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We investigated the prevalence of body image dissatisfaction (BID) and associated factors in Florianopolis, Brazil. BID was analyzed in a sample (N = 1720) of adults through the Figure Rating Scale. The independent variables were sociodemographic factors, health behaviors, and morbidities. A multinomial logistic regression analysis was used. More men (14.2%) than women (6.1%) presented BID by being lighter than ideal (LI). Conversely, more women (66.6%) than men (46.3%) showed BID by being heavier than ideal (HI). BID by being HI was higher among older women, those with high BMI and those with a partner. In men, lower BMI and the presence of common mental disorders were associated with BID due to being LI. Advanced ages, alcohol abuse, physical inactivity, and obesity were associated with BID due to being HI. We must consider different public health interventions for men and women to reduce BID in Brazilian adults.  相似文献   
Analyses carried out on a large corpus of eye movement data were used to comment on four contentious theoretical issues. The results provide no evidence that word frequency and word predictability have early interactive effects on inspection time. Contrary to some earlier studies, in these data there is little evidence that properties of a prior word generally spill over and influence current processing. In contrast, there is evidence that both the frequency and the predictability of a word in parafoveal vision influence foveal processing. In the case of predictability, the direction of the effect suggests that more predictable parafoveal words produce longer foveal fixations. Finally, there is evidence that information about word class modulates processing over a span greater than a single word. The results support the notion of distributed parallel processing.  相似文献   
作为北宋时代的洛党领袖,程颐倾其毕生心血所努力追求的就是一种含弘、宽容、合理的社会存在,企图依据易学原理,找到一条由内圣而开出外王的统一之道,达到内圣与外王的贯通,表现出作为儒者“以忧患之心,思忧患之故”的强烈的人文关怀和现实关怀。本文从三个方面一窥程颐丰富的政治思想和同时代的王安石一样,程颐主张改革北宋弊政,提出“革天下之弊,新天下之治”的主张。但在改革的指导思想上二人有很大分歧;在肯定集权君主的前提下,程颐主张对君权进行限制,君臣之间要推诚相待,任用“刚明之臣”格君心之非”;举贤、任贤的前提是养贤,刑罚和教化为养贤提供条件,刑罚齐其众,教化善其俗。程颐更重视教化的作用,因为通过教化可以达到他心目中的理想社会。  相似文献   
ObjectiveThis study sought to cross-sectionally evaluate the relation between learning disorders (LD) and long-term concussion outcomes.MethodSeventy-three asymptomatic male university athletes (23 history of concussion with LD; 24 history of concussion no LD; 26 controls) completed the Beck Depression Inventory-2 (BDI-II), the Profile of Mood States (POMS), the Cogstate battery, and an Oddball task during which event-related brain potentials were recorded.ResultsConcussed athletes with LD exhibited greater depressive symptoms (BDI-II), greater total mood disturbance (POMS), decreased accuracy on the One-Card Learning and the N-back task (Cogstate), decreased accuracy on the Oddball task, and reduced ERN amplitude relative to both the concussed athletes without a LD and controls. Concussed athletes with LD also exhibited prolonged P3 latency relative to controls. Irrespective of LD, concussed athletes exhibited increased anger-hostility and decreased Pe amplitudes relative to controls. No differences were observed in P3a amplitude or latency.ConclusionHaving LD may be a significant factor moderating the neurophysiological, cognitive and psycho-affective outcomes of concussion, and may explain a significant portion of the persistent deficits observed by researchers and clinicians.  相似文献   
辛翀 《周易研究》2006,(6):29-33
20世纪初,西方文化对中国文化产生强烈冲击,并导致中西文化之间空前交织和会通,处在这一大的文化背景下,丁超五试图会通易学与科学,收集了大量易学文献资料,追溯《易》之源头,探讨了《易》与卜筮、卜筮与科学的关系,提出易道是建立在科学的基础之上的,易学不是专为卜筮而作,易学起源“坤先乾后”等观点。虽然在易学起源问题上他有些提法值得商榷,但对于我们今天探讨易卦起源,揭示易学中的科学思想,解读《周易》中的刚柔关系,把握历史上易与道家互动关系有重要启发意义。  相似文献   
A team-taught interdisciplinary approach to engineering ethics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper outlines the development and implementation of a new course in Engineering Ethics at the University of Tennessee. This is a three-semester-hour course and is jointly taught by an engineering professor and a philosophy professor. While traditional pedagogical techniques such as case studies, position papers, and classroom discussions are used, additional activities such as developing a code of ethics and student-developed scenarios are employed to encourage critical thinking. Among the topics addressed in the course are engineering as a profession and its role in society; ethical successes and failures; risk, safety, and the environment; professional responsibilities; credit and intellectual property; and international concerns. The most significant aspect of the course is that it brings both engineering and non-engineering points of view to the topics at hand. This is accomplished in two ways. First, as mentioned previously, it is team-taught by engineering faculty with an interest in ethical and societal issues, and by philosophy faculty with expertise in the field of professional ethics and an interest in science and technology. Second, the course is offered to both engineers and non-engineers. This mix of students requires that all students must be able to explain their technical and ethical decisions in a non-technical manner. Work teams are structured to maximize interdisciplinary interaction and to foster insights by each student into the professional commitments and attitudes of others. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 2005 conference, Ethics and Social Responsibility in Engineering and Technology, Linking Workplace Ethics and Education, co-hosted by Gonzaga University and Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 9–10 June 2005.  相似文献   
作为现代新儒家早期思想的代表人物,马一浮先生提出了以儒家"六艺之学"统摄天下诸学的主张.这是马先生的一个创举,体现着他对传统儒学有意识地改造和发扬.作为"六艺之学"的一个分支,易学研究在马一浮先生的学术研究中无疑具有着"本体论"地位和作用,它所体现的"心之本体",不仅是"六艺"所自出的本原,也是"六艺之学"共同的目的和归宿.  相似文献   
林桂榛 《周易研究》2005,19(2):52-57
近代科学在欧洲的产生,乃得益于"文艺复兴"以来欧洲学术上"形而上"与"形而下"的大规模分离.而汉以来"独尊儒术"的实现,<易>作为儒家主要经籍以其"仰观天文,俯察地理,中知人事"的宏大叙事与终极关怀,影响了经学时代中国学者的学术兴趣,导致他们将绝大多数精力投入到了以史学为主的"人事"中而非自然事物的研究对象与形而下的研究路径.两个相对独立的历史进程与历史体系或无何可比性:近代科学在欧洲产生只有在产生近代科学的欧洲自我历史进程与历史体系中才能得到解释,中国没有产生近代科学亦复如此.至于将中国科学落后的原由单一性地归结于<易>或儒家经学,这未必符合历史的因果真相与思维的有效推理.  相似文献   
《易传》作者有意表明了对《易经》的研究与评价的立场 ,《易传》文本包含有关美学—文学思想的内容。在前人研究的基础上 ,本文拾遗补阙 ,论述《易传》之“美”有美在自然、自然美高于艺术美、美乃自然而然、无所为而为等方面的内容以及阴柔之为美及其含蓄的特征 ;又 ,关于“修辞立其诚”的意义及其影响 ,关于“衰世之意”、“忧患”著书的意义及其对司马迁“发愤著书”说的影响等等。论述结合了与古今中外美学—文学理论的比较 ,加强证明了《易传》实为《文心雕龙》之先导 ,是我国最早作专书批评的文章—文学理论著作。  相似文献   
王安石《易象论解》与《序卦传》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<易象论解>是王安石模仿<序卦传>形式所作的另类"新<序卦传>".在<易象论解>中,王安石独辟徯径,发掘<周易>的<大象>传文的内在逻辑联系,按六十四卦的编排顺序,诠释六十四卦卦时相因及相反的关系.不仅从新的角度论证了六十四卦编排顺序的合理性,并且完成了自己政治主张和政治理想的基本表述,在形式和内容上都具有鲜明的时代特色.由此弥补了<序卦传>过于简单的缺陷,丰富了<易传>系统的内容.  相似文献   
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