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帛书及楚竹书、阜阳汉简<周易>的面世,极大地拓展了我们对<周易>经文的研究视野.东汉熹平间,灵帝诏诸儒正定五经,以熹平石经作为今文标准本,熹平石经遂成为后人研究、界定汉代经今、古文的重要依据.然今以帛<易>考之,汉初人们以隶字抄书,并无严格的今、古文区分,故熹平石经作为分辨汉人今、古文的权威,只是为平息当时的今、古文之争.汉唐人以自己所见之有限的古文本而定其"古文某作×",今以竹书校之,方知其所见之古文本及其古文字,与战国竹书古文本多有不同.而由今本与竹书本多有相同相通者考之,知今本确为古文本无疑.随着帛<易>的出土,有本师传授的今文<易>在亡佚千余年后又重现于世,对弄清<周易>六十四卦中的一些疑难卦爻辞原旨,厘清汉人今、古文经学的发展与演变,无疑有重大的借鉴与帮助.  相似文献   
春秋时期姜姓妇女在各国积极从政,在政治舞台上占据一席之地。这与她们掌握当时最先进的卜筮知识,可以进行预测未来有一定联系,同时也是上古山川守文化精神在政治领域中的遗传和体现。  相似文献   
《经义考》和《四库》皆认为,今本《子夏易传》非但不是唐以前流传的古本《子夏易传》,也不是唐代张弧所假托伪撰的《子夏易传》,而是宋以后伪撰的另一新伪本,而唐张弧伪本已亡佚。这一观点得到了大多数学者的认可。但本文通过详细考证,认为今本《子夏易传》即宋代流传的唐张弧伪本,易学史上并不存在张弧伪本之后的新伪本《子夏易传》。考证清楚此问题,对我们更好地理解、利用今本《子夏易传》,以及对古本《子夏易传》的辑佚都有重要意义。  相似文献   
徽州古民居乃中国古代建筑艺术之宝库,传统文化之精髓,而《周易》又是中国传统文化之源头活水,其"天人合一"、"保合太和"、"唯变所适"的美学思想对徽州古民居产生了深远影响并在徽州古民居中有着明显的体现。研究徽州古民居所体现的《周易》美学思想,有助于体认其所蕴含的深厚的中国传统文化,这将有助于更好的保护和宣扬徽州古民居,从而让更多的人来感受它的美。  相似文献   
今齐方言中有大量的古语词,这些古语词是通过漫长的历史时期层层积淀的结果。从历时角度而言,今齐方言中的古语词基本上可以分为上古、近古、中古三个历史层次;从共时的角度而言,它们存在于共时平面的形、音、义,又与历史上的古语表现出不同的面貌。  相似文献   
疾病医治理念是古埃及文明的重要组成部分。古埃及人针对不同类别疾病有着相应的医治理念:药物、魔法与意志是内科疾病的医治理念;河渠原理是医治外科疾病的理念;对于治疗心理疾病主要是寻求神灵的拯救;预防疾病的理念是保持圣洁。挖掘、梳理这些医治理念,可以加强医学史的学科建设,对某些疾病的治疗有参考价值。  相似文献   
Influenced by the methods and practices of Hippocrates, the Asclepius cult used herbal formulae and medicinal applications intricately connected with Asclepius cult rituals and worship. An understanding of the types of herb and medical applications surrounding their use by the cult aids understanding of the inner world and symbolism of ancient dreams.Jeffrey B. Pettis teaches in the field of New Testament Studies at Fordham University, New York City. His focus is the interpretation and use of ancient dreams in early Christianity and the Greco-Roman world. He has lived and traveled in Greece, Egypt and Turkey, studying the design and culture of ancient temples and the sanctuaries of Asclepius, the deity of the ancient dream cult. He received his Ph.D. from Union Seminary in 2004.  相似文献   
Russell H. Tuttle 《Zygon》2006,41(1):139-168
Abstract. I selectively and critically review the state of knowledge about human evolution and the place of humans vis‐à‐vis living apes, with emphasis on bipedal posture and locomotion, expansion of the brain and associated cognitive capacities, speech, tool behavior, culture, and society. I end with a personal perspective on God and Heaven.  相似文献   
This essay examines Pope Francis’s encyclical Laudato si’ from a Latin American perspective and its reception in this part of the world, especially in Brazil. It focuses on two aspects of Laudato si’: its dialogical approach, and the connection it makes between ecological issues and poverty. These two aspects allow us to understand Francis’s proposal of integral ecology and how the preferential option for the poor becomes central to his perspective. In addition, this essay explains how Latin American theology and pastoral experience are present in Pope Francis’s thought.  相似文献   
Ursula W. Goodenough 《Zygon》1994,29(3):321-330
Abstract. A molecular/cell biologist offers perspectives on the contributions that the scientific worldview might and might not make to religious though. It is argued that two essential features of institutionalized religions–their historical context and their supernatural orientation—are not addressed by the sciences, nor can the sciences contribute to the art and ritual that elicit states of faith and transcendence. The sciences have, however, important stories (myths) to offer, stories that have the potential to unify us, to tell us what is sacred, what has meaning, and how we might best proceed.  相似文献   
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