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牟宗三先生后期易学研究和他早年对<周易>的研究有所不同,他强调了<易传>是孔门义理,并发掘了<周易>的辨证思维模式.乾坤两卦是牟宗三先生后期易学研究的主要内容,通过对这两卦的研究他提出了"乾坤并建"原则.乾坤并建包括创生原则和终成原则,乾元代表了创生原则,儒家的道德形上学全都藏在乾卦;坤元代表了终成原则,包含了儒家的道德修养、道德实践.易简原则也是乾坤并建的重要部分,易简原则就指出了道德修养的方法,确立了道德实践的第一义.超越内在则概括了<周易>的总体特征和儒家的智慧,是儒家道德形上学的集中体现.  相似文献   
胡渭对后人以"五行生成数"和"九宫数"为"河图"、"洛书"的来龙去脉进行了剖析,辨明了五行、九宫与八卦的关系,指出,春秋战国时期的阴阳五行之说,是一套独立的系统,它的五行生成之数说与<周易>中的天地之数说还是相矛盾的,也没和八卦发生任何关系."九宫数"原本与九数图的"河图"(或称"洛书")也毫无关系,也是后人硬把它们扯到一起的.胡渭的考证虽有待进一步的深入,但他认为五行数、九宫数与八卦、古河图原不相涉的说法,还是无可辩驳的.  相似文献   
The author attempts to apply the psychoanalytic concept of “prolonged adolescence” to two literary works, both of which are embedded in England’s postwar social and political climate. The discussion of John Wain’s Hurry on Down ([1953] 1979) and John Osborne’s Look Back in Anger ([1956] 1989), by necessity, involves a look at those factors responsible for shaping the cultural “mood” in those days. However, the author’s primary concern lies with how two particular (fictional) individuals, or antiheroes, deal with the frustration, which, although generally felt among contemporary academia, in their cases seems to hide a much deeper layer of mental insecurity and instability. In fact, we come to feel that the characters have not achieved a proper sense of identity (“self”) and are, from the point of view of maturity, delayed and, hence, “unfitted” to cope adequately with the external world. Having long achieved formal adulthood, they seem to have gotten “stuck” somewhere along the passage of growing up. Essential papers by Sigmund Freud and his daughter Anna, as well as a very early paper on the topic by Siegfried Bernfeld, are, among others, taken into account, as is the profound research done by Peter Blos on the subject in question.  相似文献   
中国哲学史研究中长期运用的主要方法是经典的解读及理论的分析,但这种方法并不是惟一的、完全没有问题或缺陷的,所以,必须引入一些新的方法如思想考古的方法予以补充。所谓思想考古,即是借鉴历史学和人类文化学等学科的田野调查方法,去思想家生活、求学、家居、从业的地方进行详细的实地考察,以感受和体验研究对象的情感、思绪,把思想家的思想还原为在具体情境中的思想,找到其思想学说或行为的外在根据,并进而印证或质疑某些史书中对思想家的言行记载,对某些语焉不详的史料或有争议的问题做出分析与考辨。  相似文献   
Conflict of interest is an issue that has been put in the spotlight by the commercial application of the new biomedical technologies. This paper presents the approach of the Council of Europe and the binding legal instruments to deal with this problem. The main focus is on the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine, and its draft additional Protocol on Biomedical Research. An earlier version of this paper was presented at an International Conference on “Conflict of Interest and its Significance in Science and Medicine” held in Warsaw, Poland on 5–6 April, 2002. The views expressed are personal and do not necessarily reflect any official position of the Council of Europe.  相似文献   
对<系辞>等传中论及人性及其与天道之关系的文字,古今学者的理解各有心得.作者认为,行<系辞>论性语义为一阴一阳的运行变化称之为道,人从天道变化中得到了善,人性使天道赋予人的这种善得到了完成和显现.并且认为,<易传>、<中庸>、<孟子>实际都是认为"性自命出,命从天降"的,都是在人性与天道有一致性的意义上肯定人性善的,故否定<易传>有性善论,以为<易>、<庸>、<孟>的人性说致思路数不同的观点,都是不合实际的.作者又认为,将天道赋予人道正义的意义又返而以支撑人道原则,自<易传>已然,宋儒的天道性命学说与此是一脉相承的,故否定理学与先秦儒学的联系也是不合事实的.作者还认为,中国古代思想家宣扬性善论的主题是弘扬理性,强化人们对人道的自觉与自信,其中凝聚的积极善良的正气,乃是我们民族文化的元神.  相似文献   
韩敬 《周易研究》2001,(3):92-96
作者通过对冯友兰先生《邵雍的“先天学”》的两点补充,认为.邵雍“先天易”图的六十四卦卦序按二进制六位数的大小依次排列而来.此即是宋代道学家所谓的“天地自然之数”。作者由此进一步揭示了先天卦序与阴阳生息的卦气思想之同.在一定程度上的某种暗合与实质上的相互矛盾。  相似文献   
曾振宇 《周易研究》2001,3(2):63-72
"天人关系"是中国哲学的基本问题,这一基本问题在<易传>中表现得比较典型.<易传>之"天"概念蕴涵自然、自然规律、义理、天帝、阳气等数重内涵,逻辑内涵混杂,外延不确定.中国哲学之"天"从未获得"纯粹的哲学形式",天不是一个纯粹哲学概念,只是一个前哲学概念.实际上,气、道、理等中国哲学主干概念具有同样的哲学性质.学术界有必要共同讨论一个问题中国有哲学概念如何可能?  相似文献   
The ontology of death is universal, hence archetypal. Nowhere do we witness any organic creature escape its talons. Analytical psychology has had an intimate relationship to death for the simple fact that it contemplates the soul, the numinous, and an afterlife. From Hegel to Heidegger, Freud and Jung, death was an existential force that sustained and transformed life, the positive significance of the negative. Rather than merely a destructive phenomenon, death informs Being, the power of nothingness that dialectically drives life. In this paper, I will introduce the notion of what I call the omega principle, the psychological orientation and trajectory of our being towards death, which we may say is a universal preoccupation and recapitulation of the collective unconscious that subsumes our personal relation to death, an eternal return of the objective psyche constellated as esse in anima.  相似文献   
Edmund Wall 《Metaphilosophy》2023,54(1):161-163
In a paper in this journal (Wall 2016), the author of the present paper critiqued Scott Forschler's attempt (2013) to establish that Jens Timmermann's argument (2005) against R. M. Hare's attempt (1981) to bridge the Kantian-consequentialist gap is unsuccessful. Forschler's thesis is that Hare's utilitarianism is strictly normative, not metaethical. In Hare's ethical rationalism, which is metaethical but contains no intrinsic ends (Forschler 2013), reason determines the proper ends, and preference satisfaction has no value prior to reason's determinations (Forschler 2013). The present author responded that Hare's moral approach presupposes that preference satisfaction is the ultimate end (Wall 2016) and that an analysis of preference satisfaction in Hare's moral approach cannot be confined to normative ethics. Forschler's rejoinder (2017) suggests that Hare's moral theory was misinterpreted by the author, who now shows that such a judgment results from significant oversights concerning the foundation of Hare's moral theory and utilitarian foundations.  相似文献   
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