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Past research has shown that counterfactual (“If…then…”) thoughts influence causal and responsibility attribution in the judicial context. However, little is known on whether and how the use of counterfactuals in communication affects lay jurors' and judges' evaluations. In two studies, we asked mock lay jurors (Study 1) and actual judges (Study 2) to read a medical malpractice case followed by an expert witness report, which included counterfactuals focused on either the physician, the patient, or external factors. Results showed that counterfactual focus had a strong effect on both lay jurors' and judges' causal and responsibility attributions. Counterfactual focus also moderated the effect of outcome foreseeability on responsibility attribution. Discussion focuses on how counterfactual communication can direct causal and responsibility attribution and reduce the importance of other factors known to influence judicial decision‐making. The potential implications of these findings in training programs and debiasing interventions are also discussed.  相似文献   
近年来, 辱虐管理与员工创造力的关系受到越来越多研究者的关注。在以往研究的基础上, 本研究构建了一个有调节的中介作用模型, 以探讨中国文化情境下辱虐管理影响员工创造力的中介心理机制及边界条件。采用多阶段-多来源的策略, 以93名主管和369名员工为对象, 通过多水平结构方程建模技术对三阶段主管-员工配对调查所获取的数据进行分析, 结果表明:主管的辱虐管理行为会通过心理契约破坏的中介作用, 对员工创造力产生间接的消极影响; 但该负向的间接关系的强度对高中庸思维者而言较弱。本研究有助于揭示辱虐管理影响员工创造力的心理机制及边界条件, 研究结果对企业员工创造力及创新行为的管理实践也有一定启示。  相似文献   
本文选取《易》四卦探析其思维特征:从《泰》、《否》剖辨其因果思维,《泰》之以"果"示"因"更属辩证逻辑思维,从而否定C·G荣格关于《易》不从"因果关系论事"的判断。以《蛊》卦之"蛊"不训"弊乱"而应训如钱钟书先生所证之"事"、"事业",论定《蛊》属于创造性思维范畴,继承前辈事业,在自己的努力实践中创新业,立新功。以《》卦辞"不利即戎"断句或连读,探析前人关于战争的两种思考,一是果决地抓住战机打击敌人,如周武王讨伐纣之《牧誓》所示;一是先安顿内部,"施禄及下"以得民心,如《左传》"曹刿论战"所示,是"攘外必先安内"的战略性思考。  相似文献   
This paper explores and compares the processes of music and analysis from the author's experience as a musician, piano teacher and analyst. It explains how the use of music improvisation in analysis (with simple percussion instruments) can powerfully enhance the dialogue between the unconscious and conscious psyche, as well as deepen the relationship between analyst and analysand. This is connected theoretically to Jung's active imagination and Winnicott's concept of play within the analytic encounter. Finally, the question is raised whether analytic trainings could do more to expose trainees to the possibility of using music within the analytic encounter. This touches on the more basic and controversial issue (which often separates analytical psychology and psychoanalysis) of whether expressive therapy should be used in analysis at all.  相似文献   
Richard M. Billow 《Group》2000,24(4):243-259
The cornerstone of W. R. Bion's theory of individual and group development is that thinking is a primary emotional need, and it matures in the context of social communication. Bion (1970) formulated the essential relationship between thinking and communicating in terms of the container-contained relationship. Bion (1970) described three types of communication, occurring on different levels of development: commensal, symbiotic, and parasitic. These patterns involve normal and pathological variations of the container-contained and call for different expressions of the therapist's subjectivity. In this paper, I describe each of these alterations as they apply to group therapy and to therapeutic activity. I include case examples of how I utilize the conceptual framework in my work.  相似文献   
本文认为,《周易》的阴阳世界观注重的是阴阳间的关系,而这种关系又有两个重要状态,一个是“空无”,另一个是“中庸”。对于这两种状态的不同态度形成了古人不同的人生态度和理想追求。同时,本文还认为,《周易》所运用的是取象比类式的象数推演体系,它不同于概念式的演绎体系。人类生活有很多重要内容不能通过概念式的语言去思维和表达,而这些“不可言说”的内容却往往可以用“象征语言”和象数思维来表达。  相似文献   
思维风格测验在大学生中的初步应用   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:20  
武欣  张厚粲 《心理科学》1999,22(4):293-297
本文介绍了斯腾伯格的心理自我管理理论并使用斯腾伯格所编制的思维风格问卷对大学生的思维风格进行了测量,比较了思维风格在性别、文理科、地域等方面的个体差异,得出了中国大学生在思维风格方面的一些特点;研究了思维风格与一般智力的关系,发现思维风格与智力相关很低,说明思维风格是一种独立于智力的特质;同时对思维风格量表的信、效度及量表的结构进行了探讨。  相似文献   
Books received     
Analytical Psychology
Yeoman, A. Now or Neverland. Peter Pan and the Myth of Eternal Youth. A Psychological Perspective on a Cultural Icon.
Pieri, P. F. Dizionario Junghiano.
Group Psychotherapy
Schermer,Victor L. & Pines, M. Group Psychotherapy of the Psychoses. Concepts, Interventions and contexts.
De Groef, J. and Heinemann, E. Psychoanalysis and Mental Handicap.
Psychotherapy and Counselling
Wiener, J. and Sher, M. Counselling and Psychotherapy in Primary Health Care.
Bergler, E. M. D. The Talent for Stupidity. The Psychology of the Bungler, the Incompetent, and the Ineffectual.
Ripa di Meana, G. Figures of Lightness. Anorexia, Bulimia and Psychoanalysis.
Cohen, B. T., Etezady, H. M., Pacella, L. B., The Vulnerable Child, Volume 3.  相似文献   
This paper elucidates and discusses Jung's conceptions of the relation between psychology, psychotherapy and religion.  相似文献   
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