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三易之义是马一浮先生易学思想中的一项重要内容。马先生运用三易之义来解说心性论、功夫论,吸收儒家和佛家在心性论、功夫论方面的成果,使儒家和佛家义理互相阐发而明晰,既展现了他强调通过功夫证悟本体的学术宗旨,又体现了圆融会通的学术特色。马先生以其远见卓识发挥了他作为一个大儒的作用。  相似文献   
无神论是从哲学上否定神的客观实在性,而不以否定宗教的客观功能为使命。以为无神论宣传教育就是充当反宗教政治工具的看法是对无神论作用、定位的夸大和意义理解的窄化。如果能在这样一种认识的延长线上去设置无神论在社会主义核心价值体系中的坐标,我们将重新审视如何建构一条无神论研究与宣传教育的中国路径,同时为在实践中坚持和发展马克思主义宗教观开辟新的契机。  相似文献   
In this article, I present a neo‐Confucian answer, by Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi, to the question, “Why should I be moral?” I argue that this answer is better than some representative answers in the Western philosophical tradition. According to the Chengs, one should be moral because it is a joy to perform moral actions. Sometimes one finds it a pain, instead of a joy, to perform moral actions only because one lacks the necessary genuine moral knowledge—knowledge that is accessible to every common person as long as one makes the effort to learn. One should make the effort to learn such knowledge—to seek joy in performing moral actions—because to be moral is a distinguishing mark of being human. This neo‐Confucian answer seems to be egoistic, as its conception of motivation for morality is based on self‐interest: to seek one's own joy. However, since it emphasizes that one's true self‐interest is to seek joy in things uniquely human, which is to be moral, self‐interest and morality become identical; the more a person seeks one's self‐interest, the more moral the person is, and vice versa.  相似文献   
《程氏易传》是程颐理学的代表作,而其成书以及后来的流传情况,学界一直没有一个清楚的考释,本文专就此问题作一研究。  相似文献   
郭璞不仅精通易学,而且深谙道家道教学说及其方术。在长期的易占实践中,他往往把这二者有机地结合起来,相得益彰,获得极大成功。本文从阐析郭璞易占的具体筮例入手,深入探考了道教与易占之间的特殊关系,庶几有助于人们对魏晋时期易象数学的发展状况有较为全面的了解。  相似文献   
《四库全书》著录《补斋口授易说》一书曰,门人永丰周佐编次,而补斋未详何人。今以方志及史传文集中考得补斋姓丁,名玑,字玉夫,丹徒人。生于天顺元年丁丑,卒于弘治十六年癸亥,成化十四年进士,后历任中书舍人、普安州判、广信通判、兴国知州、南京仪制郎中、广东按察副使等职.门下弟子有周佐、周价、靳贵、唐侃等人。补斋另有著作《洪范正误》、《大学疑义》、《四礼仪注》、《补斋集》等.  相似文献   
We explore different ways in which the human visual system can adapt for perceiving and categorizing the environment. There are various accounts of supervised (categorical) and unsupervised perceptual learning, and different perspectives on the functional relationship between perception and categorization. We suggest that common experimental designs are insufficient to differentiate between hypothesized perceptual learning mechanisms and reveal their possible interplay. We propose a relatively underutilized way of studying potential categorical effects on perception, and we test the predictions of different perceptual learning models using a two-dimensional, interleaved categorization-plus-reconstruction task. We find evidence that the human visual system adapts its encodings to the feature structure of the environment, uses categorical expectations for robust reconstruction, allocates encoding resources with respect to categorization utility, and adapts to prevent miscategorizations.  相似文献   
王莹 《周易研究》2007,(3):17-21
帛书《易之义》通过对《周易》卦象的分析,探讨了键川、阴阳、刚柔、文武的意蕴,凸显了阴阳协调、刚柔相济、中和的思想。作者将这些思想的阐述,导入人生实践,这样便与《中庸》的庸常之道、道家贵柔主张具有相关性。其阴阳调和、刚柔有体而文武兼备的思想倾向,很能说明作者在人生领域的折衷态度和价值取向。  相似文献   
以《易》解《华严经》──李通玄对《华严经》的新诠释   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
《易》和《华严经》分别是儒家和佛教的经典。李通玄以《易》及儒家传统的观点诠释《华严经》,开创了理解华严的新途径。本文从“外道”概念的理解和李氏运用易学思想解释《华严经》中“十方神”入手,分析了他的思想特色,文章最后对这种沟通儒佛之尝试的哲学意义作了发掘。  相似文献   
《遁》卦是《周易》的第三十三卦.长期以来,学术界对该卦意涵的理解见仁见智.本文认为《遁》卦并非是倡导消极隐退,而是反复强调隐遁的两个重要条件:时与志.这种思想对晋代著名道士葛洪产生了深刻影响.葛洪的隐逸思想与《遁》卦存在密切关系,将《周易·遁卦》与葛洪的隐逸思想贯通起来分析,不仅有助于理解《遁》卦内涵,也有助于对道教思想文化发展状态的把握.  相似文献   
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