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Some psychotic patients manage to create nothingness and emptiness thanks to the amount of work their ego accomplishes. That is the paradox we find in schizophrenic patients, their ego is simultaneously weak and powerful. When we analyse how this nothingness/emptiness is created, we enter into a strange world in which the patient's ego is, in part, defective and fragmented; his or her thinking apparatus, capacity for perceiving and feeling are under attack. Yet this same ego can call on intellectual ability, imagination and tremendous energy in order to create a highly complex structure, thanks to which the psychotic individual manages to create a kind of para-organization of space by splitting 'nothingness' (the space between representations) and 'density' (a compact magma made up of many different highly-condensed representations). Both nothingness and density may give the impression that the patient is 'nowhere to be found' and therefore impossible to analyse. In this paper, I shall describe these mechanisms as they appear in the clinical material of a female psychotic patient.  相似文献   
本文说明了三个问题 :一是论述了孟、告之争没有违背矛盾“同一律” ;二是探索了“生之谓性”的命题为何会成为中国古代思想家的共识 ;三是从正、反两个方面评价了“生之谓性”这一命题  相似文献   
Ewert Cousins 《Zygon》1999,34(2):209-219
This article describes a challenge to the cultures and religions of the world that the author believes is the greatest challenge that has confronted the human race in its entire history. Modernity's search for unity and postmodernity's affirmation of pluralism reflect aspects of our current situation, but more needs to be recognized. We must acknowledge that East and West must face the current challenges together. Multiculturalism and unity encompass all world cultures, and we cannot be content to read our present history only through the lens of western developments. Karl Jaspers's theory of the First Axial period of history, 800-200 B.C.E ., in which all the present world religions have their roots, is useful. It reveals that our present flowering of culture and spirit in the Western world, including our science, is not so much a product of the Western Renaissance and Enlightenment, as it is rooted in cultural events that belong to East and West equally. We are now in the Second Axial Period, which challenges the world religions to allow their energies to move toward convergence, just as in the previous millennia they moved toward differentiation. Teilhard de Chardin's thought is a guide for us, in his vision of a complex convergence of consciousness, in which differences will not be abolished but will be transformed in their coming together. This convergent perspective will also join with the perspective of rediscovering our roots in the earth, and it will repossess the spirituality of the primal peoples, in its understanding of the entire human race to be one tribe. The world religions are faced with the task, therefore, of encountering each other in "dialogic dialogue," and channeling their spiritual resources toward the solution of real-world global problems.  相似文献   
It is a matter for both surprise and disappointment that so little has been written from a philosophical perspective about the moral tradition enshrined in Europe's oldest living literature, the Icelandic sagas. The main purpose of the present essay is to start to ameliorate this shortcoming by analysing and assessing the moral code bequeathed to us by the saga literature. To do so, I draw attention to the striking similarities between saga morality and what tends to be called an 'ancient moral outlook' (with special reference to Aristotle's much-maligned virtue of megalopsychia) and then try to defend the credentials of both outlooks in so far as they clash, or seem to clash, with certain aspects of a 'modern moral outlook.'  相似文献   
“心理“正名   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
燕国材 《心理科学》1998,21(2):97-101
本文拟就我国“心理”一词原始涵义加以梳理,并涉及心理学的本义问题。  相似文献   
中国古代儒家经籍《周易》于汉代时已东传至朝鲜半岛,并在其"三国"时被确立为国学教育体系中的重要学习内容。在儒学教育体制和科举"科经取士"制度的促动下,古代朝鲜半岛不仅全面、系统地吸纳了《周易》思想,李氏朝鲜时还形成了活跃的易学研究局面,建构了自身的易学体系,成为域外易学的重要组成部分。随着《周易》思想及易学研究在朝鲜半岛的不断深化,其阴阳说也逐步渗透至天文地理、政治思想与社会文化等领域中,最终对朝鲜半岛哲学思想的发展及民族思维的建构产生了深刻的影响。  相似文献   
This article is an introduction to an ancient Egyptian text called The Tale of the Eloquent Peasant and an argument that it ought to be seen as a classic of political philosophy. After contextualizing the tale as part of a tradition of moral and political philosophy in ancient Egypt, I explore the methods by which the text defines the proper roles of political authority and contrast its approach to justifying political authority with the argument from the state of nature so common in modern Western political philosophy. I claim that the tale's argument from dysfunction anticipates the move in contemporary Western political philosophy towards privileging non-ideal over ideal theory. I discuss challenges in translating the key term in the tale – ma'at – in light of the fact that it can be taken to mean ‘justice’ and/or ‘truth’. Finally, I discuss how the irony at the heart of its narrative can lead us to interpret the tale as having either conservative or revolutionary implications for the political system it depicts.  相似文献   
《周易》作为五经之首,对于中华民族性格有着重要的影响,其中很重要的一个方面是通过诠释古老的天圆地方宇宙观,塑造了中华民族外圆内方的理想人格模式:效法天道,刚健自强,圆转不穷;效法地道,守正固本,崇德广业;刚柔立本,变通趋时,方智圆神。但是,中国人在现实生活中却很难实现外圆内方、圆神方智的理想,总是处于非圆即方的状态:多数人却走向了世故圆滑,那些始终坚持内在品质和理想的少数人才是中华民族的脊梁。  相似文献   
《尘埃落定》是藏族作家阿来的作品,长期以来人们对它的解读,往往从藏民族民间文化和宗教文化角度切入,其实如果我们把作家的文人身份和作品中弘扬的人文精神结合起来研读,就会发现在文本中有着浓郁的道家文化身影。  相似文献   
李小平  储美霞 《心理科学》2011,34(6):1367-1371
为了检验双加工发展理论及了解中国一古老推理错觉问题的发展特征,从小学五年级至大学二年级各个阶段选取被试385名,对该古老推理错觉及其改良版问题的发展特征进行了调查。结果发现:(1)该古老推理错觉问题及其改良版问题的趋势对比有力的支持了双加工发展理论; (2)从小学五年级始,财会关系推理错觉即存在,表现出跨年级的发展特征。  相似文献   
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