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Repetition priming is a mnemonic phenomenon that has attracted considerable attention from neuropsychologists and cognitive scientists. In an attempt at elucidating the putative mechanisms of priming, the present review draws on evidence from both domains. The review is restricted to verbal priming of visually presented stimuli—an area that accounts for the majority of empirical studies of priming. A number of theoretical accounts are presented. The interim conclusion is that neither multiple systems nor unitary system-multiple process theories can adequately explain the data on priming, although both contain many valid components. An integrative model is proposed to improve the explanation of the empirical evidence. The central assertion of the proposed model is that repetition priming depends on perceptual processes that can be mapped on specific neural systems. It is postulated that individual differences in perceptual processing ability predict variability in memory performance. It is proposed that data-driven priming of verbal stimuli critically depends on the activity of primary and secondary visual cortices in the right hemisphere, whereas conceptually-driven priming is hypothesized to rely on the activities of higher order tertiary association cortices in language areas and more anterior neocortical areas.  相似文献   
University students participated in one of four standard two-choice signal-detection experiments in which signal presentation probability was varied and the reinforcement distribution was held constant and equal. In Experiments 1, 3 and 4, subjects' performance showed a systematic response bias for reporting the stimulus presented least often. Experiments 1 and 4 showed that this effect was reliable with extended training and monetary, rather than point, reinforcement. In Experiment 2, all correct responses were signaled in some way, and this produced the opposite relationship between signal presentation probability and response bias. Experiments 1 and 3 found that explicitly deducting money (intended as punishment) for equal numbers of incorrect responses on each alternative, or varying the obtained overall rate of reinforcement, produced no clear change in response bias. The bias, shown by humans, for reporting the stimulus presented least often remains a challenge for theories of stimulus detection.  相似文献   
Mothers of problem and nonproblem toddlers rated videotapes of their own and unfamiliar children's behavior. They classified the behaviors as positive, negative, or neutral, and evaluated the intensity of the positive or negative behaviors. Ratings did not differ by problem status; however, all mothers classified their own children's behavior as less negative than did an independent observer. Mothers also evaluated all children's negative behavior as less aversive than did the observer. Finally, mothers mistakenly classified less of their own children's behavior as negative and more as positive when compared to their biases in classifying unfamiliar children's behavior.  相似文献   
时序信息提取机制的探索   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李宏翰  黄希庭 《心理学报》1996,29(2):180-191
对时序信息加工的经典研究是采用新近性判断范型,结果发现其提取机制是以新近性为基础的逆向串行搜索过程。本研究采用新近性判断范型和早远性判断范型对时序信息的提取机制进行了深入的考察,结果表明:(l)提取时序信息既存在逆向串行搜索,又存在顺向串行搜索;(2)早远性判断和新近性判断任务对不同部分时序信息恢复的效应不同,其中早远性判断易化早远部分,新近性判断易化新近部分──表现为对相应部分辨别力的提高和正确反应潜伏期的缩短;(3)在不同的时序信息提取任务中,被试会根据具体条件进行反转反应。  相似文献   
Feedback and feedback plus points toward a course grade were applied to the attentional behaviors (defined as the ability to identify the semantic base of text passages) of 30 undergraduate students participating in a reading comprehension development program. Correct underlining was increased, extraneous underlining was decreased, and postreading comprehension test scores improved as a result of the procedures. Scores on a standardized test of reading comprehension also increased significantly.  相似文献   
On the discriminability of stimulus duration.   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The performance of pigeons trained to detect differences in the duration of stimuli was analysed using a matching model of signal detection. Two white stimuli, S1 and S2, differing in duration, were arranged with equal probability on the center key of a three-key chamber. S1 was systematically varied from 5 seconds to 25 seconds while S2 remained constant at 30 seconds. On completion of the center-key stimulus, a peck on the center key turned on the two red side keys. A left-key response was "correct" when S1 had been in effect on the center key and a right-key response was "correct" on S2 trials. A correct response produced a 3-second magazine light accompanied intermittently by food. Incorrect responses produced 3-second blackouts. Detection performance was measured under two procedures. In the first, the obtained reinforcement ratio was uncontrolled by allowing the number of food reinforcements obtained for correct left- and right-key responses to vary as the stimuli were changed. In the second procedure, the presentation of food reinforcement was controlled by holding the obtained reinforcement ratio constant. Discriminability changed as a function of stimulus differences under both procedures. No such trend was found in response bias.  相似文献   
Five rats responded under concurrent fixed-interval variable-ratio schedules of food reinforcement. Fixed-interval values ranged from 50-seconds to 300-seconds and variable-ratio values ranged from 30 to 360; a five-second changeover delay was in effect throughout the experiment. The relations between reinforcement ratios obtained from the two schedules and the ratios of responses and time spent on the schedules were described by Baum's (1974) generalized matching equation. All subjects undermatched both response and time ratios to reinforcement ratios, and all subjects displayed systematic bias in favor of the variable-ratio schedules. Response ratios undermatched reinforcement ratios less than did time ratios, but response ratios produced greater bias than did time ratios for every subject and for the group as a whole. Local rates of responding were generally higher on the variable-ratio than on the fixed-interval schedules. When responding was maintained by both schedules, a period of no responding on either schedule immediately after fixed-interval reinforcement typically was followed by high-rate responding on the variable-ratio schedule. At short fixed-interval values, when a changeover to the fixed-interval schedule was made, responding usually continued until fixed-interval reinforcement was obtained; at longer values, a changeover back to the variable-ratio schedule usually occurred when fixed-interval reinforcement was not forthcoming within a few seconds, and responding then alternated between the two schedules every few seconds until fixed-interval reinforcement finally was obtained.  相似文献   
In a symbolic matching-to-sample task, 6 pigeons obtained food by pecking a red side key when the brighter of two white lights had been presented on the center key and by pecking a green side key when the dimmer of two white lights had been presented on the center key. Across Part 1 and Parts 6 to 10, the delay between sample-stimulus presentation and the availability of the choice keys was varied between 0 s and 25 s. Across Parts 1 to 5, the delay between the emission of a correct choice and the delivery of a reinforcer was varied between 0 s and 30 s. Although increasing both types of delay decreased stimulus discriminability, lengthening the stimulus-choice delay produced a greater decrement in choice accuracy than did lengthening the choice-reinforcer delay. Additionally, the relative reinforcer rate for correct choice was varied across both types of delay. The sensitivity of behavior to the distribution of reinforcers decreased as discriminability decreased under both procedures. These data are consistent with the view, based on the generalized matching law, that sample stimuli and reinforcers interact in their control over remembering.  相似文献   
Some decision analysts recommend reserving their models for careful, complete study of complex problems. Others believe simple problem analyses provide the greatest gains. To clarify these issues, I tested: (1) whether simple published analyses compared to complex ones, produced results as non-intuitive; and (2) whether non-intuitiveness represented analytic gain (or equivalently, intuitive loss). Very limited data also examined (3) the gain from adding model intricacy for a given problem vs. selecting more complex problems for analysis. To assess two non-intuitiveness measures, 75 subjects (33 physicians and 42) non-physicians stated their intuitive preferences in 40 (22 published and 18 unpublished) medical dilemmas. For both physicians and non-physicians, simpler models (those with lees than 30 terminal branches in the decision tree) had about one third the non-intuitiveness of more complex ones. Three tests also supported the premise that analyses outperform intuition, therefore that on average the formers' non-intuitiveness reflects less analytic gain. In addition, for different models of the same problem, tree complexity did not correlate with gain. Thus, simpler trees may not generally gain less because they inadequately describe problems. Instead, simpler analyses may represent simpler problems, with more similar intuitive and formal solutions. If so, these findings may help us avoid some costly but unnecessary simple analyses.  相似文献   
张政华  韩梅  张放  李卫君 《心理学报》2020,52(7):847-860
本研究采用ERP技术,考察音乐训练组和对照组完成诗句押韵判断任务时,在绝句末对韵律信息(含声调和韵母两个维度)的整合加工过程。结果发现,在100~300 ms,仅音乐训练组在声调/韵母合适条件下,对韵母/声调的一致性进行深入分析,并诱发了更大的正波;在韵母违反条件下,声调违反相比声调合适诱发了更小的正波。在300~750ms,两组被试均在绝句末对诗句内出现的韵母和声调违反进行整合分析并诱发了广泛分布的负波。不过,对照组仅在声调/韵母合适条件下进行,而音乐训练组则在声调/韵母违反条件下完成此过程。综上,音乐训练组和对照组均会在诗句末完成押韵信息的整合加工,但是音乐训练组对韵律信息(尤其是声调)的加工更敏感和快速,并且对不同类型的违反有更精细的差异性反应  相似文献   
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