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是风险规避还是后悔规避左右人们的冒险行为?基于风险行为跨领域特殊性,本研究假设:决策者是规避风险还是规避后悔具有领域特异性。本研究选取有涉赌经验的澳门居民为样本,以其参与13种博彩的次数为指标考察其真实风险行为。结果验证了上述假设,风险规避说或后悔规避说都不能单独解释个体的风险倾向,个体是风险规避、后悔规避,或二者皆有,取决于其所处的具体风险情境类别。该发现有助于加深对风险行为特征的认识,亦可为预防及应对问题赌博提供启发和指导。  相似文献   
通过对1901~2004年诺贝尔医学奖的复习分析,发现俄罗斯(前苏联)这个大国,在整个20世纪里102次的医学奖颁发中,只获得2人次,与它的大国地位很不相称.试图分析其获奖特少的历史原因并汲取教训.  相似文献   
Prior research on regret has assumed a consideration set of only two-alternatives. The authors have relaxed that assumption and have developed hypotheses to examine the influence of the unawareness set and order effects in the measurement of consumer regret in a post-purchase evaluation. The results demonstrated that the brands consumers were previously unaware of, do indeed influence consumer regret, especially in a post-purchase upward comparison situation (comparing to superior unknown brands); this was not the case in a post-purchase downward comparison situation (comparing to inferior unknown brands). Order effects were also found to moderate consumer regret.  相似文献   
Regret in Decision Making   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Decision research has only recently started to take seriously the role of emotions in choices and decisions. Regret is the emotion that has received the most attention. In this article, we sample a number of the initial regret studies from psychology and economics, and trace some of the complexities and contradictions to which they led. We then sketch a new theory, decision justification theory (DJT), which synthesizes several apparently conflicting findings. DJT postulates two core components of decision–related regret, one associated with the (comparative) evaluation of the outcome, the other with the feeling of self–blame for having made a poor choice. We reinterpret several existing studies in DJT terms. We then report some new studies that directly tested (and support) DJT, and propose a number of research issues that follow from this new approach to regret.  相似文献   
Decision makers can become trapped by myopic regret avoidance in which rejecting feedback to avoid short-term outcome regret (regret associated with counterfactual outcome comparisons) leads to reduced learning and greater long-term regret over continuing poor decisions. In a series of laboratory experiments involving repeated choices among uncertain monetary prospects, participants primed with outcome regret tended to decline feedback, learned the task slowly or not at all, and performed poorly. This pattern was reversed when decision makers were primed with self-blame regret (regret over an unjustified decision). Further, in a final experiment in which task learning was unnecessary, feedback was more often rejected in the self-blame regret condition than in the outcome regret condition. We discuss the findings in terms of a distinction between two regret components, one associated with outcome evaluation, the other with the justifiability of the decision process used in making the choice.  相似文献   
The aim of present study was to explore relationships between experienced and anticipated discrimination, internalized stigma, and empowerment among people with physical disabilities in Serbia. The convenience sample consisted of persons with different types of physical disabilities. The following scales were administrated: The Discrimination and Stigma Scale, the Internalized Stigma of Mental Illness Scale, and the Boston University Empowerment Scale. An analysis showed that internalized stigma was correlated with experienced and anticipated discrimination and empowerment, while no correlation was found between empowerment and discrimination. People with physical disabilities who experienced and anticipated discrimination are at higher risk of reporting internalized stigma.  相似文献   
“心理距离“在后悔加工中作用的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
张结海  仰颐 《心理科学》1997,20(3):255-258
采用改编的虚构故事,通过240名大学生课堂实验的形式,对假设思维中涉及的最佳状态和理想状态之间的心理距离是影响后悔强度的主要因素的假设进行检验。结果部分支持了该假设。同时表明,心理距离外的其它因素,如“孤岛效应”也对后悔加工有较大的影响。另外,对后悔的后加工观进行了检验,为后悔的研究从实验室转向现实生活辅平了道路。  相似文献   
The goal of this research is to clarify the conditions that trigger reluctance to take cost-effective safety measures. We present three experiments. In two of the experiments, the participants were asked to operate a simulated system for 20 periods, each with 10 trials. They could “update the system” to eliminate the risk of a “security failure” that led to a loss of 100 points. The updating cost was either fixed (at 10 points) or variable (initially 10 points, and some probability of free—0 points—updates). The optimal strategy prescribed updating at the first opportunity. Another experiment focused on one-shot decision under risk. The results highlight two factors that reduce the tendency to update and impair performance: cost variability and prechoice experience. Importantly, we show that the negative impact of cost variability is the product of two tendencies. First, experiencing periods with free updates slowed learning to select the optimal policy. Second, in many cases, the participants behaved as if they plan to update when the cost of updating is low but forget to do so. The results suggest that security can be enhanced by asking users to select a default updating policy before gaining experience and by replacing “free updates” with automatic updates. Information concerning the existence of automatic updates reduced manual updating, but this effect was eliminated by experience.  相似文献   
Self‐control is a prominent topic in consumer research, where it is often conceptualized as the abstinence from hedonic consumption. We examine whether this conceptualization accurately captures consumers’ experiences of self‐control conflicts/failures in light of seminal self‐control theories in economics and psychology. Rejecting that notion, we argue that self‐control failures are choices in violation of superordinate long‐term goals accompanied by anticipated regret, rather than choices of hedonic over utilitarian consumption. This conceptualization has important methodological, theoretical, and practical implications. Methodologically, it highlights the need for experimental paradigms with higher construct validity. Theoretically, it helps elucidate how self‐control is distinct from impatience and self‐regulation. Practically, it provides a rich set of implications for deducing interventions on the individual and public policy level to help consumers exert self‐control.  相似文献   
This paper outlines and defends a notion of tragic-remorse. This moral emotion properly accompanies those actions that involve unavoidable moral wrongdoing in general and dirty hands scenarios in particular. Tragic-remorse differs both phenomenologically and conceptually from regret, agent-regret and remorse. By recognising the existence of tragic-remorse, we are better able to account for our complex moral reality which at times makes it necessary for good persons to act in ways that although justified leave the agent with a moral stain and a particular emotional response.  相似文献   
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