We evaluated the effects of the Step it UP! Game on the number of steps taken by 3rd-grade students during physical-education (PE) classes at a local public elementary school. We divided the class into 2 teams and awarded a “Step it UP! Champ” badge to the members of the team with the highest mean step totals at the end of each game. We used a reversal design to compare the mean number of steps taken while playing the game and during regular PE classes. Overall, participants took more steps while playing the game than they did during class periods without the game. When given the opportunity to choose playing the Step it UP! Game or having regular PE class during a follow-up session, 16 of 18 participants voted to play the game.  相似文献   
Previous research reports that people organized into newly formed, arbitrary groups (i.e., minimal groups) are on average in-group biased. However, that people on average behave in a certain way does not imply that most people behave that way. Here, I report four studies (n = 224) demonstrating in-group biased average behaviors driven by a minority of about 30% participants. Further, only 14% reported allocating resources in a group-biased manner because they “favored the in-group.” I investigate and discuss how methodological issues related to non-normally distributed data, not taking participants’ intentions into account, and using fixed response matrices can lead to overestimations of how widespread in-group bias is in minimal groups.  相似文献   
This research aimed to investigate the changes in judgment accuracy, confidence, control thresholds, and decision outcomes when people act in two-person groups (dyads) compared with acting individually. First, we used interacting dyads to determine the metacognitive and behavioral outcomes of collective decision making and compared them with those of individuals. Second, we examined whether these changes were related to the trait-confidence and bias of individuals working together. Using a within-person design, undergraduate psychology students (N = 116) completed a General-knowledge Test individually, then together as a dyad. Each question was accompanied by a confidence rating and a decision to bet $10 on the answer. Dyads had significantly higher confidence and lower control thresholds than individuals. They were also significantly more decisive (made more bets) and reckless (lost a higher rate of bets) than when working alone. Thus, we observed a higher rate of decision errors for groups than individuals. The results also demonstrated the important role of individual differences: Overconfident individuals became even more confident, decisive, and reckless when working together compared with less confident or underconfident individuals working together. These findings have important theoretical and applied implications for collective decision making; metacognitive bias and potentially control thresholds may be targeted to alleviate the larger error rates and guide the formation of more effective groups.  相似文献   
When scaling data using item response theory, valid statements based on the measurement model are only permissible if the model fits the data. Most item fit statistics used to assess the fit between observed item responses and the item responses predicted by the measurement model show significant weaknesses, such as the dependence of fit statistics on sample size and number of items. In order to assess the size of misfit and to thus use the fit statistic as an effect size, dependencies on properties of the data set are undesirable. The present study describes a new approach and empirically tests it for consistency. We developed an estimator of the distance between the predicted item response functions (IRFs) and the true IRFs by semiparametric adaptation of IRFs. For the semiparametric adaptation, the approach of extended basis functions due to Ramsay and Silverman (2005) is used. The IRF is defined as the sum of a linear term and a more flexible term constructed via basis function expansions. The group lasso method is applied as a regularization of the flexible term, and determines whether all parameters of the basis functions are fixed at zero or freely estimated. Thus, the method serves as a selection criterion for items that should be adjusted semiparametrically. The distance between the predicted and semiparametrically adjusted IRF of misfitting items can then be determined by describing the fitting items by the parametric form of the IRF and the misfitting items by the semiparametric approach. In a simulation study, we demonstrated that the proposed method delivers satisfactory results in large samples (i.e., N ≥ 1,000).  相似文献   
Research on the transgression credit shows that groups may sometimes turn a blind eye to ingroup leaders who transgress moral norms. Although there is substantial research investigating the underlying criteria of what makes a “good” leader, research often neglects to investigate the role of followers in leader-group dynamics. In this paper, we offer a novel approach to transgressive leadership by proposing that leader legitimacy is a key factor that determines whether followers’ reactions to transgressive leaders are positive or negative. Across two experiments, participants ascribed transgression credit only to transgressive ingroup leaders perceived as legitimate (Studies 1–2, total n = 308). Transgressive illegitimate leaders were viewed as more threatening to the group, were targeted for formal punishment, received less validation for their behavior, triggered negative emotions (anger and shame), and raised higher consensus for their removal from the leadership position than did legitimate leaders. This effect also occurred irrespective of the absence of formal social control measures implemented toward the transgressive leader (Study 2). Mediation analysis showed that leader illegitimacy triggered stronger feelings of group threat and stronger negative emotions which, consequently, fuelled agreement with collective protest against the transgressive leader. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   
Intractable conflicts constitute violent and threatening environments that lead to intense emotions and polarized attitudes. Sadness is one emotion frequently elicited by the price of such conflicts. This investigation characterized the effects of sadness on conflict‐related information processing and attitudes in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. Findings from four experimental studies suggest that both incidental and integral sadness can induce a depolarization of political attitudes. In Study 1 (N = 163), sadness reduced the effect of political ideology on conflict‐related decisions. Sadness reduced the effect of political ideology on in‐group bias in resource allocation in Studies 2 (N = 213) and 4 (N = 274), willingness to negotiate in Studies 1 and 3 (N = 174), and openness to information supporting the out‐group's perspective (Study 4). Overall, in addition to its more negative implications, these results suggest that sadness (compared to both the non‐emotional and anger conditions) may have a bright side, since it may induce depolarization of political attitudes in intractable conflicts.  相似文献   
语言是族群的重要文化特征之一。基于广东三大方言族群均为中原移民的史实, 探讨三大汉语方言的语言演变差异与族群/方言名称对方言讲话者对中原族群信息加工的影响。以方言为客家话、粤语和潮汕话的广东大学生为被试, 实验1采用群体参照的R/K范式, 考察不同方言讲话者对中原族群信息的记忆; 实验2采用启动Stroop范式, 考察不同方言讲话者对中原族群信息的注意偏向。结果表明, 语言演变差异与族群/方言名称影响不同方言讲话者对中原族群的信息保持, 顽强地保持祖先语言的客家方言族群对中原族群的信息加工产生群体参照效应; 语言演变差异和族群/方言名称影响方言讲话者对中原族群信息的注意偏向, 客家方言族群对中原族群的信息加工产生注意偏向。整个研究表明, 语言演变差异和族群/方言名称影响对同祖语族群的信息加工, 完整地保留汉祖语特点、强化方言与汉祖语的关系, 能够增强根祖意识, 增进对同根族群的认同。研究结果对铸牢中华民族共同体意识具有重要启示。  相似文献   
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