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Focusing on the thought of Mencius and Xunzi, this essay reconstructs and examines the classical Confucian position on the legitimate use of military force. It begins by sketching historically important political concepts, such as types of political leaders, politics of the kingly way versus politics of the hegemonic way, and the controversial role of lords‐protector. It then moves on to explore Confucian criteria for justifying resort to the use of force, giving special attention to undertaking punitive expeditions to interdict and punish aggression and tyranny. Following this discussion, the essay then attends to important Confucian moral constraints on how military force is properly employed, including prohibitions on attacking the defenseless, indiscriminate slaughter of enemy forces, destruction of civilian infrastructure, prisoner abuse, and non‐consensual annexation of territory. The essay concludes by first discussing an illustrative case from Mencius and then comparing its reconstruction of the Confucian position to those offered by other scholars.  相似文献   
A comprehensive analysis of clustering techniques is presented in this paper through their application to data on meteorological conditions. Six partitional and hierarchical clustering techniques (k-means, k-medoids, SOM k-means, Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering, and Clustering based on Gaussian Mixture Models) with different distance criteria, together with some clustering evaluation measures (Calinski–Harabasz, Davies–Bouldin, Gap and Silhouette criterion clustering evaluation object), present various analyses of the main climatic zones in Spain. Real-life data sets, recorded by AEMET (Spanish Meteorological Agency) at four of its weather stations, are analyzed in order to characterize the actual weather conditions at each location. The clustering techniques process the data on some of the main daily meteorological variables collected at these stations over six years between 2004 and 2010.  相似文献   
王成  裴植 《周易研究》2007,4(3):83-88
《易传》在加强领导者道德素养建设中具有不可或缺的特殊作用:《易传》“仁以行之”的思想有利于培养领导者的仁爱精神,从而更好地关心、爱护群众,全心全意为人民服务;“知临”思想有利于提高领导者的明智品质,从而更好地驾驭语言,勤学广智,利国利民;“卑以自牧”思想有利于造就领导者的谦敬品质,从而谦敬为怀,赢得群众。所以,提高领导者道德素养的方法之一,就是认真学习中国传统文化的经典之作——《易传》。  相似文献   
本文就帛书《周易》部分疑难卦爻辞的训释作了探讨,认为:《剥》六二“辩”读作“蹁(髌)”,膝端也,“辩”及初爻“足”均非床体;《赣》九五“塭”即“堤”之形讹,读作“疷”,“祗”读作“疷”,训“病”,或以“柢”为语词,或写作“柢”,皆误;《屯》六三“鹿”读为“麓”,山足也,不训禽鹿,“几”,词也,“如”,往也,“舍”者舍置也;《归妹》六五“日月既望(望)”,“日”字衍文,“既”,今本、帛书《昭力》均作“几”,“既”读作“几”,几者辞也,或如字作解,或以“近望”实解,均非;《泰》初九“胃”读作“(曹)”,“(曹)”为“(彝)”或体,“(羹)(汇)”为“(曹)”之假借字,“(曹)”者类也;《鼎》九四“屋”读作“屋剭”,“刑剭”者厚刑也,此汉人古义通训,今本作“形渥”,“握”训“渥沾”,疑非;等.  相似文献   
马王堆帛书《缪和》《昭力》中的"子"即是孔子,其中蕴涵着大量孔子易教思想,这些思想可以和其他古籍中所见孔子思想相互印证而又富新意。孔子晚而好《易》,不仅出于个人宗教情感之需要,更主要的是他对易之教化作用的阐扬。挖掘这两篇中的孔子易教思想不仅可以推动帛书《易传》的进一步研究,更可以深化对孔子思想的认识。  相似文献   
西汉易学始于田何,传至孟喜而发生变化.导致这种变化的动因是一部"<易>家候阴阳灾变书".由于此书没有流传下来,因此,其内容具体如何不易断定.但我们可以根据孟喜的学术背景来对此做一番考察.根据史书记载,我们可以知道,孟喜的父亲是当时著名的春秋学家和礼学家,由此可以推断孟喜的思想应该受到其父的影响.正是在这种学术背景下,孟喜才诈造了一部"<易>家候阴阳灾变书",对易学进行了革命.其以<月令>的十二月时令为基本构架,融合了春秋学的阴阳灾异思想,以六十四卦来解说一年节气的变化,提出了一套系统的卦气说.  相似文献   
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