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心肾贫血综合征在慢性肾脏疾病患者和慢性心衰患者中大有人在,并日益受到医生重视,对其的正确认识及治疗直接影响患者的疾病预后.因此我们深入认识心肾贫血综合征及研究新的临床防治策略时,有必要着眼于心肾贫血综合征的内在特征并运用系统学方法原理分析其特点,为临床防治提供科学指导。  相似文献   
消化性溃疡的治疗进展及述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
消化性溃疡的发生主要与胃十二指肠黏膜的损害因素和黏膜自身防御-修复因素之间失平衡有关。其中胃酸分泌异常、幽门螺杆菌(H.pylori)感染和非甾体抗炎药(NSAID)是引起消化性溃疡的最常见病因。质子泵抑制剂(PPI)是抑酸治疗的基础。新一类抑酸药物有钾离子竞争性酸阻滞剂(potassium-competitive acid blockers,P-CABs)。正在进行的初期临床试验证明其起效更快,抑酸作用持续时间更长。国际上近年来发布或更新了多个幽门螺杆菌相关指南或共识,推荐的一线治疗方案是以PPI为基础的三联治疗(PPI+阿莫西林+克拉霉素),疗程7d~14d。序贯疗法(sequential therapy)治疗幽门螺杆菌感染具有疗效高、耐受性和依从性好等优点,值得尝试。PPI是防治NSAID溃疡的首选药物。  相似文献   
消化性溃疡的中医病机为本虚标实,虚、瘀、毒为其最基本的病理特点,治疗应抓住虚、瘀、毒的病理实质,采取健脾和胃补虚、活血通络止痛、解毒导滞和胃的治疗方法,并结合脾胃脏腑的功能特点,灵活运用调达肝木、升清降逆之法以调畅脾胃的功能,从而达到治愈消化性溃疡的目的。  相似文献   
大肠癌的治疗应采用一种无缝的连接方式将姑息治疗与抗肿瘤治疗整合在一起。姑息医学的采用应贯穿肿瘤治疗的始终,以期更好地提高生命质量,尊重生命价值,体现医学本质和人文关怀。  相似文献   
从合理化角度回顾了当前几种重要的骨折治疗理论体系的发展与演变,认为骨折治疗的最优原则是一种理想状态,现实中没有绝对最优只有相对合理。只有建立以患者为中心的思维体系,加强医疗逻辑思维能力,用多维思考的方式寻找矛盾的合理平衡点,始终坚守医学伦理道德底线,才能真正做到为每一位骨折患者进行最合理的治疗。  相似文献   
异位妊娠是妇产科常见急症之一,也是目前早期妊娠妇女死亡的首要原因。其检查方法多种,治疗也趋于多样化。在异位妊娠的诊治中,我们应从整体上认识了解患者,掌握疾病的发展变化,作出最佳的诊治方案,并随时根据病情发展变化,对诊治方案做出相应的合理的改变。  相似文献   
This study tested the effectiveness of an existing private online CBT-based group intervention designed to help people with hoarding. Web-group participants were hypothesized to show more improvement in hoarding symptoms over time compared to those placed on a naturalistic waitlist. This web-based self-help group (N = 106 members, N = 155 waitlisted) includes a formal application process and requires that participants post action steps and progress at least once monthly. Members have access to educational resources on hoarding, cognitive strategies, and a chat-group. Potential research participants were invited to complete an anonymous web-based survey about their hoarding behaviors and clinical improvement on five occasions (3 months apart). The sample was mainly middle-aged, female and White. Regression analyses show that Recent members reported greater improvement and less clutter at 6 months (than Waitlist). Long-term members reported milder hoarding symptoms than Recent ones, suggesting benefits from group participation over time. All members showed reductions in clutter and hoarding symptoms over 15 months. Less posting activity was associated with greater hoarding severity. Online CBT-based self-help for hoarding appears to be a promising intervention strategy that may extend access to treatment. Evaluating the benefits of internet self-help groups is critical given growing popularity of and demand for web-based interventions.  相似文献   
Mary W. Anderson 《Dialog》2010,49(4):354-357
Abstract : This article offers a perspective on the present and future roles of women in the ELCA. It gives some analysis of women's roles in the trend of declining traditional congregations and rising megachurches while imagining the role of clergywomen in the church's next forty years as new models of ministry emerge.  相似文献   
We examined the effects of individualized video modeling on the accurate implementation of behavioral interventions using a multiple baseline design across 3 teachers. During video modeling, treatment integrity improved above baseline levels; however, teacher performance remained variable. The addition of verbal performance feedback increased treatment integrity to 100% for all participants, and performance was maintained 1 week later. Teachers found video modeling to be more socially acceptable with performance feedback than alone, but rated both positively.  相似文献   
因果模型在类比推理中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王婷婷  莫雷 《心理学报》2010,42(8):834-844
通过操纵因果模型的特征维度及推理方向, 探讨因果模型在类比推理中的作用。实验一探讨了当结果特征未知时进行类比推理的情况, 发现在一果多因时, 被试采用因果模型进行类比推理, 而在一因多果时, 被试同时采用因果模型和计算模型进行类比推理。实验二探讨当原因特征未知时进行类比推理的情况, 发现在一果多因和一因多果时, 被试均采用因果模型进行类比推理。结果表明:(1)当结果特征未知时, 人们会建构因果模型进行类比推理。且当因果模型和计算模型处于冲突情境时, 人们会采用因果模型进行类比推理; 但当因果模型和计算模型处于非冲突情境时, 人们会同时采用因果模型和计算模型。(2)当原因特征未知时, 即按照因果模型推理的难度增加时, 人们仍会建构因果模型进行类比推理。  相似文献   
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