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Responding maintained in squirrel monkeys under 5-min fixes-interval schedules of either food presentation or termination of a visual stimulus associated with electric-shock delivery was suppressed by presenting an electric shock for every thirtieth response (punishment). In monkeys responding under the schedule of food presentation, d-amphetamine sulfate only further decreased punished responding, and pentobarbital sodium markedly increased punished responding, as expected from previous reports. In monkeys responding under the schedule of stimulus-shock termination, however, the effects of the two drugs were opposite: d-amphetamine markedly increased punished responding, whereas pentobarbital only decreased responding. Thus, the effects of these drugs on punished responding were different depending on the type of event maintaining responding. These and previous results indicate that it may be misleading and inaccurate to speak of the effects of drugs on "punished responding" as though punishment were a unitary phenomenon. As with any behavior, the effects of drugs and other interventions on punished responding cannot be accurately characterized independently of the precise conditions under which the behavior occurs.  相似文献   
Pigeons were trained to discriminate 5.0 mg/kg pentobarbital from saline under a concurrent fixed-interval (FI) FI schedule of food presentation on which, after pentobarbital administration, responses on one key were reinforced with food under an FI 60-s component and responses on the other key were reinforced under an FI 240-s component. After saline administration, the schedule contingencies on the two keys were reversed. After both pentobarbital and saline, pigeons responded more frequently on the key on which responses had been programmed to produce the reinforcer under the FI 60 component of the concurrent schedule. The schedule was changed to concurrent FI 150 FI 150 s for drug-substitution tests. In each bird, increasing doses of pentobarbital, ethanol, and chlordiazepoxide produced increases in the proportion of responses on the key on which responses had been reinforced under the FI 60 component after pentobarbital administration during training sessions. The proportion of responses on that key was slightly lower for ethanol than for chlordiazepoxide and pentobarbital. At a dose of pentobarbital higher than the training dose, responding decreased on the key that had been reinforced under the FI 60 component during training sessions. Phencyclidine produced less responding on the key programmed under the FI 60-s component than did pentobarbital. Methamphetamine produced responding primarily on the key on which responses had been reinforced under the FI 60-s component after saline administration.  相似文献   
Here the case of recreational drug consumption by youths in the West of Scotland is applied to evaluate some prevailing models of consumer satisfaction and dissatisfaction (CS/D). The findings suggest dissatisfactory and satisfactory outcomes do not always result in the types of future consumption behaviours proposed by some models of consumer CS/D. Although, as some models of CS/D suggest, satisfactory experiences tended to reinforce the desire to repeat consumption, when consumption was dissatisfactory, users tended to employ several strategies to justify further use. Whereas users attributed positive or pleasurable experiences to the narcotic effect of the substances consumed, dissatisfactory outcomes were attributed to other factors. Users develop sophisticated responses to dissatisfaction, such as deferment and denial. The findings have important implications for some theories and models of CS/D for consumer expectation: in particular, the effect of dissatisfactory experiences on future consumption intentions. Copyright © 2002 Henry Stewart Publications.  相似文献   
三叉神经痛药物治疗的循证医学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
原发性三叉神经痛是一种严重的颌面部神经疼痛,其病因未明,目前的主要治疗措施是通过各种药物进行控制,但很多药物存在副作用、长期使用疗效降低等问题。本文应用循证医学思想,通过检索和评价国内外文献,综合高质量的临床研究结论,为三叉神经痛的药物治疗提供循证医学证据。  相似文献   
Antiepilepsy drugs work by decreasing neuronal irritability, which may also result in the non-desired side effect of decreased neuropsychological function. In addition to cognitive side effects, antiepilepsy drugs (AEDs) may be associated with behavioral effects which may range from irritability and hyperactivity to positive psychotropic effects on mood. There have been many new medications released since the 1990s, and although they tend to have more favorable side effect profiles compared to their older counterparts, there continues to be a risk of decreased cognitive function with the majority of these agents. The effects of in utero antiepilepsy drug exposure are increasingly being investigated, and differential drug risk is beginning to be described for both anatomic and cognitive outcomes. Patients with epilepsy undergoing neuropsychological evaluations are commonly on AEDs, and it is important for the clinician to recognize the potential contribution of AED therapy to neuropsychological profiles. The present article serves to provide an overview of our current understanding regarding the risks of antiepilepsy drug use for both cognitive and behavioral side effects.  相似文献   
在治疗口腔颌面部脉管畸形的众多治疗方法中,激光治疗和瘤腔内药物注射是两种最为常用而且有效的非手术治疗手段。本文通过结合两者各自的优缺点,利用比较治疗学相关原理和方法,从治疗方法、治疗效果、治疗费用等方面对两者进行比较,以便获得一些启发,为临床治疗提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   
This study examined violence and aggression in five agencies providing day services in homelessness or mental health. Incident reporting was used to test the hypotheses that aggression is associated with alcohol problems, drug use, mental disorder, homelessness, history of violence, age and sex. Agency policies and patterns to aggressive incidents were explored. Three agencies provided a sufficient number of incidents for analysis (involving 30 ‘aggressors’). A history of violence was associated with aggression in all three agencies; alcohol problems, drug use and younger age were associated with aggression in at least one agency; no association was found for mental disorder, homelessness or sex. A degree of pattern to incidents could be discerned, with drink or drugs often involved, and exercises of authority or intervention in client altercations being particularly likely to precede aggression towards staff. A variety of incidents were reported, from verbal arguments to threats with a knife and serious physical assault. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
"手术戒毒"是以一种"非常规"的方式毁损一部分人脑记忆和意识,来探索戒断毒瘾的有效途径."非常规"的手术戒毒挑战了长久以来公众对毒品的"常规"认识以及现行的戒毒政策和方法,从技术、伦理以及观念、权益、法律规制和政策支持等社会层面考量了这一项"非常规"手术.  相似文献   
There is currently much concern over the use of pharmaceuticals and other biomedical techniques to enhance athletic performance—a practice we might refer to as doping. Many justifications of anti-doping efforts claim that doping involves a serious moral transgression. In this article, I review a number of arguments in support of that claim, but show that they are not conclusive, suggesting that we do not have good reasons for thinking that doping is wrong.
Brent M. KiousEmail:
抗心律失常药物的致心律失常作用近年来已得到心血管科医生的广泛关注,但在临床实践中观察,对于一些非抗心律失常药,如抗生素、精神类药物等,在发挥他们相应的药理效应同时,可引起心动过缓、心动过速、传导阻滞,甚至致命性心律失常,而其致心律失常效应往往没有引起关注,强化非心脏药物致心律失常作用的意识,了解其可能的机制及促发因素都是必要的。  相似文献   
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