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How infants come to master reaching for moving objects was studied in a situation where the distance to and the velocity of the moving object varied. Eleven infants participated in the study. They were from 12 to 24 weeks old at the first session, were seen at 3-week intervals until 30 weeks old, and were finally seen once at 36 weeks old. The following behaviors were observed from video recordings: frequency of fixated and followed motions, latency to first goal-directed behavior, type of goal-directed behaviors, and type of reaches. It was found that by the time the infant masters reaching for stationary objects he will also successfully reach for moving ones. Eighteen-week-old infants caught the object as it moved at 30 cm/sec. The results suggest a basic human capacity to time-coordinate one's behavior with external events, and to foresee in one's actions future positions of moving objects.  相似文献   
To what degree do infants use a predictive strategy when reaching for moving objects? This question was studied longitudinally in five infants from 18 to 36 weeks of age. The aiming of 356 reaches were analyzed by a technique that took into consideration the three-dimensional properties of the reaches. Each reach was divided into ballistic steps and the aiming of each step was calculated and compared with an optimal value. It was found that the infants studied had an ability to reach for fast moving objects in a predictive way. Further, the results show that the predictive ability is remarkably good in the lowest age groups which suggests that it is, at least partly, prewired. What develops seems mainly to be the mobility aspects of reaching which makes for more economical and flexible reaching. Older infants reach successfully for the fast moving object also with a nonpredictive chasing strategy.  相似文献   
It is recognized that parenthood in the context of psychosocial adversity can have negative implications for infant development. Parenting programs are the first line of intervention to improve outcomes for families; however, evidence for the effectiveness of group-based, targeted early interventions is still scarce. Preliminary findings indicate Mellow Babies (MB) as a promising group-based parenting program for families at risk for parenting difficulties. Using thematic analysis, we aimed to understand: (i) the aspects of the intervention that enabled parents to complete the program and (ii) the relational and behavioral changes perceived as valuable for parents and their babies post-intervention. In total, 68 parents residing in the United Kingdom were interviewed after completing MB (49 mothers and 19 fathers; 88% self-identified as British). Three themes and six subthemes were generated from the data. Parents identified several intervention components as beneficial, including the facilitators' interpersonal skills and multi-dimensional, group-based approach. Participant reflections highlighted three underlying mechanisms that enabled positive change: (i) the sense of community cultivated within the group, (ii) the process of formulating and re-conceptualizing one's difficulties, and (iii) the opportunity to reshape interpersonal interactions. Findings are discussed within the context of perinatal and infant mental health.  相似文献   
This article focuses on some themes in the work of Evelyn Underhill (1875–1941). It is now over a century since she began work on the first version of Mysticism (1911). She was a pioneer not only in the study she undertook for this book, but in the specifically Christian theology she was bold enough to work out from it, with Christ in person the paradigm mystic. The Latin Mass of her day she deemed both as recapitulating Christ's own experience, as well as re-presenting the stability and growth of his ‘Body’ present at the Eucharist. Once recommitted to the Church of England in 1921, at a time of liturgical revision and in a deeply troubled political era, her concentration on Christ's sacrifice led her to embrace pacifism as the world lurched towards World War II. Her theological work, summed up in her final major book Worship (1936), reveals her continuing preoccupation with the question of how Christology integrates with liturgy, and therefore with the living of a distinctively Christian life.  相似文献   
Bayesian theories of perception provide a link between observed response distributions and theoretical constructs from Bayesian decision theory. Using Bayesian psychophysics we derive response distributions for two cases, one based on a normal distribution and one on a von Mises distribution for angular variables. Interestingly, where the theoretical response distribution is always unimodal in the case of normal distributions, it can become bimodal in the angular setting in the case when prior and likelihood are about equally strong.  相似文献   
This article reviews the presently available supply of textbooks and introductions to the new academic field of study known as ‘Western esotericism’. By analogy with computer software, the author refers to the early ‘religionist’ phase of research in this domain as ‘Western esotericism 1.0’. He argues that Antoine Faivre's small French textbook L’ésotérisme (1992) marked the beginning of a more satisfactory upgrade that might be referred to as ‘Western esotericism 2.0’ and remains dominant in teaching and research today. A critical review of textbooks and introductions representative of this second phase of academic professionalisation reveals a number of structural problems and weaknesses (‘bugs and design faults’) that need to be corrected in order for the field to complete its adolescence and reach academic maturity. To accommodate the needs and new perspectives of the upcoming generation of scholars in this field, it is therefore time for an upgrade to ‘Western esotericism 3.0’.  相似文献   
Crippled feet     
Critics of Lars von Trier's film Antichrist have regarded the depicted woman's destructive fury as difficult to understand. In this paper, separation anxiety is discussed as a central unconscious motivation behind the aggressive interaction between husband and wife, and the child is discussed as an obstacle to the mother's exclusive relationship with her husband. The film powerfully conveys how sadistic aggression is unconsciously acted out between mother and son, as symbolized by the mother's crippling of her son's feet. The woman's violence is also a reaction to a her husband “therapist” who, wishing to correct her, fails to understand and contain her inner world, wherefore the therapeutic dialogue itself, disguised as help, is experienced as violently aggressive. This in turn engenders a wish for revenge. Against this background, the film is seen as a critique of cognitively oriented therapy.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to explore the influence of the quality of early father–child rough‐and‐tumble play (RTP) on toddler aggressive behaviors and more fully understand how child, mother, and father characteristics were associated with higher quality father–child RTP among contemporary urban Chinese families. Participants included 42 families in Changsha, China. Play observations of fathers and their children were coded for RTP quality. The specific RTP quality of father–child reciprocity of dominance was associated with fewer toddler aggressive behaviors, as rated by both fathers and mothers. Mothers’ democratic parenting attitudes were associated with higher quality father–child RTP. These findings suggest that higher quality father–child RTP may be one way in which some fathers influence children's expression of aggressive behaviors, and the quality of father–child RTP may be influenced by the broader family, social, and cultural contexts.  相似文献   
The recent call for the scale-up of evidence-based early childhood development interventions, in lower and middle-income countries and for minority groups in high-income countries, has seen numerous suggestions to train greater numbers of lay mental health workers to fulfill these functions. While studies have found that concepts from developed country settings, such as attachment, parental sensitivity, and containment, find purchase and relevance within developing settings, the management of contextual and cultural factors and the tensions of cultural interfacing in the rollout of these programs in developing country settings require consideration. Drawing on the experiences of two successful South African mother–infant home-visiting programs as examples, this article discusses some of the challenges in provision of attachment-based infant mental health programs and highlights the need for careful consideration of a number of factors pertaining to the recruitment, supervision, and management of lay mental health workers before large-scale rollout is conducted.  相似文献   
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