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The posterior analysis in estimating factor score in a confirmatory factor analysis model with polytomous, censored or truncated data is investigated in this paper. For the above three types of data, posterior distributions of the factor score are studied, and the estimators of the factor score are obtained to be the location parameters of the posterior distributions. The accuracy of Bayesian estimates is studied via simulation studies.This research was supported by a Hong Kong UGC grant.  相似文献   
In two experiments, pigeons' responding was equally reinforced in the presence of four line-orientation stimuli. Responding was then reinforced when only two of the four orientation stimuli were present; the remaining two orientations appeared during extinction. Response rates were often highest in the stimulus adjacent to the orientations presented during extinction and often lowest in that orientation adjacent to the orientations presented with reinforcement. These effects were stronger and more persistent when the stimuli were separated by a smaller angle, rendering the discrimination more difficult. These and other data suggest that discrimination training may not be accurately explained in terms of the simple effects of reinforcement and nonreinforcement associated with isolated stimuli, nor by accounts that depend upon stimulus generalization. Recent accounts of contrast that depend upon “emotionality” produced by nonreinforced responding or upon reinforcement-elicited responses are also difficult to apply to these data.  相似文献   
A trio of concurrent variable-interval schedules of reinforcement was arranged according to a changeover-key procedure, including a changeover delay of 1.5 sec. The three schedules provided a combined maximum reinforcement rate of 45 reinforcements per hour. With that restriction, the nine experimental conditions included several combinations of variable-interval schedules, sometimes including extinction. The pigeons matched relative response rate and relative time to relative reinforcement rate. Relative time appeared to match some-what better than relative response rate. Performance adjusted rapidly from one experimental condition to the next, whether the change involved two or all three schedules of the concurrent trio.  相似文献   
Prior clinical research suggests that superimposition and subsequent removal of a schedule of continuous reinforcement (CRF) may be a viable rate-decreasing procedure in that an extinction-like condition is arranged. The arrangement of similar conditions in the laboratory, however, resulted in the quick recovery of baseline rates. Lever-pressing patterns of eight male rats maintained by different schedules of variable-ratio and variable-interval food reinforcement were examined in an A-B-A experimental design of CRF food superimposition and removal. Responding was substantially reduced during the superimposition of CRF. Upon removal of the superimposed schedule, responding quickly approached presuperimposition baseline rates.  相似文献   
Test items are often evaluated and compared by contrasting the shapes of their item characteristics curves (ICC's) or surfaces. The current paper develops and applies three general (i.e., nonparametric) comparisons of the shapes of two item characteristic surfaces: (i) proportional latent odds, (ii) uniform relative difficulty, and (iii) item sensitivity. Two items may be compared in these ways while making no assumption about the shapes of item characteristic surfaces for other items, and no assumption about the dimensionality of the latent variable. Also studied is a method for comparing the relative shapes of two item characteristic curves in two examinee populations.The author is grateful to Paul Holland, Robert Mislevy, Tue Tjur, Rebecca Zwick, the editor and reviewers for valuable comments on the subject of this paper, to Mari A. Pearlman for advice on the pairing of items in the examples, and to Dorothy Thayer for assistance with computing.  相似文献   
The behavior of individual pigeons on fixed-ratio, variable-ratio, and random-ratio schedules was examined. Within each type of ratio schedule the size of the ratio was varied in an irregular sequence. At various ratio sizes (5, 10, 40, 80) no differences were found among overall response rates (postreinforcement pause plus running response rate) as a function of ratio type. This similarity in overall response rates held despite noticeable differences in the microstructure of performance both within and across subjects; the primary performance difference on the three types of ratio schedules was the relatively longer postreinforcement pause duration on the fixed-ratio schedule. We concluded that the gross temporal characteristics of performance determined by the relative weightings of the postreinforcement pause and running response rate were primarily controlled by the type of ratio schedule (fixed, variable, or random), whereas the overall rate of responding was controlled by the size of the ratio.  相似文献   
Using the theory of pseudo maximum likelihood estimation the asymptotic covariance matrix of maximum likelihood estimates for mean and covariance structure models is given for the case where the variables are not multivariate normal. This asymptotic covariance matrix is consistently estimated without the computation of the empirical fourth order moment matrix. Using quasi-maximum likelihood theory a Hausman misspecification test is developed. This test is sensitive to misspecification caused by errors that are correlated with the independent variables. This misspecification cannot be detected by the test statistics currently used in covariance structure analysis.For helpful comments on a previous draft of the paper we are indebted to Kenneth A. Bollen, Ulrich L. Küsters, Michael E. Sobel and the anonymous reviewers of Psychometrika. For partial research support, the first author wishes to thank the Department of Sociology at the University of Arizona, where he was a visiting professor during the fall semester 1987.  相似文献   
教师压力影响职业倦怠:教学效能感的调节作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用问卷法以743名中小学在职教师为被试研究了教学效能感在职业压力影响职业倦怠过程中的调节作用。结果发现:①教师的工作特征、学生等压力源能有效预测教师职业倦怠。随着从业年限的增加,影响职业倦怠的主要压力源从工作特征过渡到社会特征。②教学效能的调节作用因教师不同的人口学分布而异,其中一般教学效能和个体教学效能所表现出来的调节效应也不同。③个体教学效能表现出线性调节作用,一般教学效能表现出曲线调节作用,两种调节作用的性质取决于不同的压力源。  相似文献   
On the one hand, the factors Gf and Gc in the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) model of intelligence are hypothesized to represent individual differences in unique psychological or biological capacities. On the other hand, they are interpreted as representing the theoretical variables fluid and crystallized intelligence in investment theory. With respect to Gc, this leads to a theoretical conflict because in investment theory crystallized intelligence is not a capacity but purely a statistical entity. We contend that if CHC factor Gc represents a capacity, it cannot represent crystallized intelligence, and if Gc represents crystallized intelligence, it does not represent a capacity. In addition, from our discussion of Gc, we conclude that in investment theory the factors Gf and g represent one and the same capacity. In support of our theoretical conclusions, we implemented the CHC model in a confirmatory factor analysis of a HCA (Human Cognitive Abilities project) data set. As expected, Gf and g were statistically indistinguishable. Gc was effectively absent, because it was statistically equivalent to verbal comprehension. Factors Gc and g could be removed from the model without any reduction in model fit. We argue that in the CHC taxonomy the factors Gc and g are redundant as explanatory variables.  相似文献   
Statistical mediation analysis can help to identify and explain the mechanisms behind psychological processes. Examining a set of variables for mediation effects is a ubiquitous process in the social sciences literature; however, despite evidence suggesting that cross-sectional data can misrepresent the mediation of longitudinal processes, cross-sectional analyses continue to be used in this manner. Alternative longitudinal mediation models, including those rooted in a structural equation modeling framework (cross-lagged panel, latent growth curve, and latent difference score models) are currently available and may provide a better representation of mediation processes for longitudinal data. The purpose of this paper is twofold: first, we provide a comparison of cross-sectional and longitudinal mediation models; second, we advocate using models to evaluate mediation effects that capture the temporal sequence of the process under study. Two separate empirical examples are presented to illustrate differences in the conclusions drawn from cross-sectional and longitudinal mediation analyses. Findings from these examples yielded substantial differences in interpretations between the cross-sectional and longitudinal mediation models considered here. Based on these observations, researchers should use caution when attempting to use cross-sectional data in place of longitudinal data for mediation analyses.  相似文献   
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