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为了探讨重症急性胰腺炎(SAP)并发急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDs)的危险因素,回顾性分析了我院76例SAP患者入ICU时的年龄、血糖、APACHEⅡ评分等17项指标,根据是否合并ARDS对各项指标进行单因素及多因素Logistic回归分析。单因素分析显示两组在年龄、呼吸频率、血糖、感染、APACHEⅡ评分、Ranson评分、CT评分、ICU住院日方面差异有显著性(P〈0.05),多因素Logistic回归分析显示年龄、血糖、感染、APACHEⅡ、Ranson、CT评分与SAP并发ARDS有关。故得出结论,年龄、血糖、感染、APACHEⅡ、Ranson与CT评分是SAP并发ARDS的独立危险因素。  相似文献   
探讨如何提高急性白血病患者染色体/特异融合基因异常的检出率与准确率。联合常规细胞遗传学技术、多重巢式聚合酶链反应技术对120例急性白血病患者进行检测。结果表明:应用常规细胞遗传学检测出82例核型异常,占68.3%,而应用多重巢式聚合酶链反应技术检测出54例融合基因异常,占45%。联合这两种技术,120例急性白血病患者的遗传学异常检出率为:75%(90/120),其中有65例明确了具体染色体改变或特异性融合基因异常。30例患者经常规细胞遗传学检测出具有t(8;21)(q22;q22)或t(15;17)(q22;q12),多重巢式聚合酶链反应技术检测出39例患者具有AML1/ETO、PML/RARA或CBFB/MYH11融合基因异常。当存在染色体数目异常,或者不存在19种融合基因之一时多重巢式聚合酶链反应结果为阴性。提示常规细胞遗传学技术联合多重巢式聚合酶链反应技术可以有效地提高急性白血病患者染色体异常/特异性融合基因的检出率。  相似文献   
总结肿瘤标记物在大肠癌临床诊治中的应用进展。对有关大肠癌临床诊治中肿瘤标记物的文献进行综述,重点讨论血清、基因和急性期蛋白三类标记肿瘤物对大肠癌临床诊治方面的价值和潜力。结果是恰当选择肿瘤标记物有助于大肠癌临床诊治。目前,基因和急性期蛋白为大肠癌肿瘤标记物探索的新方向,有望成为提高大肠癌诊治效率的新检查方法。三类肿瘤标记物对大肠癌诊治有临床意义,联合检测可提高大肠癌诊治的准确性和有效性。  相似文献   
This research aimed to investigate the time course effect of a moderate steady-state exercise session on response execution and response inhibition using a stop-task paradigm. Ten participants performed a stop-signal task whilst cycling at a carefully controlled workload intensity (40% of maximal aerobic power), immediately following exercise and 30 min after exercise cessation. Results showed that moderate exercise enhances a subjects’ ability to execute responses under time pressure (shorter Go reaction time, RT without a change in accuracy) but also enhances a subjects’ ability to withhold ongoing motor responses (shorter stop-signal RT). The present outcomes reveal that the beneficial effect of exercise is neither limited to motor response tasks, nor to cognitive tasks performed during exercise. Beneficial effects of exercise remain present on both response execution and response inhibition performance for up to 52 min after exercise cessation.  相似文献   
心血管事件成为威胁民航飞行安全的主要因素之一.为更及时地发现飞行员冠状动脉病变,提高用无创性常规辅助检查预测飞行员冠状动脉粥样硬化的准确性,对105例飞行员进行血脂、血压、血糖、体重指数、颈动脉彩色多普勒超声检查、运动负荷心电图试验以及64排双源CT冠状动脉造影检查.比较颈动脉粥样硬化与运动负荷心电图试验阳性、高危因素对冠状动脉预测的敏感性和特异性.飞行员的职业特点可能使其冠状动脉粥样硬化早于其他血管床,危险因素较其他辅助检查可能更具意义,必须综合分析各项检查才可能更准确地预测飞行员冠状动脉病变.  相似文献   
任曦  王妍  胡翔  杨娟 《心理学报》2019,51(4):497-506
高互依自我构念个体以社会角色来定义自己, 更看重自己的社会关系; 社会评价威胁是诱发个体社会心理应激反应的重要情境因素, 然而高互依自我构念个体在心理性应激情境中是否会表现出更高的应激反应, 以及社会支持是否会缓解高互依自我构念个体的急性心理应激反应还不可知。本研究以特里尔社会应激测试为范式, 以主观应激报告、心率和唾液皮质醇作为应激指标, 使用自我构念问卷测量个体互依自我构念水平, 将健康大学生被试随机分配到自我支持启动组和社会支持启动组。结果发现, 互依自我构念水平正向预测个体在应激情境中的皮质醇水平增加量; 同时, 相比于自我支持启动, 高互依自我构念的个体在经历社会支持后有更低的唾液皮质醇变化量。研究结果提示, 社会支持对高互依自我构念个体的急性心理应激反应起到了良好的缓解作用。  相似文献   
The effects of a variable-ratio schedule of reinforcement on pedaling a stationary exercise bicycle were examined. Three obese and three nonobese 11-year-old boys were individually tested five times weekly for approximately 12 weeks. A changing-criterion design was used in which each successive criterion was increased over mean performance rate in the previous phase by approximately 15%. The contingencies of the successive criteria resulted in systematic increases in rate of exercise for all children. Final variable-ratio rates were higher than those under fixed ratios found in previous research, with rates for 2 of the 3 obese boys approximating those of the nonobese.  相似文献   
The search for a narrative in acute psychosis exists but the result of this search can be insufficient because the stories available do not sufficiently capture the pre-narrative quality of personal experience, and hence the sense of agency may be diminished. The context of reflexivity is lost when a subjugating story blocks an individual off from making a choice from among a multiplicity of stories. Psychosis can also be an escape in order to maintain a sense of agency. When the patient has trouble in creating meaning through narrative action, the aim of therapy and treatment is to open a channel through which the pre-narrative quality of life can become narrated, to create a multiplicity of stories, and so offer the possibility of choice in the construction of a narrative identity.  相似文献   
A burgeoning area of scientific inquiry uses psychological perspectives to understand traumatic events. This research has led to the identification of psychological symptoms and disorders frequently experienced in response to traumatic events. Many of the events having traumatic effects on large numbers of persons are of interest to political psychologists. Such events include the Holocaust, war, terrorism, captivity, torture, political migration, living as a political refugee, and assassination. Some interpersonal forms of trauma, such as rape and incest, also may be viewed with a political perspective. Although a number of studies have examined psychological consequences of political events, this area of inquiry is rarely explicitly considered within the domain of political psychology. Adopting an explicitly political psychology perspective on traumatic events may enrich our interdisciplinary understanding of these events and inform the design and evaluation of intervention programs to reduce psychological distress resulting from these events.  相似文献   
Inclusive instruction was provided for three older adults with profound mental retardation in a water exercise class at a local YMCA. The older adults were taught to exercise through the use of systematic prompting. A multiple baseline design across participants with an embedded reversal was used to evaluate the impact of a personal trainer. The three participants performed the exercise, but regressed without the assistance of the trainer, as demonstrated by the reversal. Data collected during peer prompting and maintenance conditions indicated that the participants continued to exercise at levels higher than baseline but lower than with a personal trainer.  相似文献   
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