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This paper proposes that task format (choosing or rejecting) moderates the effect of ambiguity aversion. Specifically, an ambiguous option is more attractive in a choosing task than in a rejecting task compared with a risky option. The author performed three experiments to test the propositions. In the first experiment, participants showed less ambiguity aversion when they had to choose a preferred option (risky or ambiguous) compared with when they had to reject an option they preferred less. In the second experiment with a monetary incentive, participants had to form a cash‐equivalent estimate for both a risky gamble and an ambiguous gamble in a traditional Ellsberg scenario. The ambiguous option emerged as more attractive than the risky option in the choosing task compared with the rejecting task. The third experiment showed that the participants' decision rationale mediated the effect of the task format on choice. These three experiments support the proposition that task formats moderate the effect of ambiguity aversion. On the basis of the findings, the author provides suggestions for practice and further research. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
基因多态性对情绪调节神经回路的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着脑成像和基因分析等新技术手段的综合运用, 情绪调节的神经生物学基础研究有了很大进展。综述相关研究表明: 情绪调节的神经回路涉及背侧-腹侧前额叶、前额叶-杏仁核和皮层-边缘系统的相互作用, 这些神经回路受到5-羟色胺传运体(5-hydroxytryptamine transporter, 5-HTT)、儿茶酚转甲酶 (Catechol-O-methyltransferase, COMT)和色氨酸羟化酶2(Tryptophan hydroxylase 2, TPH2)等基因变异, 以及不同基因多态之间交互作用的影响。情绪调节神经回路的功能出现障碍将导致情绪疾病的产生。  相似文献   
情感适应是指对重复或连续刺激的情感反应慢慢变弱的现象。近年来有关实证研究发现, 积极情感与消极情感适应在速度和程度上具有不对称性, 对适应不对称性的解释可以从进化心理学、认知心理学以及积极心理学三个视角进行。未来的研究应该进一步关注:(1)区分主观幸福感不同成分的情感适应; (2)探讨人格因素在情感适应中的调节效应; (3)完善情感适应的干预方法; (4)提高情感适应研究在时间上的精确性。  相似文献   
为揭示当代研究生情感素质及所受因素影响状况, 用自编问卷调查全国3类地区14座城市51所高校的10056名研究生。结果发现:研究生情感素质呈2层面6大类33种情感的结构; 爱国感、责任感、信用感、自立感、自尊感、成就感等水平较高, 正直感、宽恕感、人文美感、表达自己情绪能力等较低; 不同性别、获奖经历、学科研究生的情感素质有结构性差异; 核心价值观认同、对舆论关注、人际关系、自我要求等对其情感素质有正向影响; 研究生理智情感等高于本专科生。总之, 当代研究生情感素质总体尚好, 各部分发展不均衡, 发展水平受社会、人际和自我等多方因素影响。  相似文献   
近来, 教育心理学领域开始关注情绪因素对多媒体学习的影响, 其中诱发情绪逐渐成为研究者关注的指导设计形式。已有研究主要通过外部情绪诱发和内部情绪设计来考察诱发的积极情绪在学习过程中的作用, 并发现外部情绪诱发和内部情绪设计能够成功诱发积极情绪, 但由于情绪诱发方式的多样性和多媒体学习过程的复杂性, 诱发的积极情绪对学习效果的促进作用比较微弱。综述发现, 7项涉及外部情绪诱发的实验在学习结果上产生的效应量中值分别为d保持 = -0.25, d理解 = 0.04, d迁移 = 0.30; 14项涉及内部情绪设计的实验在学习结果上产生的效应量中值分别为d保持 = 0.27, d理解 = 0.36, d迁移 = 0.29。诱发的情绪对学习过程的主观体验影响很小。多媒体学习认知情感理论认为诱发的积极情绪会通过动机的中介作用进而促进学习; 相反, 认知负荷理论认为诱发的积极情绪会增加学习者的外在认知负荷从而阻碍学习。未来研究仍需关注情绪的操纵方法、效果评定以及潜在调节变量的作用等。  相似文献   
陈满琪  方平  姜媛 《心理科学》2008,31(1):88-92
在线索提示范式下,设置无干扰条件和干扰条件的阈上和阈下情绪启动,以此考察干扰条件与情绪启动的关系.研究发现:在无干扰条件与干扰条件下均存在显著的阈上情绪启动和阈下情绪启动,并且干扰条件下阈上情绪启动程度明显降低而阈下情绪启动程度不受影响.文章从情绪启动与注意关系的角度讨论了干扰条件与情绪启动的这种表现对于理解情绪启动加工属性及意识与无意识分离现象的意义.  相似文献   
This study examined the attitude reactions to trust among coworkers and between employees and management. Sample included 296 extension personnel drawn from two Agricultural Development Programs in southwest Nigeria. Exploratory principal component factor analysis showed that the perceptions of trust have the dimensions of: management-affective, coworkers-affective, management-cognitive, and coworkers-cognitive. Based on a hierarchical regression procedure, coworkers-cognitive trust was unrelated to group cohesion and affective commitment, and coworkers-affective, management-affective and -cognitive trusts were related to cohesion and affective commitment. Quit intentions was predicted by coworkers-cognitive, management-affective and -cognitive trusts, and not by coworkers-affective trust. Implications of the results are discussed.I would like to appreciate the efforts of Helen Asishana and T. Amore during the data collection phase of this study. Also, the author wishes to thank the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments on an earlier version of this paper.  相似文献   
学校组织气氛对教师组织承诺的预测效应   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
问卷调查410名北京市中学教师,探讨了学校组织气氛对教师组织承诺的影响.结果表明:修订的《学校组织气氛问卷》是可靠而有效的适用于中学教师组织气氛相关研究的工具;在持续承诺维度上,本科学历的教师显著高于硕士学历的教师,高级职称的教师非常显著地高于中教二级的教师;所教学生人数的多少与情感承诺、规范承诺有显著的正相关;在控制了人口统计学变量之后,分层回归和优势分析发现:支持行为、同事行为和疏远行为对预测情感承诺做出了新的贡献,支持行为的贡献更大;支持行为和亲密行为对预测规范承诺做出了新贡献,支持行为的贡献更大;亲密行为能预测持续承诺.  相似文献   
方平  陈满琪  姜媛 《心理科学》2006,29(6):1396-1399
情绪启动是探讨情绪和态度自动激活的有效方法,近期其研究范式有了较大的发展,相继产生了经典情绪启动实验、阈下情绪启动实验、向后情绪启动实验以及情绪启动与其他范式相结合的实验等较有影响的研究范式。文章分别梳理了这些范式及其研究结果,并在此基础上,总结研究所采用的范式并展望今后研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   
This article assesses the significance of Baker et al., Equality: from Theory to Action from the perspective of current concerns occupying legal equality scholars in the UK, focusing in particular on the practical relevance of equality studies to the kinds of issues arising from the debate over the new Commission for Equality and Human Rights (CEHR). The article highlights and considers key issues, including the delineation of the sphere of inequality protection, the normative content of the concept of equality espoused by law and the potential of law to reach beyond its current limits to embrace the broader dimensions of (in)equality identified in Baker et al.’s account.  相似文献   
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