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小学生攻击性行为的心理分析及对策研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
赵建华 《心理科学》2005,28(4):965-968
本研究采用同伴提名法对宁波市560名小学生进行调查,探讨了小学生攻击行为的类型特点及其年级差异,结果发现:(1)小学生言语攻击的比率最高,其次是直接身体攻击,间接攻击的发生率最低。(2)小学生三类攻击行为的比例均存在显著的年级差异。(3)小学生各年级之间既有存在显著性差异,也有不存在显著性差异。同时,本研究进一步分析了小学生攻击性行为产生的原因及其教育干预的对策。  相似文献   
Alcohol increases the aggression-augmenting effects of provocation. Theories of alcohol and aggression suggest that impaired cognitive processing induced by acute intoxication leads individuals to process aggression-inducing social cues differently depending on whether they are high or low in salience. We examined the effects of intoxication and aggressive cue salience within the triggered displaced aggression paradigm. An ethnically diverse sample of 74 primarily young adult participants (40 men and 34 women; M=23.28, SD=3.14 years) were recruited from the university community and surrounding area. All participants were provoked by an experimenter, randomly assigned to a 2 (alcohol condition: alcohol vs. placebo) x 2 (trigger salience: high vs. low salience) between-subjects design, and then given the opportunity to aggress against the undeserving triggering agent. As expected, intoxication combined with a salient triggering cue elicited the most displaced aggression among all conditions. These results provide the first evidence that the effect of alcohol on triggered displaced aggression is moderated by the salience of the triggering event.  相似文献   
Using data from the Early Head Start Research and Evaluation Study, this study analysed the stability of child aggressive behaviour beginning in infancy and tested whether spanking when the child was 36 months was associated with aggressive child behaviour among three ethnic groups and whether maternal warmth moderated the effect of spanking on aggressive behaviour in each ethnic group at 36 months, after controlling for earlier aggressive behaviour. Participants included 693 Hispanic parent–child dyads, 1013 African‐American dyads and 1086 Caucasian dyads who met qualifications for participation in the Early Head Start programme. Findings suggest that infant temperament was associated with aggressive behaviour at 24 and 36 months and that child aggression remained stable. Among the three ethnic groups, spanking was only associated with aggressive behaviour for children who had Caucasian mothers and maternal warmth did not moderate the effect of spanking on aggressive behaviour. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This paper describes aggressive behaviour in the cockroach Schultesia nitor, a tropical forest species living in bird nests. Young S. nitor nymphs are known to show active dispersal while old nymphs and adults are contrastingly strongly gregarious, a combination of features never observed in other cockroach species. Our laboratory experiments using video recording of confrontations between pairs show that aggressive behaviour towards conspecific nymphs is not exhibited towards nymphs of the species Phoetalia pallida, and thus can be considered species specific in S. nitor. But, it is not kin oriented: the mother and all adults of both sexes in different physiological states exhibit this behaviour as well. Six types of aggressive interactions were discriminated, occurring in age-symmetric pairs of nymphs and adults. Even more frequent aggression was exhibited by adults and last instar nymphs towards younger nymphs of all instars. The frequency of aggressive acts and types of aggressive interactions varied according to sex and size of the two interacting individuals. The possible function and evolution of this behaviour is discussed, with emphasis on the difficulty of interpreting obvious but weak and not kin-biased aggression.  相似文献   
The offspring‐defense hypothesis of maternal territoriality in solitary and semisocial mammals [Wolff JO and Peterson JA. 1998. Ethol Ecol Evol 10:227–239] was evaluated in another taxon using maternal and nonmaternal female red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii), a freshwater decapod crustacean that shows pronounced shelter‐related maternal aggression. The maternal females were of three different categories: (1) ovigerous, (2) carrying primarily stage 1 offspring, or (3) tending offspring that were primarily stage 2. Each female was in residence in an individual aquarium containing only a gravel substrate for 24 hr prior to serial intrusions by male conspecifics. Virtually all of the residents, maternal and nonmaternal, excavated a depression (shelter) in the substrate prior to the first intrusion. The results showed that residents in each of the maternal categories won a significantly higher proportion of their encounters than did the nonmaternal residents, which showed only negligible defense and lost every encounter. However, there were no significant differences in encounter outcomes between the maternal resident categories. There was clear defense of the shelter by maternal females, with virtually all fighting being in or around it, thus demonstrating stable, heightened territorial defense throughout these maternal phases of reproduction. This support of the offspring‐defense hypothesis of maternal territoriality is the first such evidence for a freshwater crustacean and is very similar to that recently reported in a related marine decapod, the American lobster (H. americanus). Aggr. Behav. 27:391–403, 2001. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
肖玉琴  张卓  宋平  杨波 《心理科学进展》2014,22(9):1456-1466
冷酷无情特质(callous unemotional trait, CU)是指对他人冷漠、缺乏罪责感、低共情的一种人格倾向, 伴随有高频率和高破坏性的反社会行为甚至暴力犯罪。CU特质者在情感上表现为对负性情绪加工不敏感, 缺乏共情; 在认知上表现出追求奖赏、忽视惩罚; 在生物学方面, CU特质者生理唤醒水平低、皮质醇水平低、杏仁核和腹内侧前额叶活动异常。未来研究的方向是修订发展本土化CU特质量表、探析CU特质者的性别差异、梳理CU与品行障碍等其他精神障碍的关系、为暴力犯循证矫正的方案设计提供科学依据。  相似文献   
分别采用词汇按键反应任务和EAST范式测查了攻击性认知的流畅性和内隐攻击性评价,旨在考察游戏中攻击动机对攻击性的影响,结果发现:暴力视频游戏的影响效应不仅与暴力内容有关,还受制于攻击动机和玩家的暴力游戏经验;且长期玩暴力游戏会使被试对暴力产生脱敏,表现为攻击性认知的流畅性低,对攻击的评价更积极。本研究表明,暴力视频游戏对个体攻击性的影响需综合考虑多种因素。  相似文献   
在一般攻击模型(GAM)和个体-环境交互作用模型的视角下,采用儿童心理虐待与忽视量表、青少年道德推脱问卷和攻击行为问卷对696名青少年进行调查,以探讨心理虐待与忽视对青少年攻击行为的影响以及道德推脱在其中的作用机制。结果发现:(1)心理虐待与忽视与青少年攻击行为和道德推脱均呈显著正相关,道德推脱与青少年攻击行为也呈显著正相关;(2)道德推脱在心理虐待与忽视和青少年攻击行为之间起着部分中介作用,道德推脱的中介作用不存在性别差异,但存在显著的年龄差异,在初中组中,道德推脱在心理虐待与忽视和青少年攻击行为间的中介作用为部分中介,而在高中组中为完全中介;(3)道德推脱在心理虐待与忽视和青少年攻击行为之间的调节作用不显著,道德推脱的调节作用不存在年龄差异,但存在显著的性别差异,在男生组中,道德推脱在心理虐待与忽视和青少年攻击行为间的调节作用不显著,而在女生组中显著。  相似文献   
This article extends the work of Kellam, Ling, Merisca, Brown and Ialongo (1998) by applying a mathematical model of competition between children to peer contagion in the aggressive behaviors of elementary school students. Nonlinearity in the relationship between group aggression and individual aggression at 2-year follow-up is present. Consistent with the findings of Kellam et al. (1998), hierarchical linear modeling indicates that the relationship is statistically significant for those students whose initial parental ratings of aggressive behavior were above the sample median. In the context of competition between students, the behavior of initially aggressive students may be negatively reinforced. Lowering aggression in the school environment may therefore be the most effective way to lower the level of these students aggressive behavior.  相似文献   
Articulated Thoughts in Simulated Situations (ATSS) is a think aloud method for examining a person's thought content as it unfolds in the situation. We used the ATSS to investigate the cognitive activity of aggressive and nonaggressive male and female adolescents as they listened to an audiotaped depiction of an ambiguous but provocative interaction with another student. Eighty-one adolescents participated in a 2 × 2 factorial experiment. The two factors were gender and aggressive vs. nonaggressive background. Students in the aggressive group had a history of aggressive behavior in the past year that was severe enough to warrant their arrest or suspension from school. Students in the nonaggressive group had no such history. As a secondary measure of anger and aggressiveness, we administered the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory-2 (STAXI-2). As predicted, males, compared to females, expressed more aggressive intent on the ATSS. Likewise, aggressive, compared to nonaggressive, adolescents expressed more anger and aggressive intent on the ATSS, as well as more intense feelings of anger, less control over their anger, and a greater tendency to externalize angry feelings on the STAXI-2. As expected, scores on the ATSS were related to scores on the STAXI-2. We concluded that the ATSS is a useful method for assessing cognitive activity that may mediate aggressive behavior in adolescents.  相似文献   
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