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EEG频谱相干分析发现额叶发育在童年中期存在可能的加速期。针对这一问题,本研究通过记录75名6至12岁正常儿童静坐和闭目状态下的自发脑电,分析δ、θ、α和β基本脑电频段下31对电极相干的变化情况,系统探索了该年龄段儿童额叶自发脑电频谱相干的变化特点,结果发现:θ波活动普遍强于α和β波活动;6至12岁儿童额叶内、额叶与其他脑叶间相干在整体上表现为随年龄增长而增加的趋势;额叶内、额叶与其他脑叶间相干在各频段均表现为7岁、11岁突增,10岁、12岁表现为高峰。上述结果支持6至12岁儿童额叶发育存在加速变化的结论。  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate deficits in planning ability using an adapted version of the Modified Six Elements Test, from the Behavioral Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome—BADS [Wilson, B. A., Alderman, N., Burgess, P. W., Emslie, H., & Evans, J. J. (1996). Behavioural Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome (BADS). Bury St Edmunds, U.K.: Thames Valley Test Company. Trans. Ricardo O Souza, Sergio L Schmidt. Rio de Janeiro: Cognição]. Subjects were left- and right-frontal lobe lesion patients. Other measures of executive dysfunctions used were verbal fluency, the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, and the Trail Making Test. These other instruments were sensitive to detect executive deficits in the left frontal lobe lesion group, except the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, which showed impairment only for the frontal lobe lesion group as a whole. The Modified Six Elements Test detected planning disorders in left frontal lobe lesion patients. The deficit of these patients was due to a greater likelihood to break the rules of the task, that is, in plan-following processes, rather than in planning the strategic approach to solve it.  相似文献   
Visual temporal processing and multisensory integration (MSI) of sound and vision were examined in individuals with schizophrenia using a visual temporal order judgment (TOJ) task. Compared to a non-psychiatric control group, persons with schizophrenia were less sensitive judging the temporal order of two successively presented visual stimuli. However, their sensitivity to visual temporal order improved as in the control group when two accessory sounds were added (temporal ventriloquism). These findings indicate that individuals with schizophrenia have diminished sensitivity to visual temporal order, but no deficits in the integration of low-level auditory and visual information.  相似文献   
Personality traits have been posited to function as stable influences on political attitudes and behavior. Although personality traits themselves exhibit high levels of temporal stability, it is not yet known whether the effects of these traits are marked by comparable temporal consistency. To address this question, this research note examines data from Wave 13 (2003–2004), Wave 15 (2005–2006) and Wave 17 (2007–2008) of the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS). Twenty‐seven behavioral and 14 attitudinal dependent variables are studied. Consistency of effects is gauged via a series of multilevel models in which personality effects are permitted to vary by year. High levels of temporal consistency are observed for personality traits as represented by the Big Five framework.  相似文献   
All electrostimulation studies on arithmetic have so far solely reported general errors. Nonetheless, a classification of the errors during stimulation can inform us about underlying arithmetic processes. The present electrostimulation study was performed in a case of left parietal glioma. The patient's erroneous responses suggested that calculation was mainly applied for addition and a combination of retrieval and calculation was mainly applied for multiplication. The findings of the present single‐case study encourage follow up with further data collection with the same paradigm.  相似文献   
Patients with medial temporal lobe damage and diencephalic damage were compared on two tests of verbal temporal order memory: between‐list discrimination and within‐list discrimination. Both patient groups were impaired relative to a group of healthy control participants. In addition, despite comparable levels of item recognition, the diencephalic group was impaired relative to the medial temporal lobe group on both within‐list and between‐list discrimination. Temporal order memory for between‐list information showed a significant correlation with a composite measure of recognition memory, and the results are discussed in terms of the patients' reliance on familiarity and distance‐based processes to make temporal order judgments.  相似文献   
本文从识解水平理论角度研究问题表征对伦理判断的影响。本文推断,事件的时间距离使得人们更容易形成高识解表征,能更好地辨别决策困境中的伦理原则;未来结果考虑特征高的管理者更关注决策的长期后果,也倾向于维护伦理原则。研究用两个实验递进验证了假设。139位大学生被试参加了实验1,结果支持了假设;实验2采用92位MBA学生的样本重复检验结论,并进一步验证未来结果考虑如何调节影响时间距离与伦理判断之间的关系。  相似文献   
边界是指在人的视野中占据较大比例,且具有立体拓展平面的障碍物,对于人类和动物的空间导航行为具有极大的促进作用。认知发展研究发现儿童早期(1岁半~2岁)通过加工边界的空间几何结构实现物体定位,并且随着年龄的发展逐渐学会利用边界的高度信息(3.1岁~4.7岁)、长度信息(4~5岁)、视觉阻碍性信息(5岁)等完成空间导航。基于这些认知过程,神经影像学研究主要以成人为研究被试,发现大脑中的内侧颞叶和顶叶脑区在边界加工中有着不同功能作用。具体而言,边界的空间几何结构及构成要素(高度、长度和角度)体位置的学习和提取则由海马负责。但是,仍存在一些研究问题值得未来深入S探c讨i。e第n一c,e拓展深化边界促进与后顶叶之间的功能交互。第三,密切关注大脑对场地边界与场地中心编码的心理或神经表征的区别和联系。第四,重点考察阿尔兹海默症有关基因易感人群在基于边界导航的行为受损情况。最后,延伸探讨边界在长时记忆、时间知觉、视觉空间、社交网络等领域的影响机制。  相似文献   

康熙年间疫灾频度为96.72%,形成持续上升(1662年~1680年)、持续下降(1681年~1687年)、波动上升(1688年~1708年) 和再次回落(1709年~1722年)4个阶段,并以夏、秋季为疫灾流行的主要时节。康熙年间疫灾的空间分布呈现内地多于边疆、南方多于北方、东部多于中西部的特征,其中江苏是疫灾流行最严重的省份。康熙年间疫灾流行的应对方式整体上停留于体现康熙帝意志的中央政令,官方延医赠药、施棺瘗尸、刊刻医书,民间逃疫避疫、封建迷信等传统应对阶段,但由于帝王的格外关注,特别是在特定疫病如天花、疟疾等的应对上也出现一些新变化。

We present evidence that the supposed processing advantage for an SVfinO word order over an SOVfin word order in German argued for by Weyerts, Penke, Münte, Heinze, and Clahsen (2002) is supported by neither experimental nor theoretical evidence. Specifically, we show (a) that the frontocentral negativity for an SOVfin in comparison to an SVfinO word order in Weyerts et al.'s Experiments 2 and 3 is reducible to more general differences in the electrophysiological responses elicited by nouns versus verbs in a sentence context, and (b) that the P600 difference between the two word orders in Experiment 2, as well as the reading time differences in Experiment 1, result from the fact that the two supposedly ungrammatical conditions actually differ in their degree of ill-formedness. We conclude that there is no evidence for a processing disadvantage for SOVfin, thus reconciling Weyerts et al.'s results on German sentence processing with the grammatical regularities of German.  相似文献   
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