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拖延是一种普遍存在,具有跨时间和跨情景稳定性的问题行为,严重的拖延甚至会危害到人们的工作、学习及身心健康。鉴于目前对于拖延的认知神经机制仍不清楚,研究模态较为单一,本研究拟从行为-脑-基因的系统研究思路出发,以多模态MRI(Task、Resting、VBM和DTI)为主要技术手段,将HTR2B基因多态性作为突破口,系统考察拖延的认知机制、神经基础和遗传基础,并试图制定拖延的应对与干预方案。研究分为4个部分:(1)从行为上,结合预期恐惧范式和跨期选择范式探索其拖延决策的机制;(2)在神经层面上,采用MRI多模态技术系统考察拖延行为的神经基础;(3)在基因层面上,采用分子遗传学方法,将HTR2B设定为靶基因以深入研究拖延的遗传基础,并考察脑结构和脑功能在基因与行为间的中介作用;(4)最后从行为干预与脑的可塑性的角度,设计拖延的干预方法来改善拖延行为并验证拖延的神经机制。  相似文献   
张顺民  冯廷勇 《心理科学》2017,40(5):1242-1247
拖延是指尽管预见到该行为会带来不利后果,人们仍自愿推迟开始或完成某一计划好的行为。先前的研究对拖延的类型、影响因素、成因以及干预等方面进行了广泛的探讨,然而拖延的决策过程——"现在做还是以后做?"认知机制还非常不清楚。因此,本文提出拖延决策模型试图从三方面阐明"现在做还是以后做?"的决策机制:首先,拖延动机和不拖延动机的斗争是决定是否拖延的根本;其次,拖延动机的斗争可以进一步简化为任务负性过程和任务正性结果的权衡;最后,主动推迟任务使负性过程发生延迟折扣是拖延的核心目的。拖延决策模型不仅有助于探明拖延的核心认知机制,也能够帮助预测拖延行为的发生及解释各种影响因素的作用机制,因此未来的研究可以借此整合一个从拖延的核心发生机制到各种影响因素的理论系统。  相似文献   
We examined college students' procrastination when studying for weekly in-class quizzes. Two schedules of online practice quiz delivery were compared using a multiple baseline design. When online study material was made available noncontingently, students usually procrastinated. When access to additional study material was contingent on completing previous study material, studying was more evenly distributed. Overall, the mean gain in percentage correct scores on weekly in-class quizzes relative to pretests was greater during contingent access than during noncontingent access conditions.  相似文献   
日本成文法律目前尚无关于安乐死的明确规定,但是一些典型的判例已经对安乐死合法的条件做出了界定。日本社会和民众绝大多数能够接受消极安乐死,但是强烈反对积极安乐死。积极安乐死属于日本刑法上的杀人罪行为,但是量刑较轻。  相似文献   
Is it possible to mount a compelling ethical argument for METI? As we have argued elsewhere, conventional ethical theories are highly anthropocentric, making them difficult to apply to unknown alien intelligences, whose characteristics, needs, and concerns may differ radically from our own. In the absence of ethically relevant information about ETIs we contend that it isn’t possible to provide a strong conventional ethical argument for METI. Drawing upon the ancient, less widely known, ethical-political tradition of cosmopolitanism, however, we show how proponents of METI could provide an ethical argument for trying to contact ETIs under the right procedural conditions.  相似文献   
研究采用问卷集体施测,收集了651名小学高年级学生的父母教养方式、学业拖延以及时间管理倾向的状况,探讨小学高年级学生父母教养方式与学业拖延的关系及时间管理倾向作为中介变量的影响。结果表明:时间效能感在父母教养方式中的父亲情感温暖理解、父亲惩罚严厉、父亲拒绝否认、母亲情感温暖理解、母亲惩罚严厉、母亲拒绝否认与学业拖延之间起完全中介作用;时间效能感在父亲惩罚严厉、母亲过度干涉保护与学业拖延之间起部分中介作用。研究认为,良好的父母教养方式,有助于个体形成合理的时间管理倾向,并可能在一定程度上降低个体的学业拖延行为。  相似文献   
主动母性行为是雌性哺乳动物在哺乳期内有效照料幼崽的一种动机行为, 对幼崽的生存和行为发展有重要影响。证据显示, 啮齿动物的主动母性行为会经历从产后早期的发动和维持到晚期衰退的动态改变, 反映了雌鼠对幼崽奖赏价值阶段性变化的适应; 这一过程不仅涉及分娩激素事件开启下丘脑内侧视前区(MPOA)-中脑腹侧被盖(VTA)-伏隔核(NA)-腹侧苍白球(VP)通路, 还需要杏仁核基底外侧核(BLA)和内侧前额皮层(MPFC)等脑区对上述通路进行实时调节。哺乳期主动母性行为动态改变及其神经机制的研究, 可以加深对行为进化和早期发展的认识, 也对人类母亲产后抑郁等临床问题的干预有借鉴意义。本文首先利用条件化位置偏好(CPP)任务的行为学证据分析幼崽奖赏价值与主动母性行为动态改变的关系; 然后系统阐述调控这一动态改变的神经机制; 最后对未来需要研究的一些重要问题或方向进行探讨。  相似文献   
Acute mental stress is believed to induce transient arterial dysfunction, but relatively few data are available. We therefore examined the effect of mental stress tasks that could induce differential hemodynamic responses on arterial dysfunction. Forty‐eight participants conducted either a mental arithmetic (MA) task or a mirror‐tracing (MT) task. Cardiovascular indices and arterial stiffness were measured before, during, and after these tasks. Analysis revealed that increases in arterial stiffness during the task and during recovery were more pronounced for the MA than for the MT, and that evoked hemodynamic response was more myocardial for MA than for MT. These results clearly show that MA and MT tasks that induce differential hemodynamic responses have a differential effect on arterial stiffness. This finding sheds light on the underlying mechanism that may account for the relationship between cardiovascular reactivity and cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   
The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of a stress-management program for college students of social work on their perception of mental stress and stress-coping strategies. Students in a stress-management group received progressive muscle training, cognitive-behavioral skills training, and assertion training for 14 weeks. Their life events, stress symptoms, and stress-coping skills (active and passive coping skills), evaluated on the first and last days of program, were compared with those of a control group. The effect of the participants' trait anxiety on those variables was also examined. Because the stress-management program in the present study focused on coping strategies, it was expected that the students' coping skills would change. The results showed that passive coping skills of students in the stress-management group had decreased after the program.  相似文献   
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