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This paper presents a discussion of the previously unpublished correspondence between Stekel and Freud. The authors start with a brief overview of most important historic events and facts that constitute the context against which these letters should be read. The matters cover questions of publishing policy, personal priorities, and psychoanalytic principles. The authors suggest that the Stekel letters may have been preserved by Freud as evidence of the latter's estrangement from him, as tokens of betrayal. A minute discussion of the correspondence makes it possible to discuss day-to-day developments in this fateful relation, taking into account Stekel's side of the story for the first time as well, highlighting the backfiring of a strategic maneuver by Stekel to psychoanalyse the Freud family, which heralded his downfall, and also revealing the role that Victor Tausk played in this. The paper concludes with a discussion of the dialectics of estrangement.  相似文献   
放射治疗是目前许多恶性肿瘤的重要的有效治疗手段,但放射线本身具有诱发恶性肿瘤的远期效应。随着治疗手段的提高,长期生存的患者逐渐增多,放射诱发肿瘤的病例也在逐年增加,需要引起人们的重视。本文对放射治疗诱发第二恶性肿瘤进行综述和辩证思考。  相似文献   
生存是事物存在的基础和本体,故曰"天地之大德曰生"。生存包括变化、生长和元。变化是品物流形;生长是有序的变化;元是生长的基础。乾坤为元,万物始生。阴阳感应催动了生长和变化。生长是元之生长与变化。  相似文献   
介绍了近年来自然辩证法教学改革的做法和经验,认为要充分发挥自然辩证法课程在培养研究生综合素质中的作用,必须在教学内容改革的同时,坚持教学方法的创新。结合课堂教学,开展主题活动,有利于在自然辩证法教学中联系学生专业、联系科技发展、联系社会现实,进一步增强教学的针对性、有效性、吸引力和感染力。  相似文献   
紫阳真人张伯端以<周易>阐述的宇宙观为本,结合自己的修炼实践,以易学象数学理论为依据,说明内丹之周天火候和成丹过程的阴阳变易之理,从而形成了深具易学渊源、崇尚性命双修的道教内丹理论.  相似文献   
循证卫生管理的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
培养博学而人道的医学工作者是医学教育所追求的目标。作为一门交叉学科,医学哲学在医学生的人文素质培养中占有重要地位。对医学哲学的教学内容、理念与方法分别进行探讨,期望医学哲学教育能够提高医学生对与现代医学有关的知识、活动和态度进行批判性反思的意识和能力。  相似文献   
从微创到肝移植巨创治疗肝癌的辩证思维   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肝癌和患者机体是矛盾的对立统一体,要从全身总体的角度去看“肝癌”这一局部病变的问题。针对不同的肝癌患者、肝癌患者不同的发展时期,要辩证地选择和运用现有的“从微创到肝移植巨创”治疗肝癌的诸多方法,以减少、减轻或彻底解除肝癌对患者的伤害和痛苦。  相似文献   
According to the pragma-dialectical ideal of reasonableness, in case of a difference of opinion the protagonist and the antagonist of a standpoint should attempt to find out by means of a critical discussion whether the protagonist's standpoint is capable of withstanding the antagonist's criticism. In this paper, the authors formulate the latest version of their basic rules for the performance of speech acts in the various stages that can beanalytically distinguished in a critical discussion that can lead to the resolution of a single and non-mixed difference opinion.  相似文献   
太极动静观是宋明易学哲学的一个重要问题。经过周敦颐、张载、朱颐、王夫之等人辩论,逐步解决了太极如何生出阴阳二气,太极自身为什么具有运动变化的性能,现象世界又何以流转不已,也即物质世界怎样产生,又何以生生不息的重大理沦问题。  相似文献   
In modern argument theory argumentative practice is often analyzed and evaluated in terms of its correspondences with or deviations from a normative model. Such a methodology implies that there are three moments at which evaluations takes place which are not guided by the norms of the model itself because they imply an interpretation of the model by the analyst. This is demonstrated by an analogy with legal practice. this implies that an evaluation of an argumentative practice is not only relative to choice of the normative model as such, but also relative to the threefold interpretation of the model.  相似文献   
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